Ban All The Guns?

So demands the irrational Here4TheKids.

Guns ARE the problem. Here4TheKids is a national movement with a state focus.

We demand that Colorado Governor Jared Solis sign an executive order to ban guns and buy them back.

An executive order pushes Democrats to finally TAKE REAL ACTION to put an end to this nightmare.

They plan to hold a sit-in — which somehow isn’t a “protest” — in Denver on June 5, 2023. If Solis is psychotic enough to do as they wish, their “nightmare” has just begun.

Their site doesn’t list any contact email; just a couple of form to “volunteer” or register for the sit-in. I guess they don’t want to answer any inconvenient questions. Like…

1. You may not like it, but doesn’t the Second Amendment exist?

2. Didn’t HELLER establish the the right to keep and bear arms preexisted the Second Amendment; that it only protects a right that exists anyway?

3. Didn’t MCDONALD establish that the Second Amendment is incorporated to the states, meaning Colorado and Solis have tto obey it, too?

4. Didn’t BRUEN establish that restrictions on the Second with no general, historical tradition are unconstitutional; and that it protects arms beyond those in existence at the time of ratification?

5. Does this mean that Here4TheKids is advocating for the overthrow — by fiat executive order, no less — of the Second Amendment and the Constitution that established the authority of the Supreme Court? Basically, the overthrow of our Constitutional representative republic. The overthrow of the government?

6. Doesn’t that get into treason territory?

So… another set of victim-disarming lefties who want to do away with the Constitution and courts. As I recently noted:

Baker had better hope that the Courts don’t get disavowed. The little remaining confidence in the courts is the only thing standing between himself, and his doorkickers, and six to twelve million heavily armed, non-compliant SOBs.

A final question for the lunatics at Here4TheKids: Do you really want to declare Hunting Season… on yourselves? Because once we can no longer rely on the Constitution, Courts, or basic sanity on the part of idiots like you, I’m afraid there are some who would be happy to take matters into their own hands, and rid themselves of infringers.

And their cheerleaders. Like you.

We’ll try to talk those excitable folks down, but if you actually manage to field confiscating door-kickers, it won’t be easy.

And we’ll have less incentive to try to control them.


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2 thoughts on “Ban All The Guns?”

  1. Bear, there you go again letting reality and facts impinge on their happy little unicorn inhabited world.

  2. I think that the communists who are controlling things now Damned Well Know that an outright Ban on Guns (even just those evil Black Rifles) is a sure way to get the entire ‘government’ Overthrown, and their Feet tied to a Branch and stuffed into a Woodchipper. “Court Decisions” notwithstanding, there is a Limit as to how much “Ignoring” of the Constitution that can be done before the Backlash starts.

    Groups like this one, and really, all of the ‘astroturfed’ Anti-Gun groups that the communists have set up are just “Useful Idiots” that even those Paying for them know they won’t have any practical effect at “Banning Guns”. It is just more Propaganda, from a regime that has No other recourse than political posturing.

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