Sometimes correlation does mean causation

Students of firearms policy and law may have noticed a trend over the decades.

  • FDR’s — socialist — New Deal, 1933-1936
  • National Firearms Act of 1934
  • Johnson’s Great — socialist — Society, 1964-1965
  • Gun Control Act of 1968
  • Green New Deal, 2019
  • Holy Moley, every possible gun control proposal you can imagine, 2019

To achieve socialism, you must implement gun control. For all its proponents claim , But that wasn’t real socialism, every attempt at it has led to chaos and death. You know. In their hearts, socialists know it; they just think the death and destruction are worth it for control. In the case of the Green New Raw Deal, they think that turning the continental United States into a China-style toxic waste dump to build unreliable “renewable” (meaning the the PVC panels and wind gennies need constant “renewal”) energy, and reverting to an Early Medieval Period tech level, with the commensurate reduction of population, is good.

And they realize that the rest of us disagree, and can only be forced into it at gunpoint… if we don’t have the means to prevent it.

Thus, the new wave of gun control.

Sadly, it’s working, slowly but surely.

[Permission to republish this article is granted so long as it is not edited, and the author and The Zelman Partisans are credited.]

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One thought on “Sometimes correlation does mean causation”

  1. The new agenda for humanity requires that no one will have the capacity to fight back. It has been said: “Our Task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” No other explanation is possible. Welcome to “common sense” gun control.
    History has repeatedly demonstrated that disarming good people in the name of making bad people harmless only eventually facilitates politicians shooting their own countrymen. History…learn from it or be doomed to relive it.

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