Category Archives: self defense

Tikkun Olam? Try preventive maintenance.

In the wake of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, I was horrified to find this blog post from the past summer.

We Deserve Better
How insightful was he, that he really understood an essential truth about the government. Despite continuous calls for sensible gun control and mental health care, our elected leaders in Washington knew that it would fade away in time. Unless there is a dramatic turnaround in the mid-term elections, I fear that that the status quo will remain unchanged, and school shootings will resume. I shouldn’t have to include in my daily morning prayers that God should watch over my wife and daughter, both teachers, and keep them safe. Where are our leaders?

Where are our teachers?

Who is that calling for more victim disarmament? Rabbi Jeffrey Myers… of the Tree of Life Synagogue. Their teacher.

Tikkun olam: “repair of the world”

It sounds nice. In theory, it is; though the concept has been corrupted. But, as a technician with decades of life experience, I can offer an improvement on the concept.

Fixing problems is good. It’s necessary from time to time. But I learned a long time ago that a little basic maintenance prevents the need for a lot of repairs.

Since gun-controlling victim disarmers often resort to a cars:guns analogy, let me preempt that.

In calling for gun control to fix the problem of violent crime, Rabbi Myers does the equivalent of “fixing” the problem of flat tires by encouraging everyone to remove them from their vehicles. True, one won’t have much of a flat-and-I-left-the-jack-in-the-garage problem, but you still aren’t going anywhere.

And you’re left at the mercy of those who didn’t give up their tires. With luck, you’ll only encounter good-spirited types who’ll offer you — stranded at the side of the road — a ride.

Or you might meet with those who’ll extort you for a ride, or worse.

Did Rabbi Myers teach his people to “fix” violence by ridding themselves of the tools to deal with it? Did he point out that evil bastards, who’d happily reenact the Shoah, still exist and aren’t surrendering their weapons?

Let me address something else. Shannon Watts whines that someone will say those people should have been armed.

Yes. I do. A history of armed defenders in places of worship does show they can save lives.

And then there’s this idiot.

Trump kept saying in his chat with reporters that if there was an armed guard inside the synagogue that the “numbers” would have been a lot lower . The fact is if there was no guns at all , there wouldn’t have been a shooter in the first place. Get a grip

Get a grip on reality, Horan. Guns exist. Anti-semitic lunatics exist. For that matter, Knife-wielding lunatics exist, as well bombers.

Armed defenders should have existed.

There would be a lot less grief, rage, pain, and fear to “repair” if someone had done some preventive maintenance.

Maccabees or Basel

Warsaw Uprising or Auschwitz?

Youth With a Mission or Tree of Life Synagogue?

Any rational person should understand the value of preemptive protection — preventive maintenance, but Jews have thousands of years of experience from which they should have learned.

Teach, rabbis.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with truck repairs and recurring bills. And the rabbits need feed. Truck insurance, lest I be forced to sell it. Click here to donate via PayPal.
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Gun Rights as Inoculation

There’s a lot of talk of treating the “gun violence epidemic” as a public health threat.

Fine. Eradicate “gun violence.”

Take polio, for instance. Polio has been eradicated in America, and is virtually extinct in the rest of the world. How did we accomplish that? Vaccination.

Prior to that, there was an epidemic in the US with 58,000 cases in 1952, out of a population of 157.55 million. Compare that to 73,505 shootings in 2013, out of a population of 316.23 million. If math is hard, that’s a 36.8/100K rate for polio, versus 23.2/100K rate for shootings. Polio was worse then than shootings now. Today’s generation may have never seen a polio victim, but I grew up knowing them.

But we beat it. With vaccination.

We can beat “gun violence,” too. With vaccination.

How does a vaccine work? With polio, that being my example, a person is given an inactivated or weakened polio virus that will not cause the disease. The body uses that to build up a resistance to the actual disease. The body uses what it was given to recognize and repel the aggressive disease. If a live polio virus shows its ugly little face, the body uses its own polio resistance template to kill it.

This works for several diseases. Diseases which were once common, but now rare in the US. It works so well at protecting the public from epidemics that vaccination is mandatory in most of America. Little children have to show proof that their bodies have learned to fight diseases before they can attend school.

I’ve been inoculated against the “gun violence epidemic.” I have a variety of defensive firearms with which I’ve learned to counter aggressive violence. As a result, I’ve effectively resisted criminal violence; I’ve been through three mugging attempts, none of which succeeded.

Vaccinations are mandated. You typically need a medical exemption to not get them, because they protect the general public from epidemics. Often, you can get vaccinations at reduced prices, or even free. Because it protects everyone.

If only inoculation against the “gun violence epidemic” were so simple. In most of the country, you need to get special permission from the government to get vaccinated with a concealed carry license. In some areas, state and local governments have outlawed such vaccination for all practical purposes; you can ask, and they can — and do — say, “No.” It took multiple lawsuits to get Chicago and the District of Columbia to stop a regulatory process intended to keep people vulnerable to the “epidemic” of violence.

Imagine a doctor telling his patients, “There’s too much polio, measles, mumps, and rubella out there. Do not get vaccinated.” But they will grill patients on defensive firearms possession, and recommend they get rid of their “vaccinations” or render them useless.

If you seriously want the government to end the “gun violence epidemic” (personally, I prefer an individual approach), health departments should be offering free or reduced cost firearms and ammunition to honest people, and holding free training sessions every weekend.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with truck repairs and recurring bills. And the rabbits need feed. Truck insurance, lest I be forced to sell it. Click here to donate via PayPal.
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Law and Order: War on Western Society Part III

On my 91st day of employment with Lockheed Missiles and Space, Sunnyvale, California, I became a member of Local 508, Machinist and Aerospace Workers’ Union, an AFL-CIO affiliate. How odd considering I hadn’t joined and, I’m not even a Democrat. When asked about this, my manager said union membership was a condition of employment. What? Who hired me, Lockheed or the Union? He answered; “Lockheed,” but “the contract negotiated between the company and union stipulates all non-managerial employees automatically become union members after 90 days. Dues are also deducted automatically from your paycheck.” But, I’m the one who found, pursued, and won this job with no help from anyone else, thank you, I protested. “If you quit the union, you’ll be fired” was his response. Well, if there’s no choice in the matter, why not attend the meetings? What an eye opener.

It could have been a B-grade movie; Clash of the Hillbillie Pig Roast Meets Angry Biker Bar. Venomous “Us versus them” class-warfare invective laced with hatred of management, the college educated, and rich people, were hurled back and forth like darts, each adding his own poison to the tips. So asinine and uneducated were the inflamed assertions and chanted slogans, they placed validity for each member’s high school diploma in jeopardy. It was eerily reminiscent of the simpleminded claptrap spouted by ignorant, backward, and gullible unionized Appalachian hillbillies, an area where once I had the misfortune to live. Superstitious and highly combustible with conspiratorial rumors,1 they fought to keep wages up with threats of strikes even during President Carter’s wretched economy. They drove one business after another from the region ensuring it remained trapped in a quicksand-like poverty of their own making. At least Local 508 members could read, they had a newsletter.

It was a masterpiece organ of radical rage-filled propaganda; 100% pure liberal Democrat Party politics demonizing free markets and every Republican ever born. It wouldn’t have shocked me to find Vladimir Lenin, raised from the grave, passing out Hammer and Sickle armbands at meetings. My union brothers would’ve made Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini proud. Italy’s flamboyant dictator, fave among American intellectuals, adopted Georges Sorel’s Syndicalism which held revolutionaries could only achieve power through organizing and radicalizing trade-unions. Thereafter, “society could be divided by professional sectors of the economy” organized into guilds or unions.2 On 7 August, 2018, Missourians, walking in the steps of Mussolini’s Fascists, took a giant step back from freedom toward that goal voting no on Prop A.

The very idea one’s neighbors could vote in the first place on conditions of employment, including union membership, using instrumentalities of government to force their will on others, is obnoxious to the very notion of liberty. Forced unionism is unconstitutional and as anti-freedom as it is anti-American. Above market union wages are sustained only by restricting other’s access to employment. It means limiting, not expanding jobs thus crushing the state economy. Clinging to a bankrupt and an anachronistic 1930s socialist economic model ensures Missouri will remain mired in longsuffering stagnant economic growth. It translates into thousands of lost jobs, a flat-line tax base, and few opportunities beyond the agricultural sector as companies, deciding it makes economic sense to avoid forced union states, go elsewhere. Seeking job opportunities, Missouri’s young will have to leave as well. To survive, businesses that remain will replace union workers with robots and illegal aliens. Way to go guys. Is it possible those voting “no” on Prop-A are so self-centered or such dolts they don’t realize union dues provide the major source of funding for the Democrat Party? The same party that elects politicians determined to abolish the 2nd Amendment and outlaw the firearms you possess? I understand autoworker and bulldozer Bolsheviks may be too selfish to consider the rights of fellow Missourians and pesky ideas like freedom, but what happened to the rest of you? If you voted “no” on Prop A, don’t dare tell me you also support the 2nd Amendment because the latter is a Constitutional right. No sir. You’re either ignorant or a hypocrite no different than Gun-Confiscationist liberals supporting only those parts of the Constitution furthering their agenda. How dare you claim support for liberty when you’re so willing to deny it to others. If you voted for forced unionism, don’t ask me to work with you on any cause from this day forward. You’ve disgraced yourselves and you’ve disgraced your state. Well, well, I see minimum wage (socialism) and medical marijuana (first step toward total legalization, like Potorado) are on the November ballot. Gee, I wonder how people will vote. At my age I’ve learned looking the other way with respect to even the smallest injury to liberty and compromising with fools only begets less liberty and more fools. Thank God we can still vote with our feet.

If not already busy with a coalition to Save Our Dime, by removing Constitution-hating FDR’s visage off its face, as well as the Committee to Re-Name Washington, D.C., because, after all, George shouldn’t be saddled with connection to that stinking crime scene on a hill, yet a new cause beckons.

With labor union and Democrat stronghold Baltimore at is epicenter, Maryland is unlikely to ever glow red instead of blue. Ironically, Ronald Reagan won my home state (Go TERPS!) in 1980 and again in 1984 with 52.51 to Mondale’s 47.02 percent of the vote. Although Reagan carried 22 of 23 counties (Prince Georges the lone reprobate), the election was still close.3 This demonstrates a perversion of representative democracy in which populous urban centers inhabiting tiny areas, dictate law and policy to geographically vastly larger surrounding suburban and rural areas possessing significantly different cultural, religious, social, and political values. America’s founding fathers would be appalled. They didn’t fight a long bloody war in order to reestablish a form of tyranny just overthrown. Regrettably the Reagan Revolution was followed by the equivalent of worn brakes; unable to stop and disinclined to slow government’s inexorable massive growth and leftward trajectory, known as the Bushes. Once residual Reaganites were rounded up and banished to the hinterlands, conservative ramparts were scaled and breached crumbling under enormous pressure from hordes of Liberal Northeastern Carpetbaggers swarming to the Old Line State swelling government in Washington, D.C. to corpulent Jabba the Hut size. The effect was that of parasites feeding on a helpless host imparting a fatal infection. We never had a chance. With stocks of conservative anti-biotic exhausted, parasites flung aside their drained and emaciated host oozing across the border into Virginia. Soon it too was stricken with the dread liberal infection brought by Carpetbaggers who understand they have but to outnumber natives by one vote in any district to win elections. Once in power, their policies soon led to a huge influx of illegal aliens who know for which party to vote, wink wink. And so the fever raged destroying a former bastion of liberty home to greats like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Robert E. Lee. Now the Carpetbaggers are on the move again heading further south into North Carolina. Callers to a recent radio program from Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina shared tales of woe wrought by what Liberal Carpetbaggers had done to their once fair and free states. Callers from Illinois and New York chimed in explaining most of their state’s counties were fairly conservative but, due to swollen population centers, Chicago, New York, and the liberal pustules inhabiting them, they live under a boot of tyranny holding in contempt their cultural, social, and religious values. Hence I’ve been asked to support LCBICA, the Liberal Carpet Bagger Immigration Control Act. For what’s left of free America to survive, people must unite, drive liberal Carpetbaggers from their states, and take power back from workshop socialist unions. It’s a matter of life and death. Watch your borders. Be vigilant. Watch your borders.

For the Left, everything is political. Nothing exists outside their ideology. Any cause they support, from abortion to minimum wage, is done to further the Great Project; bringing all aspects of human activity, social, economic, religious, and political under state control. And they are the state. For this to work, American government must be transformed from a federal into a national system. Check that one off the list. They must overturn the Constitution subordinating all local and state political activities to “federal4 control. In order to trick Americans into accepting their vision for a Brave New World, Leftists teach false narratives to America’s youth filling their heads with lies about the nation’s founding principles, and censoring out anything undermining this indoctrination. Good guys become boogeymen and boogeymen become the good guys. The same holds true with the Left’s war on the police. It’s nothing personal, it’s an agenda.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is one of the radical Left’s hammers against Western values. Created by Marxist Lesbians, BLM propagates the false narrative white America, acting through armed surrogates, the police, is waging a war of genocide against black America. They preach, and their stooges in the white liberal media repeat, the preposterous assertion the moment a black man steps from his residence, he must run for his life because he’s hunted by gun-slinging mad-dog white men driving pickup trucks adorned with Trump stickers and Confederate Battle Flags. Spitting tobacco juice and swilling Bud-Lite, these unshaven rednecks in BBQ stained ‘Wife-Beaters’ scour the highways and byways looking for black men to drag through the streets, chained to the back of their trucks or to shoot down as target practice. And dadgummit, if one should slip through their fingers, thank God for America’s racist white cops,5 they’ll get them, by Jiminy. This delusional fantasy is separated from reality as far as possible. For those accusing me of being hyperbolic, have you spent time on websites for groups like BLM, Pantifa, the New Black Panthers, and others? Were you ever a cop? Did you ever live in Baltimore or Philadelphia’s inner cities as I did? If so, you’d know who has to be scared stepping through their front door. Hint; it’s not who BLM says it is. Why is it so important for liberal teachers to fill the minds of young kids with guilt over being white? If they can be made to feel responsible for all that has gone wrong in minority communities, how much more amenable will they be to the radical socialist agenda when of age to vote? The ludicrous claim Trump’s, “Make America Great,” slogan is secret code promising followers a return to slavery6 has already had its intended effect among Millennials.

Liberals promised Barrack Obama’s election would bridge and transcend racial divides thus bringing about racial healing. Would that it were true. Born in Hawaii and growing up there and in Indonesia, Obama as president attempted to appropriate the American “Black experience,” which he was never part of, allowing him to cast critics of his socialist agenda as racists. His administration became “the most anti-law enforcement administration in memory.” From Milwaukee to Baltimore, crime sky-rocketed and “Homicides in the country’s 50 largest cities rose nearly 17 percent in 2015, the greatest surge in fatal violence in a quarter of a century” reversing a “two-decade long decline.”7 In addition, murders of police officers, by ambush and direct assault, spiked dramatically under Obama. “Root-cause liberals” who never shy from blaming everyone but themselves for failed government policies, naturally singled out poverty, unemployment, and racism, especially police oppression, to explain horrifying crime rates in America’s inner cities.8 And how did they explain the fearful spike in murder of police officers? Many on the left claim cops have it coming. When minorities kill cops, its self-defense, justifiable homicide.9 This attitude; cops deserve to be killed because they’re the bad guys who gun-down blacks in cold blood, continued unabated even after the facts about the execution style murder of two New York police officers became widely disseminated in the news and on social media.10 Liberal’s method to address root-cause solutions to crime, throwing billions of other people’s dollars at poverty and unemployment, failed. Inner-city crime remains epidemic.11 They failed because they’re based on false premises refusing to address the fact 94 percent of blacks are killed by other blacks not whites or cops.12

Substantial political dividends accrue to liberals capable of enforcing Party (Democrat) discipline engendered through fear-mongering and lies. For leftists, including college professors and young Marxist revolutionaries, racial division stoked to red-hot hatred and violence is the vanguard of the long hoped for ignition of revolution in America. BLM and their white supporters claim incarceration of blacks represents a plot to put them in concentration camps. Through drug laws, whites are “re-enslaving black Americans.” Liberals especially target “discretionary policing” meaning stopping and checking out “suspicious looking people” (if you’re a cop, you know one when you see one), before they can commit crimes. New York City’s “stop and frisk” program drastically reduced crime under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. But liberal court challenges and protests against “profiling,” forced cops to back off. Now crime is out of control again and “a blood bath ensued and its victims were virtually all black.” When police back off, its “black people themselves who pay the greatest price.”13 In addition if anyone tells the truth, the liberal media, Hollywood, and Leftist Pop-Culture, spring into action destroying critics with accusations of racism, the kiss of death these days. The media hounding Trump’s every step, never took Obama to task for his words and connection to subsequent racial violence in America.

Today white leftists push blacks to react with aggressive hostility and combativeness, including resisting arrest, when stopped by police. This makes the job much more dangerous for cops and increases the likelihood low-risk encounters explode into major scuffles. The type that lead to use of deadly force. But the left doesn’t care about the blacks it pushes to physically resist cops. They serve as props in the narrative white cops are waging war against blacks with revolution the only solution. Kind of reminds me of the 1960s. Fear and distrust have been promoted so heavily by the Left, it has spawned feelings of anger and resistance in black communities who now see all encounters with police as resulting from racism by whites attempting to control and suppress them. Anger against whites has birthed the “knock-out” game in which a black youth walks up to an unsuspecting white person punching him or her as hard as possible in the head trying to knock them out with one blow. Witnessed by many and broadcast throughout social media, nevertheless the white liberal media refuses to report on it because to do so would undermine the false narrative of a white war on blacks.14

For those arguing; but look at all the whites marching with BLM, keep in mind BLM views white liberals as individuals who have internalized and are blind to their racism. Conservatives, on the other hand, are openly and shamelessly racist. For blacks who believe all problems within their community are the result and fault of the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, “good and bad” whites are simply opposite sides of the same racist coin. The good ones are to be used and discarded.15 As for crimes committed by blacks, including O.J. Simpson, knock-out games, and violence in Kansas City’s Plaza,16 these are seen as collective acts of self-defense against an oppressive white society holding all the reins of power.17

In response to the Grand Jury’s decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the Ferguson, Missouri shooting of Michael Brown, President Obama said he understood the disappointment and anger in the black community. He made no mention of the rule of law or that a grand jury investigation ruled Wilson’s shooting was justifiable self-defense. Riots, looting, and assaults followed.18 Obama essentially declared the facts and forensic evidence didn’t matter. The white man was always guilty, no matter what, a view Obama had come to internalize as a youth.19 For example, Obama blamed Michael Brown’s shooting and riots on “lack of diversity” within the Ferguson Police Department, not the actions of Brown and those burning and looting.20 At the time, Obama’s remarks seemed foolish and naïve. They weren’t. They express the same view as BLM; white people are born inherently racist and are the cause of all problems in all minority communities, thereby exculpating any crime committed by any black person no matter the circumstances. Without accepting that this is the point of view held by many in the debate on race and crime, it’s impossible to understand what is really driving the Left’s agenda.

11 It was a small town which I un-affectionately called “Dogpatch,” when, in 1972, while still in high school, I wrote an editorial in support of President Nixon’s reelection which was carried in a local newspaper. This sparked a meeting of outrage among town leaders as, they were almost all union Democrats. They concluded, no one my age could write such an editorial without help from dad. My parents had no idea I had written and submitted the letter. I concluded their level of astonishment was proportionate to their level of literacy. In 1974, my dad bought an Opel station wagon which was considered scandalous and led to meetings by the town’s movers and shakers. After all, the car was made in Germany. Had he bought a car made in Japan, the Witness Protection Program would have been the only option. Hatred of Asians was and is alive and well in parts of America.

22 Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, from Mussolini to the Politics of Change (New York, N.Y., Broadway Books, 2009), 36-37 (Paperback version).

44 At this point, Feral” government seems more apropos.

55 In the BLM’s disturbed psyche, it you’re black and a cop, you’re still a white racist cop.

66 Ralph Nader, “What Does Trump Mean By ‘Make America Great Again?” Huffington Post, December 15, 1017, at

77 Heather McDonald, The War On Cops (New York, N.Y., Encounter Books, 2016), 1.

88 IBID. 1.

99 Jessica Chasmar, “Brooklyn Onlookers Cheered N.Y. Cop Killings at Murder Scene: They deserved it.” The Washington Times, Monday, 22 December, 2014, at

1010 Dave Urbanski, December 20, 2014, “NYPD Gets What They Deserve: Here’s How Some Celebrated the Shooting Deaths of Two Ambushed New York City Police Officers,” The Blaze, at,nypd-gets-what-they-deserve-heres-how-some-celebrated-the-shooting-deaths-of-two-ambushed-new-york-city-police-officers/.

1111 McDonald, 1-2.

1212 Taleeb Starkes, Black Lies Matter: Why Lies Matter to the Race Grievance Industry (North Charleston, South Carolina, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016), 40-41.

1313 McDonald, 3.

1414 Starkes, 41-42.

1515 IBID. 42.

1616 Colin Flaherty, White Girl Bleed A Lot (Washington, D.C., WND Books, 2013), 164-166.

1717 Starkes, 45-46.

1818 McDonald, 3.

1919 Dinesh D’Souza, The Roots of Obama’s Rage (Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2010), 57-126.

2020 McDonald, 7-9.


War on Law and Order: Western Society under Siege Part II


BLM: Black Lives Matter NBP: New Black Panthers

RGI: Racial Grievance Industry SPLC: Southern Poverty Law Center

Before a drop of water fell from the skies, two outcomes were predictable with respect to recent hurricanes (Texas and Puerto Rico); looters would issue forth from the muck they inhabit and Leftists would grandstand commonplace weather events claiming manmade global warming as their cause. Now racism has been added to the mix. White journalist and author Sarah Jaffe declared on social media the Miami Police Department’s warning against looting demonstrates that; “The carceral (sic) [Spanish for jail or prison] state…is inseparable from white supremacy.”2 Aren’t assumptions by liberals that looters are black racist? In any criminal investigation police ask who had a motive, how would they profit? Ever wonder why shrill proponents of man-made global warming typically are socialists and enemies of the 2nd Amendment? Don’t see the connection? You should, they’re pounding this stuff into your kid’s heads at school. How would Leftists profit from American’s acceptance of manmade global warming? They say big problems require big government solutions but it’s really about surrendering individual liberty to the State and that mean’s them. Doesn’t anyone read anymore?3 The predictability of post-disaster looting these days is a sad commentary on societal degradation…like school shootings. After any major disaster, natural or manmade, can police protect people or are they on their own?4 Well, how are they doing now in the face of increasingly organized violence and riots? The Liberal Media, called “steno-pool typists for the Democrat Party” by radio talk show host Chris Plante, push narratives of police brutality against blacks causing inner-city “unrest” but are these narratives valid? In part one I began addressing whether or not it’s true the police, as charged, target black males for oppression and murder on behalf of the white race. This claim, dropped like napalm over inner-cities by the Left, ensures any encounter between police and blacks has the potential to explode into general violence and chaos.

Many in the Black community blame problems between races on the refusal of whites to even talk about race relations. Obama’s former Attorney General and international gun-runner Eric Holder (known in some circles as “Carlos the Jackass”) said America was a “nation of cowards” when it came to discussing race relations. Whites won’t discuss it. In addition, he claimed animus directed toward him and Obama was based on white racism.5 As a teacher, under a cloud of suspicion for being a, (cover your children’s ears) conservative, I was asked my opinion of Obama by students and colleagues. According to Holder, honesty and openness is the best way to promote race relations. Had I explained Obama, raised a communist, was waging a war against the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, was deconstructing America’s Judeo-Christian foundations, hated the traditional family, and was dismantling economic policies that made America wealthy, wouldn’t my honesty have been a step toward “openness”? No, instead I’d have been branded a racist.6 For Holder and Leftists, the only acceptable starting point for discussions of race, crime, and the police is their perspective otherwise you’re automatically deemed a racist. Recall Obama’s claim lethal interactions between the police and black males stemmed from racism on the part of white officers? Was he right? Are police really the gravest threat to black males in America?

Consider the work of liberal University of Chicago and Yale professors Steven Levitt and John Donahue, respectively, whose national best seller, Freakonomics claims aborting black babies reduces crime. They argue unwanted and children born to single moms are typically black and more likely to grow up to become criminals. They conclude the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, (Roe v. Wade) is responsible for reducing crime in the 1990s because aborted black babies weren’t around to turn 18 in 1991 and commit crimes.7 M.I.T. professor Jonathan Grueber, Liberal mover and shaver behind Obama’s socialized national healthcare, reached the same conclusion.8 Levitt, Donahue, Grueber, and others within the population control movement, Leftists all, argue America can save itself a lot of trouble and money by ensuring black babies are never born. Liberals are the ones fanatically pushing abortion which typically takes the life of unborn black babies at a rate four times that of white babies. Nine hundred black babies are aborted every day in the U.S which comes out to 328,500 per year. Considering black women make up around 7% of the U.S. population, and have 35.6% of all abortions,9 one has to wonder why its angry bitter middle-aged liberal white women pushing abortion so hysterically. The ghosts of Sudan and Rwanda cry out. And then there is the inner-city homicide rate. By 26 July 2017, Baltimore, my old stomping ground,10 had reached 200 homicides11 with 27 in a 30 day period between 11 August and 11 September, 2017.12 They weren’t shot, stabbed, or bludgeoned to death by the police. So who then is waging war against blacks? BLM insists its cops acting as executioners on behalf of the white race.

According to Black journalist and author Taleeb Starkes, perhaps as detrimental to race relations as white indifference, if not worse, is the “Racial Grievance Industry.” This “industry,” consisting of BLM, NBP, SPLC, certain black politicians, and white dominated Left-wing organizations blame everything from black on black violence, poor education, and unemployment on white racism. Starkes asks; how can this can be true considering municipal governments, schools, police, and social programs in Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and other cities have been controlled not by whites but by black Democrats for decades? But BLM-RGI dismiss this fact claiming all problems afflicting the black community are the legacy and consequence of white racism. Starkes calls this the “Theory of Exploitivity”; any conflict between races is, always was, and always will be the result of white racism. Leftist mouthpieces for BLM-RGI; white college professors and the liberal media, assert “Racism is the end-all-be-all explanation” for problems in the black community therefore “no fact finding mission is necessary.” Any effort, study, and or investigation of problems within the black community whose starting point does not begin with the presumption of white racism as the root cause, is racist. End of discussion.13 For example, economist Thomas Sowell is black but his observation of a correlation between fatherless homes and Baltimore rioters and looters is considered racist if uttered by a white person14 and treasonous heresy if uttered by members of the black community.15 This echoes my experiences with liberals coast to coast; the only reason anyone could disagree with them is because they’re narrow-minded, racist, a Nazi, and stupid. Before dialogue on race relations is possible, promoters of the “Theory of Exploitivity” demand whites accept that they are inherently racist from birth and the cause of all problems between the races, then we’ll talk.16 In tandem with the RGI, white Liberals promote the notion simply being born a minority, race, sex, culture, or religion automatically renders one a victim of discrimination and racism by the dominant group, white males. Critical analysis of this presumption is taboo especially on college campuses where students enjoy an environment supportive of the free exchange of ideas.17 When debate on racial issues must begin with a stipulation of white guilt as the singular cause for all problems, is it any wonder BLM shrieks with outrage when others say; “all lives matter?”

Today, suburban middle class whites are told their comfortable gold-plated golf and tennis country-club lives are the result of slavery, exploitation, and colonial oppression of black and brown peoples. Indoctrination begins in grade school where little white children are taught they’re members of a privileged class who ensure their status atop the social and political hierarchy by denying participation in the good-life to all but members of their own race. This explains why whites want to build the “wall.” Playing on guilt instilled through brainwashing, this Marxist world-view is heavily promoted by Hollywood, by comedians, professional athletes, pop-singers, and reinforced by the Liberal Media and their handmaidens, Leftwing public school teachers. It takes little effort by college professors to administer the coup-de-grace teaching because white prosperity is built on racist exploitation, blacks are justified in rioting and looting. They are simply re-appropriating what was stolen from them in the first place. In addition, they teach, because whites control all institutions of political power, any problem in non-white communities must be the fault of whites.18 Your tax dollars at work.

Do not mistake BLM for a traditional civil rights organization. They’re not. They clash often with the old guard of the civil rights movement rejecting the non-violence of Dr. Martin Luther King in favor of belligerent confrontation and mob violence. Yusra Khogali, co-founder of the Toronto, Canada, BLM chapter declared the movement rejects the goals and tactics of the “old-guard” who led the civil rights movement in the 1960s. They reject equality, integration, and assimilation into mainstream American culture and life. Instead, they want revenge obtained through violence. Even Left-wing black “leaders” from Al Sharpton to Oprah Winfrey are denounced for not embracing violent revolution and vengeance against the white race.19 As for young (big surprise) whites seen marching with BLM, regardless of how much they sacrifice to the cause, they’re still considered racists by BLM and similar organizations. Being Caucasian means sharing collective guilt for any act of racism ever committed by any white person who ever lived, at any time in history. Therefore Caucasians are irredeemably racist.

Read BLM’s words for yourselves: “We are working to (re)build the Black Liberation movement.”20 Liberation from what? During the 1960s, the “Black Power” movement and members of various “Black Liberation” organizations, led by Max Stanford, Stokely Carmichael, Jim Forman, Malcolm X, H. Rap Brown, Willie Ricks, Eldridge Cleaver, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, and others broke away from Martin Luther King calling for violent confrontation and revolution against white power structures and rejected King’s notions of “universal brotherhood.” Living in Northwest Philly at the time, how could I forget their pernicious influence? Like BLM, they were black segregationists demanding nothing short of war, violence, revenge, and ultimate separation from the white race.21 In their minds because all aspects of American life; family, education, culture, law enforcement, and government comprise institutionalized racism, revolution and separation is the only answer to liberate and free the black race. The success, direction, and fate of black people must be wrested from the control of white hands.22 The goals of the Black Liberation movement, embraced by BLM and allies, are exclusive. Whites making common cause will be accepted, used, and discarded. No place exists for the white man in their brave new world.

BLM makes no bones about being at war with the white race. They declare their movement is an “ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically targeted for demise.”23 Remarkably they are in a sense, correct. Black males are being targeted for extermination but, by other black males not the police or members of the white race! They claim Trayvon Martin’s “murder” (sic) by George Zimmerman was the catalyst for creation of BLM. Martin’s case was an example of police and white vigilantes on patrol looking for blacks to “murder.” BLM also attacks “black nationalism” and campaigns to “buy black” because it ignores “our sisters, queer and trans” blacks. They affirm “the lives of black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, black-undocumented folks” black felons and convicts, and blacks all “along the gender spectrum.”24 Their worldview, seen through a Marxist-Lesbian lens, claim poverty in the black community is the consequence of genocide executed through a government controlled by whites. Blacks are in prison not because they’ve committed violent crimes you see, but are innocent victims rounded up by the state for internment in concentration camps. They assert “Black queer and trans folk bear a unique burden from a hetero-patriarchal society that disposes of us like garbage and simultaneously fetishizes us and profits off of us, and this is state violence.” Does this sound like people organized simply to ensure fair treatment from the police or does a much larger agenda emerge? Their societal model is a female-led communal village, rejection of the traditional Western family (pre-1980s..ish), and their slogan is “justice, liberation, and peace” identical to the slogan of Soviet inspired Communist guerrilla movements of Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America in the last century. They promise to dismantle “cis-gender privilege” and free black society from the grip of heterosexuality.25 This is about Trayvon Martin?

Its clear reading BLM, NBP, and SPLC propaganda these movements aren’t about improving race relations or diffusing mistrust between blacks and the police. It’s about revolution. Communist revolution, baby. They want conflict, they want confrontation, and they want violent upheaval. Alleged white racism and police brutality are boogeyman myths effective in harnessing support in the black community, forming alliances with radical communist groups like Pantifa,26 guilt ridden whites, and neutering opposition by menacing them with being damned a racist. Bitter fruit has already been harvested in the ambush and assassination of police officers by suspects high on BLM propaganda and hatred. But what of all the stories about cops shooting unarmed innocent blacks? Stay tuned.

11 To streamline the discussion and avoid ponderous repetition, please refer to these abbreviations.

22 Fox News, “Prestigious author compares arrests of looters to ‘white supremacy,’ 2017/09/11, at Jaffe is a Nation Institute [“think” tank sponsored by the far Leftist magazine The Nation] fellow, and writes on labor, “economic justice,” social movements, “gender” and other causes on the far Left. She writes for The Nation. The correct spelling is carcel.

33 For scoffers, doubters, and the “Well you know Larry,” types, have you read: Environmental Overkill by Dixy Lee Ray and Lou Guzzo, Trashing the Planet by the same authors, The Satanic Gases by Patrick J. Michaels and Robert C. Balling, Jr., The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science by Tom Bethell, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism by Christopher C. Horner? If not, get them, read them, free yourself from the lazy man’s brainwashing; pop culture. My acquaintance wouldn’t listen to me. After all, everyone says…

44 Hurricane Katrina and George Bush’s role in causing it came up during a SocialIST studies department in-service at Lee’s Summit High School. A liberal colleague from another but “attached” to the SocialIST studies department, who I knew well, admonished me not to use the term “looter” because it was de facto racist. How so, I asked. He said it conjured images of black people looting. I responded, “You’re the one associating race with looting. I never mentioned race.” For the Left, truth does not matter.

66 I replied that Obama seemed like an intelligent, passionate, honest, and very likeable guy. I made no references to his politics nor did I ever criticize him. Ever. Massive prohibition on free speech for conservatives in public education forbade otherwise.

77 “Did Steven Levitt, author of Freakonomics Get His Notorious Paper Wrong?” At

88 Mona Charen, “Abortion-Distortion-and-Crime,” National Review (January 2, 2015) at

99 Abortion and Race at Most of those abortions occur among teen and pre-teen cohorts in the black community so it’s much worse; roughly 2% of black Americans having over 35% of all abortions.

1010 I attended Margaret Brent School #53, 100 East 26th Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21218.

1111 Carrie Wells, “Baltimore Reaches 200 Homicide Mark for 2017,” The Baltimore Sun, at

1212 “Baltimore Homicides: 27 homicides in the last 30 days,” Baltimore Sun, at The number had reached 242 by 5 September, 2017.

1313 Taleeb Starkes, Black Lies Matter: Why Lies Matter to the Racial Grievance Industry (Lexington, Kentucky, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016), 1-3.

1414 As part of the campaign to force me into retirement, because I “liked” a FB YouTube video of Professor Thomas Sowell making this statement, I was written up and accused of being racist. I was told my “like” was totally inappropriate and, because students could see it, I was in violation of a rather broad and vague (Union’s opinion) district policy. I had been on FB all of 3 weeks and was totally unfamiliar with how it worked. At issue was not the validity of Sowell’s observation. To paraphrase Tina Turner, With Liberals, what’s truth got to do with it, got to do with it? As an aside, the very white administrator who wrote me up never lived in Baltimore or Philadelphia’s inner city. I did…

1515 Thomas Sowell, “The Inconvenient Truth About Ghetto Communities’ Social Breakdown,” National Review, at, May 15, 2015.

1616 Starkes, 3.

1717 Ann Coulter, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” And Their Assault On America (New York, N.Y., Crown Forum, a Division of Random House, 2008), 1-2, 8-9, 13.

1818 Perry Chiaramonte, “Black Lives’ leader defends looting in Yale lecture, 8 October, 2015, FOX NEWS, at; See also: Dan McLaughlin, “The Ferguson Riots Are Nothing Like The Original Tea Party Protests,” The Federalist, at And: Jamaal Abdul-Alim, “Sociology Professor: Milwaukee Riots Not a Surprise,” Diverse Issues In Higher Education, at

1919 Starkes, 30-34.

2121 Daniel J. Boorstin and Brooks Mather Kelley, A History of the United States since 1861 (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1990), 437-439. I grew up in the inner cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia during the 1960s and witnessed the Black Power movement and its consequences first hand.

2222 David Horowitz, Hating Whitey And Other Progressive Causes (Dallas, Texas, Spence Publishing Company, 1999), 82-83.

2323 Black Lives Matter web page.

2424 IBID. Its “sex,” not “gender” and there are only two; male and female. How far has mankind fallen that it is necessary to have to explain this?

2525 IBID.

CIS-Gender refers to people who insist in identifying their sex with their anatomy. For example, a girl looks down, see’s “girl parts,” and concludes she’s a, well, girl…imagine that. Even in my former high school, kids were being pressured in using these terms, crafted by homosexuals, lesbians, and transvestites, to remove deserved stigma and opprobrium and transfer it instead to heterosexuals, God’s design for mankind. Black Liberation refers to armed struggle and revolution promoted by the former Black Panthers. They issued a call for black people to take up arms against white people to win liberation.

2626 Antifa is the self-styled name of a radial collection of anarchists and communists, which began in Europe, opposing fascism by being fascists themselves. They are dedicated to overthrowing all vestiges of Judeo-Christian based Western Society and its philosophy of freedom. Violent and extreme, they wear panties over their faces to hide their identities hence the name Pantifa.

Thanks to my brother Mike for suggesting this topic, providing sources, and help for this article. We are both survivors of Baltimore’s inner-city as well as Philadelphia.



I’ve been thinking about this the past few days. Last week I changed the battery in my pickup, went to a home improvement store and bought some things to make a Sukkah for Sukkot. I brought my supplies home, unloaded and set about building the sukkah with my handy pink drill, and a few other supplies. My greenery was already to go on the roof since I had cut down a evergreen tree and then cut off the branches. As I was doing all this, I was thanking G-d for having blessed me with the Dad he did. Dad never really treated me like “girls don’t do chainsaws, girls don’t work on cars, girls don’t _____” If I wanted to learn, Dad taught me. He also taught me the stuff he thought everyone should know how to do like change a tire. My parents took responsibility for me as a child, they raised me and trained me as best they could. When I became an adult, the responsibility for my behavior and choices fell on me.

When I decided I wanted to keep a gun in the house, Dad and I had a long talk about it. A very long talk about it, the responsibility it entailed and an idea of what would happen to my life if I ever had to kill an intruder. And then he loaned me one until he found what he felt would be a good one for me.

I ran across a couple of stories the other day that made me think about my folks in that capacity. One was about a older sister that had been out with her little brother practicing elk calls. I guess they must have sounded pretty good because on the way home the 16 year old girl saw a cougar about 3 yards from her 6 year old little brother. She told the brother to run to her and she shot the cougar behind the ear with an arrow. The cougar ran off and the kids made it home. The family dog and Dad went out with an AR-15, the ones with no defensive purpose, and killed the cougar. Apparently the parents believe in actually raising children and teaching them useful things, as opposed to say, just having children.

Another was of a 12 year old boy who used a Ruger .44 magnum lever-action rifle to protect his Mom from yet another domestic violence assault. There had been 5 previous calls to the residence for domestic violence none of which had ever resulted in charge. The say the 12 year old will most likely not be charged for defending his Mom. I’m thinking 5 calls? FIVE calls and no charges? Really?

This actually does happen in the real world, children using weapons to defend themselves or their families from nature’s miscreants, both two and four legged.

John Lott has a list of stories of such incidents.

And then of course, we should all remember the case of Jessica Carpenter. When government gun control cost innocent lives.

Fear stalks Merced, California — fear of the government. Because of that fear, two innocent children died needlessly, victims of California’s “safe storage” gun laws. The mass media never told Americans what really happened in Merced. But the tale of the Merced Pitchfork Murders will not die.

See, those parents had taken responsibility for raising their children, those children knew how to handles guns safely. It was the state and a murderer that killed those children because they were unable to get to the one tool that could have saved their lives. California has mandatory safe storage.

The gun is inanimate, a tool its use in the hand. The death of a child is tragic, be it by gun, pitchfork, knife, swimming pool or attack by wild pigs. But it’s up to the parents to educate the children about guns, not toys, safe handling. That requires responsibility on the part of the parent and child.

I don’t know that this is the best web page ever on gun safety for children, but it’s pretty good.

It’s a responsibility thing. And it works best when parents and children know their responsibilities and carry them out.

At the other end of the spectrum of the “I have children” vs “I’m raising my children” are the people that are trying to take on tasks that really aren’t within their purview. Not withing the “scope” of their “practice” shall we say. Yeah, I’m kind of cracking myself up here with my humor.

Fair warning here, the source on this article is cnn #FakeNews, so you can take it for what it’s worth. But since they are obviously sympathetic to the point of view it’s what they want to put across anyway.

Fitting the narrative





Why your doctor wants to talk about guns

Your doctor already talks to you about sex, drugs and alcohol, but should they talk to you about guns, too? A newly-formed coalition of healthcare providers thinks so — and patient intervention is just one part of their plan to reduce what they call an “epidemic” of gun violence.

The organization, Scrubs Addressing the Firearm Epidemic, known as SAFE, is demanding an increase in federal funding for gun violence research, and is calling on lawmakers to implement “evidence-based policy” on guns.

At more than 30 medical schools across the country last week, students and physicians wore scrubs with SAFE’s bright red logo as they held demonstrations at their hospitals. According to Sarabeth Spitzer, a fourth-year medical student at Stanford who spearheaded the campaign, the group distributed about 2,700 of the special scrubs “to show the overwhelming consensus of health care providers that firearm violence is a public health crisis.”

Well Miss Sarabeth, heavens above please don’t ever let it be Dr. Sarabeth, there is indeed a medical crisis. And you in your little “special” scrubs aren’t doing diddly squat about it. You and your little sullen looking crew are all hat and no cattle. Seriously, look at the picture in the linked article. They all look either constipated or like little #MoneyHogg clones. Another great reason to look at the picture is if one of the little darlings ever walks into your treatment room you will know to request another doctor, a real one. One that is actually concerned about medicine. Because these knuckleheads aren’t.

Gee, here is a medical issue within their scope (stethoscope) of “practice”.

Medical Malpractice Deaths over 500 Times Higher than Accidental Gun Deaths

Medical malpractice deaths in the U.S. are over 500 times higher than accidental gun deaths.

A Johns Hopkins University study covering eight years of data found there are at least 250,000 malpractice deaths in the U.S. annually. CNBC reports the Johns Hopkins University study presents malpractice deaths on the low end, since other studies show malpractice deaths exceeding 400,000 a year.

On the other hand, accidental gun deaths hover around 500 a year.

For example, the Los Angeles Times reports there were 489 accidental gun deaths in 2015, making medical malpractice deaths over 500 times higher than deaths resulting from accidental firearm discharges.

The number of overall gun deaths in 2015—accidental, homicides, and suicides—was approximately 36,000, two-thirds of which were suicides. So 250,000 malpractice deaths is nearly seven times higher than gun deaths, even when counting intentional gun deaths.

Gee Miss Sarabeth and Co. this sort of thing doesn’t even seem to be on your radar!

So let old Auntie Sheila help you out a little bit here. GSW, Gunshot wounds, I don’t care if they are self inflicted, inflicted by the neighborhood gang banger, your spouse, your ex-spouse, your ex-spouse’s boyfriend, your ex-spouse’s girlfriend, your second cousin twice removed, you little sister, your little brother, your teacher, your teacher’s uncle, your teacher’s uncle’s dog, are all pretty much going to involve the same treatment protocols, and appear pretty much the same.

When I was in school I met a guy that had the same last name as mine, only he was in Doctor school. He’s the first one I ever heard use the phrase M. Deity complex, doctors that think they are G-d. He didn’t have it, and we wound up being good buddies.

I rather suspect Miss Sarabeth and friends are severely afflicted with M. Deity complex. I know how my buddy, and many of the other residents clawed their way through their residency phases and school and I’m unsure what it is Miss Sarabeth and Co. think they can afford to leave out to study more about the epidemic of gun violence, or perhaps she would like to extend the residency period? Do that Sarabeth, just do that, extend the residency period by a year or so. Let us know how living in hiding works out for you. And yes, I do want fries with that Southwest Salad.

Because whatever you do, don’t let that malpractice stat cause you to stop trying to shred the Constitution and affect my G-d given rights with your social justice drama. #BadMedicine


“Defense” – Sexism and Job Security

I ran across a story this morning about a women’s self defense class being run by some Florida law enforcement agencies.

Right away, I suspected this would be the usual crap.

FL: Self-defense lessons teach women to spot, thwart attack
The program is called W.A.V.E., which stands for Women Against Violent Encounters. It’s a free two-day, women-only course being held at the Courtyard Marriott.

The class will be taught by instructors from the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, the St. Augustine Police Department and the St. Augustine Beach Police Department.

The two-day course will teach women how to recognize a threat and will show them simple self-defense moves, including punches and kicks. Women will have the opportunity to practice what they learn during the class.

But, in the interest of accuracy, I wrote to the St. Augustine Police Department to get some specifics.

Good day,

I heard about the class to be held September 24-25. I have a few questions about the course content.

1. How much range time will the class include?

2. Will firearm selection, carry style (and holster type) be addressed?

3. How much time will be spent on use of force law?

Thank you for your time.

Yes, I’m a naughty person. And yes, my assumption proved accurate.

This is not a firearms course. It is a self defense class for woman.

Michal Ochkie

No guns. Because it’s for women?



This is not a firearms course. It is a course that focuses on teaching women threat awareness as well as self-defense techniques. We go over assertiveness, verbal skills as well as physical techniques.

Hope this answered all of your questions.


Ofc. Dee Brown #2943
Community Affairs Division
St. Augustine Police Department

A self defense class for women which… Well, that called for a response.

I am aware that it is a self defense class for women. But you’re going to teach them to go hand to hand with larger stronger men, instead of using the most effective defense tools available?

I suppose ensuring a steady supply of predators and victims is one way to guarantee job security.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with truck repairs and recurring bills. And the rabbits need feed. Truck insurance, lest I be forced to sell it. Click here to donate via PayPal.
(More Tip Jar Options)


March of the Mad Munchkins

The Mad Munchkins

Demonstrating brainwashing works if captured early enough, Trotskyite Munchkin victims of educational malpractice, surrounded by a sea of bitter angry middle-aged women, descended on the nation’s capital like flying malefactors from the Land Oz. Their demand? A federal Congress pound a “national” stake through the heart of an already liberal trampled Bill of Rights. Munchkin March observers reported crowds so tightly packed movement was all but impossible and Porta-Potties an unreachable oasis. Perhaps it wasn’t numbers causing kids to huddle so closely together but rather, fear. Among the March’s backers was Planned [un]Parenthood, you know, those reconstructed Josef Mengele organ harvesters, brain blenders in one hand, suction hoses in the other, ensuring as many unwanted kids as possible not survive the womb. Some of the marchers were young, very young. Considering on average abortionists take more lives weekly (21,069.484)1 than all school shootings combined, will marchers be protesting outside the doors of Planned [un]Parenthood?

An ecstatic liberal media heralded the March of the Mad Munchkins as a student-led protest, organized by Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School survivors [I thought more than 10 survived]. In “cooperation,” of course, with Everytown For Gun Safety, a radical anti-2nd Amendment Michael Bloomberg front group.2 Was the March really a student-led grassroots movement?

March organizers, and liberal media cheerleaders, claimed attendance swelled to 850,000 including many high school teenagers. But Alex Pappas, writing for FOX News, reported only 10 percent of the marchers were teens, 90 percent were adults, the average age was just under 49, and the real attendance number was only 202,796,3 about the same number of people camping out at Walmart waiting to claw and tear out each other’s hair and eyes come Black Friday. Notions of unemployed high school kids organizing this gala event are preposterous. Instead, Hollywood actors and directors, pro-athletes, a motley crew of extremist leftwing organizations, and the Democrat Party elite organized and bankrolled the March. Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, using tax-payer dollars from a city sliding into decrepitude,4 bussed students, truant Monday through Friday, to D.C., that Saturday. The Marjory Stoneman-Douglas Duped Ten were merely props in a staged drama.5 Just like my lefty colleagues in public education, some will chortle you can’t trust statistics and reporting from FOX News. Well, let’s see what the Washington Post, daily talking points for liberals, had to say.

University of Maryland Professor of Sociology, Dana R. Fisher, writing for the Washington Post, conducted thorough research as to who, why, and how many attended the March. Relying on camera and satellite imagery, reports from police and other official authorities, and interviews with Marchers, she concluded most (70%) were women, educated, and slightly under 49 years old. Gun control was the driving issue for only 12% of Marchers. Peace causes drew 56%, hatred of trump brought out 42%, and 79% self-identified as “left-leaning” [Marxists]. As can be expected, 89% voted for Hillary Clinton.6 In order to transport, house, and provide nourishing earth-friendly food for the Mad Munchkins and Leftist rabble going to Washington, logistical and financial support was required. They had plenty.

For transportation, the New England [un]Patriots and owner Robert Kraft provided team Boeing 767s. Kraft even wrote a letter of support for the Duped Ten vindicating my rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl. Apparently abandoning any connection with the NRA wasn’t enough for Delta Airlines. Flaunting their recent self-castration, Delta also provided free flights to the nation’s capital and back for the Stoneman Ten and their handlers.7 In order to induce people to congregate in close proximity with so many raging feminists, a carrot was needed. It came in the form of celebrity appearances. Model Chrissy Teigen and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon8 were joined by comedians Amy Shumer and Jason Sudeikis as well as singers Paul Simon, Willow Smith, Jennifer Hudson, Ariana Grande, Vic Mensa, Disney’s Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana), Demi Lavato, Paul McCartney formerly of the Beatles (a group I liked before their Hash-and-Hindu days), and a slew of actors, including Reese Witherspoon,9 all calling for an end to your 2nd Amendment rights. But it had to be paid for.

Stepping into the financial breach with cash swollen wallets bigger than most people’s homes were the glitterati. Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Steven Spielberg and wife Kate Capshaw, and Jeffrey Katzenberg each ponied up $500,000 dollars with Taylor Swift donating an undisclosed amount toward abolishing the Bill of Rights.10 They were joined by Eli Broad, wealthy businessman who donated $1 million dollars to Bloomberg’s front group, Everytown For Gun Safety. CEO Marc Benioff donated $1 million dollars, Italian fashion house Gucci coughed up $500,000, the Miami Dolphins tossed in $100,000, and Joshua Kushner, brother of presidential adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, gave $50,000 dollars. AT&T, Office Depot, Ultimate Software, and Starbucks donated to a student victim’s fund.11 Not to be left out, support poured in from jocks including basketball stars, past and present, LeBron James, Bill Russell, Dwayne Wade (who donated $200,000 dollars), Chris Paul, Caron Butler, Dennis Rodman, and Carmello Anthony who helped bus the Baltimore kids to Washington. Moral support came from Golden State Warriors’ head coach Steve Kerr, L.A. Lakers president Jeanie Buss, baseball player Anthony Rizzo, soccer player Kyle Martino, and football player DeMarcus Ware.12 Actors, singers, and athletes typically have large followings on social media. It seems Americans determine the veracity of what stars say based on how much they like them. If not for huge amounts of money stars derive from those patronizing their careers, they’d have no platform. Stop patronizing them. Boycott.

Students did not plan, organize, or coordinate the March of the Mad Munchkins. Instead it was done by March for Our Lives (sic) an umbrella organization created by Everytown For Gun Safety, itself a Bloomberg front group with assistance from the Joyce Foundation. Everytown collected and disbursed cash and arranged for statements and appearances by stars. Everytown’s webpage answers the question the liberal media failed to ask; what specifically would you do to end “gun-violence?” Their answer; Congress should end the federal government’s ban on gun-violence research at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta.13 Like mosquitos that won’t go away, Liberals incessantly claim the CDC is banned from studying “gun-violence” (sic) which is a lie. In 1996, following publication of a CDC funded controversial study on so-called gun-violence, in reality political advocacy masquerading as science paid for with tax payer’s dollars, Arkansas Republican Jay Dickey attached an amendment to a CDC funding bill prohibiting studies done to “promote or advocate gun control.” It was signed into law by Democrat President Bill Clinton. The CDC could continue to study “gun-violence” but research couldn’t be tailored to achieve a political outcome. Like other “federal” agencies, CDC research is at times farmed out to universities which, in turn, are dominated by Leftist professors whose careers depend upon receiving federal grants. Grants are dependent on “finding” what benefactors are paying for. In 1996, CDC researchers wanted to declare “gun-violence” a “public health crisis” a designation which, to some degree, empowers the CDC to impose rules, regulations, and direct action to deal with a health crisis.14 Treating biological causes of epidemics and disease outbreaks means neutralizing the bacterial, viral, and other causes. In this case, the viral agent was firearms.15 Bill of Rights Tramplers also demand ending “absurd” restrictions on the BATF to “digitize records for all guns sales.” This would constitute gun-owner registration which is illegal under federal law. Rights are not registered with governments. Registration transforms rights to privileges dispensed by government. In addition, the Tramplers demand universal background checks meaning the .22 rifle parents give to sons or daughters as Christmas gifts would be illegal. It would have to go through government becoming part of an already existing (form 4473) registration list. Gun and gun owner registration has always been THE prerequisite to government confiscation. Ten-round magazine capacity limits are also part of their shopping list. Apparently it’s okay to shoot 10 but not 11 people. The Tramplers damn semiautomatic rifles as “weapons of war” and “assault weapons” (sic) declaring they have no place in any community and must be banned. At first, gun buy backs would be used to convince people to voluntarily hand them over. How can government buy back what it never owned? To maintain legal possession, gun-owners would have to register semiautomatic rifles with the government and transfers to anyone other than authorities prohibited.16 Why would they be allowed to keep “weapons of war” having no place in any community? They wouldn’t. Once registration was deemed complete, they would be banned. Turn them in or go to prison. During the colonial era, Great Britain never possessed the largest of armies but they were sufficient to execute what amounted to door to door searches for weapons in their colonies including Scotland, Ireland, North America, and later Asia and India. It’s necessary to point this out because anti-2nd Amendment organizations and activists deny they want registration and confiscation. History is the first to call them liars. I’m following suit.

Stoneman Ten students Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg, are too egocentric and full of youthful ignorance and hubris to disguise what they really want. Interviewed by Alisyn Camerota, a conservative before moving from FOX to CNN, she began with a question judges would throw out in a trial as “leading” to wit; could anything be done about gun-violence when needy politicians have no choice but to take campaign donations from the NRA? For some reason Camerota failed to put her question in perspective by noting the NRA has donated $3,533,294 dollars to current members of Congress since 1998, equivalent to Democrat comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s salary for three months.17 Labor Unions, including the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, two of the most virulently Leftwing unions in existence, donated $1.7 billion dollars in 2016 alone, and almost all went to liberal Democrat candidates who want to ban and confiscate firearms and abolish the 2nd Amendment.18 Neither did Camerota note the NRA’s source of funds for campaign donations comes in small dollar amounts from members while unions typically confiscate their huge haul from the paychecks of workers voluntarily or not. It’s no surprise liberals lie, statists have done this throughout history. It’s alarming how easily they get away with it.

Seething with anger, Gonzalez replied to Camerota declaring: “The NRA should be disbanded and dismantled. Don’t you make a new organization under a different name. Don’t you dare come back here. We need to fix our country. Gun control is just the first thing. We keep telling them [politicians] that if you accept this blood money [from the NRA], you’re against the children. They are against the people who are dying. You are funding the killers [NRA] or you’re standing with the children.” Wow, if you belong to the NRA, and by extension, any similar civil rights organization like the WMSA, you’re a killer. You’re the ones shooting and killing kids! Gonzalez’s thinking is not merely an immature and grossly ignorant misunderstanding of history and the Constitution (she’s an Advanced Placement student, too), it is deranged, totally divorced from reality. Her partner in historical illiteracy, a constantly glowering angry pinch-faced almost trembling with rage David Hogg, made even more bizarre and irrational claims saying politicians took money from the NRA to “make it easier for these horrifying people to get guns. If you can’t get elected without taking money from these child murderers [the NRA], why are you running?”19 What are they teaching kids in public schools today? Emma Gonzalez, sporting a Cuban flag on her clothing, a communist dictatorship that tramples the rights of Cubans, starves kids, and murders people young and old, and David Hogg, who calls for revolution, damns the NRA as baby killers? The Left, which has schooled these sock-puppets, and once called American boys serving in Vietnam “baby killers,” now hangs this appellation around the necks of NRA members? Mental health officials, take note.

Piling on the NRA, Huggies Pull-Ups wetting Washington Post “journalist” (sic) Adam Weinstein complains the NRA are big mean bullies because they insist those writing about “gun-control” issues know something about the subject including use of proper terminology. Whimpering Weinstein condemns this as “Gun-splaining” adapting the term “man-splaining” invented by radical feminist college professors outraged by any hint of DNA dictated masculinity. Broadcasting from behind enemy lines (Washington, D.C.), radio talk show host Chris Plante wondered if, while other little boys were off playing the games little boys play, Weinstein was in his backyard playing with his Easy Bake Oven.20

Instead of indoctrinating American kids into a Leftist social, political, and economic worldview, instead of confusing them about the purpose of biological genitalia, instead of demonizing masculinity and traits like self-reliance and rugged individualism, principals should ensure kids are being taught every sentence doesn’t begin with “so” and the Constitution and history of our founders. Teaching for decades in a public high school socialIST studies department, I know it ain’t happening.

One cannot lend support or donate to a movement without also embracing its cause and the cause of gun control organizations is banning private possession of semiautomatic rifles. Handguns come next. Once ownership is no longer a right, its turn them in or go to prison. CVS, Dicks Sporting Goods, and Krogers’ are among those aiding and abetting the demonization of gun-owners. The following is a letter I sent to CVS Pharmacies:

Dear Mr. Merlo, CEO, CVS Pharmacies

I’ve been a CVS customer 20+ years. Near the end of December, 2017, I noticed the usual wide variety of firearm related magazines had disappeared from your stores. I thought perhaps magazines were discarded at year’s end. Several weeks later a pharmacy employee told me CVS’s corporate office had decided to remove all such magazines. I confirmed this with Kristen, CVS Customer Relations, at your corporate office.

I am both a retired police officer and public high school teacher with an extensive background in firearms. As a member of the 2nd Amendment and sports shooting communities, I was chagrined by your decision. By removing these magazines, you deem something is wrong with them, that they are socially unacceptable. If true based on content, logic dictates the same be true of those who read them. In deciding to slander and discriminate against millions of law-abiding Americans and CVS customers, you have moved from the commercial to the political realm. In so doing, you have de facto allied yourselves with those whose political agenda is abolition of the 2nd Amendment and the individual right to keep and bear arms. If you were in my shoes, would you remain a customer?

To offer as a defense, striving for social responsibility, begs several questions; are you going to remove the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue featuring scantily clad girls? Women displayed in sexually provocative poses perpetuate notions that our wives, daughters, and sisters are sex objects playing a role in sexual harassment and rape. Considering negligent drivers murder 37,000-40,000 people each year and injure, main, and cripple 2-million more, will you remove car, truck, and ATV magazines? Since beer, wine, and liquor appear to be staples at your pharmacies, (is a statistical recitation of the misery and death caused by their misuse necessary?), will you remove alcoholic beverages from your shelves?”

In addition, I announced unless CVS changed their policy, I was initiating a boycott and transferring my accounts to Walgreens, which I did. Executive Support Coordinator Waldemar Kepa responded thanking me for my letter writing he would share my concerns with the merchandising team responsible for magazine selection. He didn’t answer any of my questions or address the boycott. Unless you fight back, gun owners will become as demonized as political conservatives and Christians holding to traditional morality; deemed socially unacceptable, marginalized, pariahs, and driven from the public square.21 “Ho ho, liberal indoctrination has got to go.”

11 Center for Disease Control, “Abortion/Data and Statistics/Reproductive Health/CDC, at

22 Michael Bloomberg, with an estimated worth of $50.8 billion dollars, the 7th richest man in the U.S. and 10th in the world, was the virulently anti-2nd Amendment of New York City, 2002-2013. A Democrat before he became an liberal Republican, he remains, along with George Soros, the biggest financier of political efforts to abolish the 2nd Amendment. Income statistic from Forbes, January 6, 2018. In 2016, not only did he endorse Hillary Clinton for president, he spoke at the Democrat National Convention. At

44 I know whereof I speak. Compelled to attend Baltimore’s Margaret Brent School 53, the miseducation, and the wounds and injuries I suffered, should be presumptive grounds for a lawsuit. Don’t worry Mayor, Philadelphia was worse.

55 Ibid.

66 Dana R. Fisher, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland, “Here’s Who Actually Attended the March for Our Lives, (No it wasn’t mostly young people),” Washington Post, at’t-mostly-young-people.

77 Benjamin Zhang, March 26, 2018, “Delta Airlines and the New England Patriots donated free flights to Florida High School Students headed to the March for Our Lives Protest,” Business Insider at Reports that Southwest Airlines had done the same are false helping to keep my boycott list smaller.

88 Ariella Phillips, “Celebrities and Cash Poor Into ‘March for Our Lives’ Protest,” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, March 21, 2018, at

1010 CBS News, “Who pledged donations to ‘March for Our Lives?” Kathryn Watson, March 24, 2018 at

1111 Ariella Phillips.

1212 Daniel Rapaport, Sports Illustrated, March 24, 2018, “Athletes Take to Social Media to Show Support for the March for Our Lives” at Lists may be tedious but are necessary in order for citizens to know who is trying to destroy the Bill of Rights and respond accordingly.

1515 David Harsany, “No Government Isn’t Banned From Studying Gun Violence,” The Federalist 2018 at’t-banned-from-studying-gun-violence/.

1616 March for Our Lives.

1717 Louis Jacobson, October 11 2017, “Counting up how much the NRA spends on campaigns and lobbying, Politicfact at

1919 Alisyn Camerota, “Shooting Survivor Calls NRA ‘Child Murderers,” CNN at

2020 Chris Plante, 710 AM KCMO Talk Radio, Kansas City, Missouri. Broadcast 9 March 2018.

2121 Both letters are in my files/archives.



Enough Only Mourning

On the morning of 18th November 2014, two POS*i from Jerusalem entered a synagogue, in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel, and attacked the praying congregants with axes, knives, and a gun. They killed four worshipers, critically wounded a responding Druze Israeli police officer, who later died of his wounds. They also injured seven male worshipers, one of whom never woke up from a coma and died 11 months later. The two POS were then shot dead by the police.

And all Israel mourned.

In January of 2016 a POS stabbed 38 year old Dafna Meir to death in front of some of her children. Dafna, a small woman worked as a nurse at Soroka Medical Center in my beloved Be’er Sheva. She fought with him to keep him from killing her children. Dafna lived in Otniel, a town in Judea. She feared for those who worked on the emergency squads, usually volunteers.

And, she said, she feared for emergency medical crews from Otniel who rush out to help those who are hurt nearby.

“Maybe there are traps” waiting for the rescue teams, she worries. “It’s frightening! And when they go out, in the first minutes before they arrive, maybe they have time to think, ‘Who will I meet this time? Maybe a neighbor, a friend, a wife?’ That’s the horrible reality.”

As it turns out, the terrorist was employed in Otniel, he just walked right in the front gate. People that had been good to the POS and given him a job, let a terrorist in to kill their neighbor.

And all Israel mourned.

On March 8th, 2016 a POS* from Qalqilya in Samaria stabbed 28 year old Taylor Force in my beloved Yafo, along with several others. Taylor died and several others were seriously wounded. The attack was stopped when the POS was shot and killed by police. In 2016 the US put forth the Taylor Force act, and it was signed into law on 23rd March of this year by President Trump. The law is simple, the Taylor Force Act would cut U.S. funding to the Falestinian Authority until it ends its policy which distributes $300 million to terrorists and their families annually.

From Arutz Sheva

A recent report found that more than half of the PA’s yearly budget goes to terrorists, with more than $1 billion having been dedicated for such purposes in the last four years alone.

Despite pressure to end the policy of paying the families of terrorists who murdered Jews, PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas reportedly told the United States last month that he has no intention of doing so.

“I do not intend to cease paying salaries to the families of prisoners and martyrs, even if it means I lose my position. I will continue paying their salaries until my dying day,” he said.

That can’t come soon enough. That is money that is suppose to be helping the “poor suffering falestinians”, it never has.

Many Israelis expressed their sorrow and condolences to the Force family.

And all Israel mourned.

On the 21st of June 2017 a POS broke into a home in N’vei Tzuf and butchered 3 people. The family had gathered to celebrate Shabbat and the birth of a new grandchild. A neighbor in the IDF was home on leave and shot the terrorist, who did not die. He will now be supported by Israeli taxpayers in an Israeli jail where he can gain weight like Shirley Temper and go to school.

For a list of recent murders and how much the murderer gets paid, you can look here

For a good article on the history of the land ownership, since that is the excuse given.

I do think this group, Otzma Yehudit, are on the right track.

“The only way to curb the ongoing terror threat facing Israel is by creating true deterrence that will convince potential terrorists that they have more to lose than to gain. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the death penalty for convicted terrorists, facilitate the expulsion of their families to Gaza and greenlight home demolitions.”

It was a horrific and bloody attack.

And all Israel mourned.

This is only a tiny fraction of the atrocities. Sunday when I was at work I got a message that Ari Fuld had been killed. Ari Fuld was a lion, yes, that was a play on his name, meaning lion.

Ari moved to Israel in the 90s. He served in the IDF in the Golani Infantry Brigade. He had a miraculous story from his time in the service. He spoke out tirelessly for Israel and the truth. He broadcast live on Facebook during the forced evacuation of Netiv Ha’avot, he debated liberals on ILTV, he had a radio show on Israel Newtalk Radio. Podcasts of Bulletproof available here. He had a YouTube channel, he was involved in Standing Together which supported the IDF soldiers, Ari’s latest project was Cool-A-Chayal providing cooling collars for the soldiers who often worked in 100 degree or more heat. He was active on Facebook, Twitter and MeWe. He was put in Facebook jail a few times, which is when he went to MeWe. I know this, because we talked about it.

I first became aware of Ari when I saw him on ILTV and he literally kicked butt and took names. He just smoked the liberals. I found him on Twitter, read through some of his tweets and sent him a message that he had done a fantastic job, and where I had seen him. Probably one of thousands of messages he got like that. I listened to Ari’s views of ILTV and his YouTube Channel, read him on Twitter and sometimes Facebook, but he was starting his own website in English because Facebook was too censoring. Note how he has to write muslims. Facebook has a real aversion to the truth. And Ari told the truth, bluntly without political correctness, straight up. I tried more than once to get him to join Zehut, his views certainly lined up with ours. In fairness of disclosure I am a card carrying member of Zehut. Zehut actually has a workable win-win plan to deal with the Falestinians in Israel. Where are they going to go? I wish it had been implemented 5 years ago. Or in 1948, or 1929, or. Any of those would have been good with me.

But Ari was famous for his man on the street conversations.

You didn’t get one by on Ari, he knew his facts.

On Sunday 16th of September 2018 Ari went to the market to do some shopping for his wife Miriam. The 45 year old Ari and Miriam had 4 children. He was at a shopping center that had a mix of arab and Israeli shoppers. A 17 year old POS from Yatta had been inspired by Abu Mazen. Abu Mazen’s latest lies. From an article I found on Elder of Ziyon, which originated at The Gatestone Institute,

In a speech before the PLO Executive Committee in Ramallah on September 15, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas repeated the old libel that Israel was planning to establish special Jewish prayer zones inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Abbas claimed that Israel was seeking to copy the example of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, where Jews and Muslims pray in different sections.

Abbas did not say what his lie was based on. He also did not provide any evidence of Israel’s ostensible plot against the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He said, nevertheless, that the Palestinians, together with Jordan, were planning to bring this issue before the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice.

I don’t know of one Jew that wants to go to the Alka Seltzer mollusk. I however, would like to go pray on Har HaBayet, Temple Mount but I can’t because I’m not muslim. How messed up is that? But the Falestinians are so stupid, they keep falling for the lies over and over and go forth to wreck lives based on Abu Mazen’s (sponsor of the Munich massacre) lies.

So the 17 year old POS set out with a knife. He bravely stood behind Ari in line at the shopping center and then stabbed him in the back. Being a brave arab and all, that brings him great acclaim. Hamass openly praises murder of Ari Fuld Apparently what passes for “bravery” in some arab circles has a very low bar.

Haaretz cited a source close to the Jabarin family as saying that the teen informed his parents that he planned to carry out an attack at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. He was not found near the tomb, and then carried out the attack near Efrat.

Other sources say the FA says the parents reported nothing.

Ari drew his pistol, gave chase, jumped over a stone wall and with another armed bystander shot the POS who has been taken to an Israeli hospital to be treated at Israeli taxpayer expense. Ari was taken to a hospital as well, where he was pronounced dead.

Woman Says Ari Fuld Shot Terrorist as He Tried to Stab Her

An employee of a West Bank falafel shop said the Palestinian teen who stabbed Ari Fuld was running at her brandishing his knife when Fuld shot him.


She said that after the teen stabbed Fuld, he began running toward her brandishing the knife. Peretz said she started running away from him shouting terrorist.


I started running down the stairs but [Jabarin] jumped to try to get in front of me. The man that was killed really saved my life, she said of Fuld. He s not just a hero. He gave his life for me.

Captured by surveillance cameras, which did nothing to stop the attack, or apprehend POS. Ari is in the blue shirt. Just by the by? The woman he saved is Falestinian.

This good brave decent man is dead because of lies told to arabs, because of a culture that celebrates the death of such good men. A 17 year old POS educated with UNRWA hate filled text books, a culture of hatred and a diet of lies.

Oslo has claimed another victim.

And all Israel mourns.

I mourn, I respected an admired Ari. He fought and didn’t back down, he knew his stuff and worked tirelessly around the world to help Israel, as well as his community and family.

Oh, you will hear on the media that the IDF will destroy the terrorists home. They won’t. They will destroy the terrorists room in the house, and the FA, Falestinian Authority will build a newer nice room, they will pay the POS money for the rest of his life, may it be short and unpleasant.

You know what? Enough. Enough with the mourning. I.AM.TIRED.OF.IT.

I don’t want a terrorist’s room destroyed. I don’t want foundations left, I want a smoking hole in the ground. I don’t want a POS in jail getting chubby and educated by the Israeli taxpayers. I want the death penalty. The POS was shot by Ari and a armed bystander. There shouldn’t be a moderately wounded terrorist. There should be a dead terrorist. I want Israel to lift ammunition restrictions and limits. The citizens need more ammo to practice. Get shot while committing a terrorist act in Israel? You won’t be getting treated in an Israel hospital from now on. The IDF will load you up in a Jeep and drop you off at a FA hospital or the Gaza border. They can treat your sorry self with their state of the art medical expertise. I want the terrorist’s whole family deported to Jordan, Iran, Syria, Iraq, I don’t care where, one of those should work well, and I want it done by next week. Israel was going to pay Uganda to take the illegal immigrants, fine. Pay Uganda 5 grand to take the whole miserable family. But remove them from Israel, follow the Zehut plan, send the family to Saudi Arabia. The terrorist won’t be going cause he’ll be dead because the death penalty will be reinstated. So, no FA money is going to reach anyone. The US has been cutting funding to the FA, and while many claim the money was going to “help” if you read the link about how much Abu Mazen pays the terrorists, I think it’s obvious that wasn’t happening. Gaza? Come on, that war could be finished in a day, if Israel would fight to win. Enough, just enough, too much. How many thousands of acres burned? How many families live in terror of the arabs getting through the security fence? It’s like some weird kind of Stockholm Syndrome or battered spouse mindset. No matter what they do to you, you accept their accusations against you and try to behave differently so they won’t find more fault with you. That isn’t going to happen. Nothing short of annihilation will suit them. “From the river to the sea”.

“All who are merciful to the cruel in the end become cruel to the merciful” (Qohelet Rabbah on 7:16, cf. Midrash Zuta; Tanḥuma, Mezora 1; Yalkut Shimoni, 1 Samuel, 121).

We’re there, we’ve done passed that marker. In the effort to be politically correct, to win the world and the U.N.’s acceptance and approval, or at least less condemnation, there is cruelty to the merciful. In this case Ari’s family. The terrorists really don’t fear what will happen to them, they’ll be in a comfy jail, eating and learning, they or their families will be raking in big bucks, and the FA and Hamass have no reason to change anything. There needs to be a reason to want to make peace and get along.

What laws have changed since the Har Nof massacre until Ari’s murder? None really. This isn’t working. America put forth the Taylor Force act, can Israel please come up with the Ari Fuld act? I’m tired of seeing “All Israel mourned” in the news.

Ari Fuld’s Parents door









A friend from Zehut sent this picture tonight of the front door of the Fuld home, thank you Aryeh.

This was Ari’s last video. It was on the Parsha from last week.

It’s short, as is the Parsha. In it he stops teaching at one point because his daughter is getting ready to go out and he stops to give her a blessing. But the topic is handing over the reins of leadership because Moshe couldn’t continue on with them. Poignant or what? So Ari has done amazing prep work, but now others must pick up the torch and carry on. In doing so, the 17 year old waste of oxygen may have killed his body, but Ari’s spirit and work will live on. I’m angry, I’m very angry. Mourning is not changing anything, it’s not stopping anything, they kill on, undeterred. We need to deter them.

Ari Fuld, HY”D, Hashem yinkom domo, השם ינקום דמו May G-d avenge his blood. And I, I mean every single word of that.

i* Piece of _____________You have multiple choices of words starting with “s” you may choose.


I Support Liberal Gun Control

I think I need to reconsider my stance on gun control. I had an interesting conversation with Professor Yitzhak Goldstein this evening. We were lamenting the decreasing number of young people that seem to be involved in Second Amendment rights groups. We then began to discuss possible reasons, which got me to thinking about things I’ve read recently. I think I see a pattern here.

Let’s just briefly touch on a not that long ago incident. A liberal college professor was so unfamiliar with his students and so distrusted them, that when the Kansas legislature began to allow students to have the means to defend themselves as hundreds of other college campuses have, he was so scared he wet his depends and then wrote out his letter of resignation, or it could have been the other way round, who knows. He was soon followed by a female college professor with the same lack of knowledge of her students. So, if you didn’t remember this, there is a backstory.

Around 11th September a group of students at the fine institution of Goldsmith’s University in London decided to showcase their fantastic knowledge of history by replying to a teacher they disagreed with that they would send her to the “gulag”. The teacher I think, understandably took offense. The students then “enlightened” the poor misguided uninformed teacher about gulags.

Gulags, really? Who knew!









The reality?

Historians, however, have concluded that Stalin’s gulags were used to jail everyone from petty criminals to political opponents, including gay men and women.

The report said, “Soviet files show that 1,053,829 people died in the camps between 1934 and 1953, mostly as a result of deliberate starvation.”

The Christian Institute estimated that about 20 million people were incarcerated in the gulags, with “prisoners working up to 14 hours a day in extreme weather. Countless numbers died.”

Hmm, I’m continuing to wonder about the state of higher education. It seems that higher education has become the stronghold of the liberal left. Which makes one part of this article seem strange to me. I agree with most of it though. Who is pushing Jews out of academia in the US?

Dr. Sharona Aharoni-Goldenberg, an expert on the struggle against BDS, says that the Trump administration’s decision, according to which anti-Israel activity on college campuses will be defined as anti-Semitism, is a turning point in the fight against anti-Semitic activity on campuses.

“This is a very important decision. The BDS movement today, which really appears to be activated by an invisible hand – and the feeling is that it is funded by totalitarian elements – works to remove Jews from academia. There is real activity against Israeli lecturers, regardless of their position or opinion, but rather because they are Israelis,” Aharoni-Goldenberg said in an interview with Israel Hayom.

“The activity is not just against Israeli lecturers. If you are a Jewish professor who uploads a post for Israel, you will be fired,” she says. “It’s not a parable, US lecturers who worked against ‘Apartheid Week’ were fired from the institutions at which they taught. The same applies to many Jewish students who simply feel uncomfortable on campus.”

All spot on Dr. Sharona, except this part.

“This anti-Semitism is against Israelis and against Jews, regardless of their position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The boycott is also against people on the left,” she said. “The BDS position is that we have to bring 5 million Palestinians back into the Green Line and destroy Israel.”

No, no Dr. Sharona, the problem is coming from the left. Think about Jeremy Corbyn, the one in the UK that should he become Prime Minister about 40% of Britain’s Jews are planning to flee. You have to recognize your enemy or you will get blindsided every time.

The tolerant left, which tells us to celebrate diversity (as long as it is approved by them). Student allegedly rips MAGA hat off classmate’s head, slaps teacher

Little Miss Chumette Bucket decided that stealing private property from another student, assaulting them and then assaulting a teacher is an acceptable “political statement”.

In cellphone video, a teacher is seen trying to subdue fired-up 17-year-old senior Chumette Bucket after she became enraged at a classmate for wearing the MAGA hat.

She grabbed the hat off his head.

“That’s a racist and hateful symbol,” Bucket said.


“Maybe just wake people up in some type of way, because it’s not cool, the environment our classroom is in,” Bucket said.

EXCUSE ME????? The environment the classroom is in?? Who assaulted another student and a teacher because of a innocent hat?? Correct, the profanity spewing tolerant leftist which feels violence towards someone she disagrees with is acceptable.

Then there’s the interview with her Dad.

Doesn’t think she maybe should have handled it that way, but maybe it was a conversation that needed to happen.


What conversation took place? What do you think was accomplished? You Mr. Bucket, are a part of this girls problem. And she does have problem, she assaulted a fellow student and a teacher and is standing there grinning like a possum and proud as can be of herself. Either she has no clue how to fit into polite society or she is on some sort of medication, and looking at her eyes, that might be it. Or maybe she is just not right in the head. As her parent? I’d give you an F-

So, I’m saying that educational institutions have a strong leftist bent, very strong, very bent. So bent we have a sociology professor in Las Vegas that carried a concealed pistol that the did not have a permit to carry, concealed into a gun free building on his campus and, shot himself in the arm. But hey, he’s thoughtful. Why?

Inside the bathroom, campus police found a $100 bill taped to a mirror along with a note that said, “For the janitor,” according to Bird’s arrest report. On the floor of the restroom was a black-and-white, .22-caliber pistol and one spent shell casing.

Why? Because he wanted to protest President Trump.

Nope, not making it up. So, I’m going to advise Professor Yitzhak that I think we need to revise our opinion of liberal gun control. I think liberals absolutely need to be thoroughly vetted before they are even allowed in the same room with a gun. And that is why liberals want gun control, they think we are like them, they think we think like they do. They have their isolated ivory tower and are turning out indoctrinated little Chumette Buckets. They teach them how evil the Zionist state is. The one Jewish state in the world, by the way, but don’t dare call them antisemitic. How bad guns are, people can’t be trusted with them, except of course for their paid bodyguards.

But here’s the deal. Ivory towers and schools most often these days, are not reality. Conservatives know this. We know life can be unpredictable, we choose responsibility, we choose preparedness. We know theory quite often, isn’t reality.




Sometimes words can’t explain. And then sometimes, no words are needed.

A Rifle pile in Kalifornia






The same day on Twitter.









And in the one Jewish state,

Israeli CCW








“More trained gun license holders, more personal security”. From now, it will not only be hostile or criminal elements who have guns in Israel. Instead, loyal, law-abiding citizens will have them as well. All that is left is for us to internalize that the right to self-defense is a basic human right with which man was created, in the image of G-d. The state can negate the right to carry a gun from those people who endanger the public. But the default mode should be that every citizen has the right to carry a gun, as part of all the human rights that the state should protect. The state does not give us the right to carry guns. We have that already. All that it can do is take that right away.

