Tag Archives: communism

Bill O’Reilly Lays an Egg- The Strategic Blunder Conservative’s Commonly Make

Part I

Why is the Left in a violent-mob frenzy to rewrite American history transforming its heroes, traditions, and founding principles into villains and ideas to be reviled? Why would conservatives pursue the strategy of conceding an adversary’s lie as the starting point to win a broader argument? They do this all the time. Radio conservatives from Sean Hannity to Chris Stigall,1 sling around the term “McCarthyism” attempting to pin this practice on Democrats. The problem is, McCarthyism isn’t “McCarthyism”. Like using “racist” to silence opposition, the Left invented it to dissuade anyone from looking into what they were up to in the 1930’s and 40’s. I did for my Master’s thesis and I know what they’re hiding. Conservatives who use this term are accomplices of the Left in doing a Jimmy Hoffa on the greatest spy and treason scandal in America’s history. In an attempt to paint modern Democrats as racists, Mark Levin and Chris Plante relish in pointing out Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy were Democrats. Their hands are on the same shovel liberals use to bury reasons, beyond slavery, why the South seceded; state’s rights, federalism, and government in unconstitutional service to northern business interests. One researching this history might discover the U.S. government functions so far outside the law, the Constitution is dead. Statists in both parties can’t allow this to happen. On Monday 11 September 2023, Mark Levin declared 9/11 was one of the worst attacks on America second only, not to Pearl Habor but the Confederacy’s “attack”.2 Utter rubbish. The lot of them are doing the Left’s dirty work.

The Left’s historical revisionism is motivated by a desire to destroy the principles upon which America was founded. Why do conservatives aid and abet them? Perhaps they concede small skirmishes waiting to fight the large battles. If they fought the small skirmishes, there might be no large battles. The following is an example of this blunder.

In his book Killing England, political commentator and pop-history co-author Bill O’Reilly besmirches two heroes of the American Revolution. The first in vicarious service to the Homosexual movement. O’Reilly determines as true, the slander Baron von Steuben, a Prussian military officer credited with whipping the Continental Army into shape, was homosexual. The second supports the Left’s war to destroy America. He reprises the long-debunked smear Thomas Jefferson sired six children by house slave, Sally Hemings, writing she “will share master Jefferson’s bed as his lover”.3

And what is O’Reilly’s proof? The “consensus” of modern historians. Historians that are overwhelmingly liberal. Consensus is not scholarship. It is opinion based on a vote. Truth cannot be determined by a majority vote. It can only be determined by hard evidence, solid irrefutable facts, and serious scholarship. O’Reilly insists he is correct about von Steuben and Jefferson. Why? He claims to be an historian. Is this true?

O’Reilly graduated college with an undergraduate degree in history as did I. He taught history for two years in a Catholic high school. I taught history for over two decades in a public high school. That makes us historians, right? Not so fast. O’Reilly holds a Masters’ degree in Broadcast Journalism and Public Administration, mine is actually in history. They are not interchangeable. Basing truth in consensus was the first red flag. Claiming expertise in a professional discipline in which he is untrained is number two. The third is the indefensible absence of end/footnotes, a tactic used by Communist history writer, Howard Zinn.

O’Reilly is not an historian. Instead, he churns out derivative digests synthesizing previously published works of real historians. His book offers nothing new, original, or novel. Why are they popular? Written at the high school level, they appeal to those possessing a shallow knowledge of history. Such readers are ill-equipped to evaluate the historicity of his books. What of O’Reilly’s historical knowledge? It might be prodigious but memorizing a medical library does not make one a doctor.

Every discipline, from astronomy, engineering, geometry, martial arts, medicine, music, to crime lab forensics follow standardized rules, methodologies, protocols, and practices. Individuals are not pronounced black belts, biologists, lawyers, nurses, and so forth until an accredited governing body trained in their discipline, determines they satisfy all requirements. It is no different in the field of history.

Historians do more than take classes. They must be trained and this is done in graduate school. When I started, the director showed me two filing cabinet drawers. The top one was packed full with folders of those accepted into the program. The bottom drawer contained one lonely folder, those few who survived to the end. After years of foundational courses, history students move to methodology classes. They are essential to becoming a trained historian. Students learn how to find and use primary sources, how to sift secondary ones for validity, and how to separate necessary from unnecessary information to support their work. They will write many sourced research papers. At the end of course work, they face the graduate exam. In my case, three professors submitted four essay questions. It took me six hours to answer them. But this is just the beginning. Next is the thesis, the part of the program that kills off so many applicants.

To be declared an historian, the candidate must write and defend a thesis before experts in their field. It is an original work and must either 1) Present a new interpretation of an historical event based on new evidence heretofore not seen, or 2) present an entirely new and possibly novel reinterpretation of an historical event challenging existing ones. O’Reilly has done none of the above. He has not written or defended a thesis in history, an absolute requirement for one to claim the status of historian.

A thesis requires students be detectives, anthropologists, archeologists, sociologists, and forensic scientists. Like crime scene and automobile collision investigators, they collect as much physical evidence as possible, establish chronologies, interview witnesses, and consider prior writing on the subject. This will take one to two years or more. They analyze and draw conclusions, then organize it into a coherent integrated explanation. It must address contrary interpretations and opinions explaining why the student’s is the superior one. O’Reilly ignored information contrary to his consensus conclusion, red flag number four. Writing the thesis will take another year… as long as one can live on little sleep. Thesis advisers will demand students rewrite major portions, scrap the whole affair and start over from scratch, rewrite major portions of the rewrite, scrap them, start over again, and so on. Finally, when their adviser concludes the student has produced a proper thesis, the real fun begins. The student must defend his or her work before a panel of professors all authorities in the thesis’ subject matter. They will attack it from every angle and try to tear it down forcing candidates to demonstrate they know their subject. It is no fun. As a policeman, I faced aggressive and hostile attorneys on the stand trying to pick apart my testimony. The thesis defense is worse. This is why those who survive to the end, bristle when people like O’Reilly claim to be historians. He is a journalist, not an historian. It explains why he botched stories of two men so badly.

Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben was born into a military family following his father’s footsteps into the Prussian Army rising to the rank of captain. A local prince in Baden inducted him into the Order of Fidelity conferring upon him the title of baron. Steuben became part of the royal court. Soon thereafter, an anonymous enemy circulated rumors Steuben sodomized young men, a charge he denied. Unfounded or not, a rumor of such dreadful nature was enough to cause expulsion from the court and military. His accuser was never known, no victims identified, and no evidence surfaced that Steuben was homosexual. Nevertheless, liberal historians conclude he was guilty. Steuben relocated to France hoping to repair his military career. It was there he met Benjamin Franklin on a mission to obtain financial aid for America’s war with Britain. Franklin recommended Steuben to the Continental Army. He sailed to North America and joined General George Washington at Valley Forge and was instrumental in fashioning his army into an effective fighting force.4

Historian and Steuben expert John McCauley Palmer writes accusations von Steuben was homosexual were most likely driven by personal jealousies and religious hatred. He was a Protestant in the Catholic royal court of Hohenzollern-Hechingen Prince Josef Wilhelm. After conducting an investigation, Wilhelm concluded the charges were baseless. The unknown enemy continued circulating rumors forcing Steuben to leave the royal court.5

Professor of history Michael Lynch notes the LGBT movement is attempting to rewrite history falsely claiming Founding Fathers welcomed open homosexuals because of their contributions to the founding. Their websites trumpet Steuben was homosexual.6 They feverishly scour historical records looking for tell-tale signs only they can see, important personages were homosexuals. The dead cannot defend their reputations from such horrid smears. They denounce defenders of the accused as “homophobes” trying to destroy anyone standing on Biblical truth with respect to homosexuality.

The liberal History Channel claims Steuben was homosexual. Fancy that, a homosexual serving on the staff of an army for which the Continental Congress drafted rules governing the conduct of soldiers forbidding homosexuals to serve. Moreover, General Washington court martialed Lieutenant Enslin for attempting to sodomize enlisted man John Monhort. Enslin was found guilty of violating Article 5, Section 18, of the Articles of War. Washington ordered Enslin drummed from the Army “with infamy”. He considered sodomy abhorrent and detestable.7 Yet the History Channel would have us believe he had no problem with this Prussian chap who desired to bugger young soldiers in his tent. Laws against sodomy were extant throughout pre and postwar America. Notions the Army would countenance let alone welcome homosexuals is preposterous.

Does O’Reilly address exculpatory evidence with respect to Steuben? No. Palmer’s book was written in 1937, are there newer books with new evidence? Newer books yes, new evidence, no. How can O’Reilly ignore the homosexual movement’s frenzy to claim everyone from the apostle Paul, George Patton, to Bugs Bunny were homosexuals? They are desperate to find masculine homosexual heroes to counter their image as effeminate males with an affinity for buttless chaps and marching divest of clothing in depraved parades. Next, O’Reilly resuscitates one of the most reprehensible libels ever promoted serving in the process as a handmaiden to Left. He writes the Jefferson Foundation proved through DNA Thomas Jefferson fathered six children by his slave mistress Sally Hemings.8 His proof? Its that consensus thing, again. What about the DNA test? Jefferson hasn’t been around to provide a sample for quite some time but I’ll address that soon.

Dumas Mallone’s six-volume biography is perhaps the most thorough published on Jefferson. He writes this lie, about Jefferson “emanated from a single poisoned spring”, James Thomson Callander whom the president “unwisely befriended”.9 Callander was a Scottish pamphleteer who wrote tracks attacking the Crown and Parliament and was indicted for sedition. He fled to North America picking up where he left off writing pamphlets attacking the Federalist Party and the Adam’s administration. Jefferson considered him useful to the Republican Party, strong opponents of the Federalists. In economic straits, Callander appealed to Jefferson. He provided him irregular monetary gifts including funds to write a book on American history. Callander authored an unsigned document exposing Alexander Hamilton’s affair with the wife of James Reynolds who used it to blackmail Hamilton.10

In giving Callander monetary gifts, Jefferson unwittingly left himself vulnerable to blackmail as well. Callander’s pamphlets attacking Adams on behalf of Republicans led to his arrest for sedition. He was fined $200 dollars and sent to prison. Jefferson promised to pay the fine but didn’t follow through for which Callander never forgave him. He was able to raise the funds, pay the fine, and was released from prison. James Monroe later pardoned Callander and the court remitted the fine.11 He then asked for a meeting with President Jefferson in Washington, D.C. He met with the president’s representative demanding appointment as Postmaster for Richmond, Virginia. He threatened to blackmail Jefferson by making public damaging letters and documents. He did not receive the appointment.12 In March 1801, Callander began attacking Jefferson in Federalist controlled newspapers. He revealed Jefferson paid him to attack Adams. This was “fully exploited by Federalist Papers including the best of them, Hamilton’s organ, the New York Evening Post”. At the end of 1802, Callander published his sensational claim Jefferson sired five children by black slave, Sally Hemings. He had never been to Monticello nor spoken with anyone who lived there including Sally Hemings.13 He claimed ambassador Jefferson took Hemings, as his concubine, along with his two cherished daughters to France. He described Hemings’ alleged children by Jefferson as very black when, in fact, Hemings was light complected to the point, children sired by Jefferson might have passed for white. Callander invented children that did not exist.14

So-called Federalists were anything but. They were Nationalists advocating consolidating all and unlimited power into a strong national government, rendering states merely its appendages. Republicans supported a federal government of limited powers and preservation of state’s reserved rights. The Constitution accomplished the latter but faux-Federalists worked to transform a federal into a national system necessitating Jefferson’s destruction. Callander’s calumny proved most useful in that endeavor.15

Then and now, there is no evidence or corroboration for Callander’s claim. It would have been “virtually unthinkable” for a “man of Jefferson’s moral standards and habitual conduct”. He was “fastidious” and devoted to his “dead wife’s memory and to the happiness of his daughters and grandchildren” which “bordered on the excessive”. None visiting or living at Monticello at that time noticed an affair. As was customary then, Jefferson did not comment on the accusations. He believed his moral life and standards spoke for themselves.16

Jefferson’s contemporaries and subsequent historians rejected Callander’s story. It lay dormant until 1974 when Fawn A. Brodie published a book using Freudian psychoanalysis to insist it was true. Barbara Riboud picked up the theme writing a novel depicting Jefferson having the affair. Suppressed memory hypnosis and a fictional novel were not enough to wave CBS off. Instead, the liberal network, practicing fake history, turned the books into a television miniseries. After historians “denounced the project as a preposterous lie”, CBS canceled it.17 “In 1998, retired pathologists Dr. Eugene Foster performed a DNA test on the Y chromosomes” of Sally Hemings’ male descendants. It revealed Tom, “Hemings first born son” who Callander claimed was Jefferson’s, “was not related to any Jefferson male”. However, Easton, Hemings last child, was descended from a male Jefferson but there was no way to say Thomas was the father. Why? Twenty-five Jefferson males lived in Virginia at the time, eight at or near Monticello. Moreover, Easton was born five years after Callander published his story when Jefferson was president. If Jefferson denied Tom was his son, why would he father Easton five years later when having a slave concubine would destroy him?18

Liberal newspapers rushed Foster’s work to press falsely claiming it proved the story about Jefferson and Hemings was true. I was a teacher at the time when a liberal biology instructor burst into the copy room gleefully and mockingly announcing the story about Jefferson had been proven by DNA. I had read the rebuttal debunking this claim and began to explain it. He said because I was not a biology teacher, I didn’t know what I was talking about. I placed a copy of the rebuttal in his mailbox. There was no apology.

DNA tests revealed all but one Jefferson male had a 15% chance of fathering Easton. It dropped to 4% for Thomas meaning the chances he was not Easton’s father is 96%. No letters, diaries, documents, or records among the large Jefferson and Hemings families mention an affair. Evidence points to Thomas’ brother Randolph. Easton was born in 1808 when Thomas was 64 and serving his second term as president. Randolph was 52 and his five sons ranged from ages 17 to 24. A

11 The Chris Stigall Show, KCMO 710AM Radio, 8 September, 2023.

22 The Mark Levin Show, KCMO 710Am Radio 11 September, 2023.

33 Bill O’Reilly, Killing England (New York, N.Y., Henry Holt and Company, 2017). 187, 188, 198.

44 Erick Trickey, “The Prussian Nobleman Who Helped Save the American Revolution”, April 26 2017, Smithsonian, at https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/baron-von-steuben-19096L30481

55 John McCauley Palmer, General Von Steuben (New Haven Connecticut, Yale University Press, 1937), 94.

66 Michael Lynch, “Our Gaydar Seems Broken”, Past In the Present at https://pastinthepresent.wordpress.com/2011/10/11/our-gaydar-seems-to-be-broken/

77 General Orders 14 March 1778, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania at https://founders.archives.gov/documents/washington/03-14-02–138.

88 O’Reilly, 198.

99 Dumas Mallone, Jefferson the President: First Term 1801-1805 (Boston, Massachusetts, Little Brown and Company, 1970), 206-207.

1010 Dumas Mallone, Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty (Boston, Massachusetts, Little, Brown, and Company, 1962), 326-327, 331, 332.

1111 Mallone, Jefferson the President, 207-208.

1212 IBID. 207-208, 210.

1313 IBID. 211, 212.

1414 IBID. 212-213.

1515 IBID. 218.

1616 IBID. 214.

1717 Ann Coulter, “Was Thomas Jefferson on the Duke Lacrosse Team”? July 9, 2019, updated August 12 2020, The Marshall News Messenger, Friday May 5, 2023 at https://marshallnewsmessenger.com/opinion/columns/ann-coulter-was-thomas-jefferson-on-the-duke-lacrosse-team/article-20eed382-a-05a-11c9-bcb0-436538f71

1818 IBID.


Lifting the Veil on BLM: Critical Race Theory Rejects King’s Dream


“When people are solely fixated on the issue of race, they tend to view everything that happens to themselves and others of their racial group through a prism that has only two colors—black (oppressed) and white (oppressors). That is far from the reality in America today”.1

Dr. Ron Martinelli

“All the Panther lovers. All the ‘Do it or Die.’ All the ‘by any means necessary negroes…I didn’t see ‘em stand up and do nothing’. Oh really, I don’t believe in marching, I believe in offing the pigs’. Well they got pigs out there. You ain’t offed one of them. What I believe in, I do. Do what you believe in. Or shut up and admit you’ve lost your courage and your guts to stand up…’I’ll off the man. Well off him. Plenty of crackers walking right around here tonight”.2

Al Sharpton, Speaking to Students, Kean College, New Jersey, 1992

On 28 August 1963, in what became the largest civil rights march to date, Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech before a huge crowd in Washington, D.C. His vision foresaw a future in which “my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”.3 King expressed the Biblical principle of universal brotherhood wherein people of all races see their own humanity in the faces of others. In G_d’s eyes, there is only the human race. One’s heart and character define who they are. However, Critical Race Theory (CRT), the intellectual foundation of BLM, denounces King’s colorblind society and equality of races as a trap set by white supremacists.

Samantha Vincenty, senior staff writer for the Oprah Daily, who is white, insists a color blind society is racist because it “ignores the realities of systemic racism” and thus hides the fact that blacks are “mistreated, underserved, and underpaid”.4 CRT’s adherents and BLM base their “proof” for systemic racism on de rigueur claims police are engaged in a genocidal war of oppression against blacks.5 Mistreated, underserved, and underpaid by whom? Where are the examples? Has she not heard of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, especially Title VII? If race-based discrimination in pay were occurring, Civil Rights attorneys would like to know.6 Nevertheless, Vincenty makes the self-validating claim blacks must suffer mistreatment because CRT presupposes “systemic racism” as an incontrovertible fact for its starting point. If not true, their remedial solutions collapse like the proverbial house of cards. Systemic racism is an amorphous creature whose singular quality is plasticity. It is possessed of many meanings and no definitions. From there, Vincenty jumps to the conclusion not to see race is itself racist. Why? It allows those who utter statements about a colorblind society to ignore systemic racism.7 Being called a racist is the greatest fear among the whites she knows but it pales in comparison with black’s greatest fear, “not surviving an interaction with a police officer”.8 Like communist professor Howard Zinn, who used no footnotes in his writing,9 Vincenty provides no sources for her claims. This shields authors from having to defend their research, such as it is, on the one hand and blast critics as racists on the other.

Vincently asserts when white people hear the term racism, they see Jim Crow laws establishing segregated schools, neighborhoods, restaurants, hotels, and public transportation. Since this is illegal, white people assume racism no longer exists. This view blinds whites to black poverty and lack of educational and employment opportunities resulting from institutionalized racism. Institutionalized by whom? Whites, of course. In order to preserve their dominant position in society, white Americans erected a system of structural racism built on oppressing other races. She does not explain how her boss, Oprah Winfrey, overcame structural racism to become one of the richest women in the world. Vincenty also sees the American tradition of individualism as racist and a source of pathologies plaguing black society. Individualism allows whites to see poverty, academic failure, alcohol and drug dependency, and the inability to find and hold jobs as “personal moral failings” rather than identify the real cause. That cause, of course, is systemic white racism. Worse, individualism teaches if one engages in right behavior, (studying in school, working hard, obeying the law), one succeeds in life. If you don’t, you won’t. This view places blame for personal failures on the individual rather than on where Vincenty believes it really belongs, systemic white racism.10 This view generates a neat and tidy rationale for recurring and seemingly impregnable pathologies plaguing black inner cities. It is the white man’s fault. One could ask who created “pregnant teens; families without fathers; or a 50% high school dropout rate” as well as rampant drug abuse among this demographic. Who created its “murderous street gangs preying on their own communities and killing young black adolescents and young adults”? Who gave birth to and promotes “gangsta rap” which denigrates girls as “bitches” and “ho’s”?11 In addition, critics of CRT point out African immigrants from Nigeria are among the most educated and successful of any immigrant group.12 CRT proponents counter the difference is the legacy of slavery.

According to Brandon Jones, blacks suffer a transmissible and inherited generational form of PTSD resulting from slavery, humiliation, discrimination, and hatred by whites in America.13 Original rationales justifying slavery evolved into a systematized structure of oppression by the white against the black race. If this were true, why would black and brown people become police officers? Vincenty claims some minorities are willing to serve Caucasian’s system of racial control to the point of oppressing their own.14 Spokesmen for BLM and their allies are less generous referring to these officers as race traitors.15 Vincenty, writing from the ultra-liberal enclave of NYC, is more than an opinion essayist she is a propagandist for CRT, which, itself, is an adaptation of Karl Marx’s theory of class conflict and exploitation.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels authored the Communist Manifesto. They boiled history down to a constant struggle between two economic classes, oppressors and the oppressed. The former, capitalists, own the means of production as well as natural resources. The latter own nothing therefore trade labor, far below its value, to their oppressors for goods and services. Therefore, these classes are “in constant opposition to one another”. Either this ongoing clash leads to a “fight” ending “in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large” (with the end of oppressors owning the means of production and private property) or it ends “in the common ruin of the struggling classes”.16 As society evolves, the classes remain the same because oppressors devise “new conditions of oppression” resulting in “new forms of struggle that replace old ones”. Society exists in two hostile camps, “bourgeoisie, and proletariat”. The bourgeoisie construct society to prevent the oppressed from ever rising above their class.17 Does this sound familiar?

Proponents of CRT adapted Marx’s theory replacing economic with racial class. Just as Marx contended due to oppression by the bourgeoisie the proletariat could never rise above its station in life, CRT argues the same with respect to race. Whites are the bourgeoisie and blacks the oppressed downtrodden proletariat. As butterflies pinned to a museum display case, blacks cannot escape their race. Born black, black they will always be. Because whites designed society to exclude them, it automatically denies blacks full participation. Where did CRT come from? Like any movement, CRT has its pioneers.

Derrick Bell, Professor of Law at New York University, together with Alan Freeman, a white “scholar”, State University-Buffalo Law School, created the foundations for Critical Race Theory. They and those who followed cleverly refashioned Marx’s theory to explain why blacks fail to thrive in white society.18 It should not escape notice white people were integral to the black struggle for equality going back to abolition. Much like Vincenty, Bell brushes aside this untidy fact asserting, “Whites support civil rights protections for blacks only if those protections would also promote white self-interest and social status”. He views blackness as equivalent to membership in a “permanently oppressed caste”. For white people, “racism is a normal, permanent aspect of life”. For blacks, notions of “equality before the law” is an affront, an insult because systemic white racism fixes blacks in an inescapable oppressed class denied the same rights enjoyed by whites. Therefore, black “moral claims” to equality before the law “are superior to those of whites”.19

Professor Bell, like his CRT replicates, “built his academic career” on “the endless repetition of the claim that whites and white institutions are irremediably racist”. He also embraces Race Traitor, a journal dedicated to the “abolition of whiteness”. Its motto is “Treason to the white race is loyalty to humanity”.20 Bell, like other CRT adherents, insists the American legal system is structurally racist.21 This includes its laws, courts, police, and prisons.22 In addition, “American society at large” is “racist” in its very “construction”. White racism permeates all aspects of American culture and life. This includes its educational, economic, governmental, health care, and religious institutions. Because whites constructed them to promote white supremacy, racism is intertwined with and inseparable from their institutions. Therefore, “oppressed racial groups have both the right and duty to decide for itself” which laws they will obey.23 Looting during summer riot seasons is acceptable because blacks are re-appropriating what whites stole from them through slavery and exploitation.24

Bell condemns and rejects all standards with respect to research methodology as racist constructs. Flouting convention, he eschews source citation contending black oral “storytelling narratives” are more legitimate. Do universities allow white professors to do the same? This carries over in his demand universities hire and promote blacks irrespective of qualifications. Harvard Law always prided itself on hiring professors with law degrees from elite universities, who clerked for the Supreme Court, and worked in a major law firm. In response to pressure from the Black Law Students Association, Harvard hired Bell who met none of these qualifications. He “mocked” them as “exclusionary constructs of a racist white power structure” erected to “deny blacks an opportunity to teach at the nation’s elite schools”.25 Does this hold true for white law school graduates denied employment by Harvard who lack these requisite qualifications? Bell complains, “White society condemns all blacks to quasi-citizenship as surely as it segregated our parents”. Slavery shows what white people did and could do again and “black people will never gain full equality”. Blacks “must confront and conquer” this “reality of our permanent subordinate status”.26

Kathleen Cleaver, once Communications Secretary for the Black Panther Party, is a senior lecturer in law at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. She insists the Panthers were part of a “liberation” movement and violence committed by blacks, especially against police, constitutes “righteous resistance” and “self-defense”.27 Is this not what BLM and its surrogates say? Is there a connection between BLM’s claim attacking police is self-defense and the dramatic spike in assaults against officers? Cleaver teaches revolution to overthrow white society in American and Europe is necessary because they built their societies on colonization and enslavement of black and brown peoples. She embraces communist dictatorships as well as Muslim terrorist groups. In short, she finds common cause with anyone who hates America and the white man.28

Lewis R. Gordon, professor of Philosophy, Temple University, joins professors Bell, Freeman, and Cleaver in pushing CRT. Not only is he a member of the Radical Philosophy Association, but he has authored articles for Political Affairs, the “theoretical organ of the American Communist Party”. He teaches, “White America does not see blacks as individuals, but as a threatening ‘existential reality’ waiting to overtake the country”. He argues blacks suffer “humanistic anxieties” resulting not just from past injustices but “modern slavery and racism”. These injustices continue because white Americans refuse to regard blacks “in racial terms in their ‘blackness”. A color-blind society would cause blacks to disappear. He calls for teaching a new African philosophy that rejects Western Philosophy. Professors should view students “as potential agents to be deployed in the service of ‘progressive’ politicians”. Like other CRT adherents, he speaks extensively on “liberation” of blacks from the white society that “cruelly oppresses them”.29 They can only achieve this through revolution and overthrow of all aspects of white society.

This constitutes but a sampling of CRT proponents. They exist on virtually every college campus. White majority public schools are rushing to implement CRT curriculum. How many Americans understand what CRT is? How many know it is the intellectual foundation of BLM? How many know liberal white teachers have been promoting CRT in public schools for some time? CRT and BLM cannot survive a color-blind society. For them, race identifies who is part of the oppressor and oppressed groups. Therefore, they reject Martin Luther King’s call for non-violent resistance and a color-blind society. Yusra Khogali, co-founder of the Toronto, Canada BLM Chapter, declared BLM rejects the goals and tactics of the “old-guard” who led the civil rights movement in the 1960s. They reject notions of equality, integration, and assimilation into mainstream America. Instead, they want to overthrow it.30

CRT is an adaption of Karl Marx’s theory on class conflict and oppression. It teaches that Caucasians are inherently racist as if part of their DNA. They are irredeemably racist unable to escape their history of exploitation, oppression, and enslavement of black and brown people. They built their civilization and wealth on racial expropriation. They maintain comfortable middle and upper class lifestyles by denying blacks a seat at the table. Whites constructed their institutions to ensure hegemony over other races. The police enforce white rule. Therefore, liberation for the black man can occur only when he overthrows white society and all its institutions. This then, is CRT.

1 Ron Martinelli, Ph.D., The Truth Behind The Black Lives Matter Movement And The War On Police (Temecula, California, Martinelli & Associates, Justice & Forensics Consultants, Inc., 2016), 153.

2 “Flashback, Al Sharpton Screaming At A Crowd to ‘Off the pigs’ and ‘crackers” at https://www.dailywire.com/news/flashback-al-sharpton-screaming-crowd-pigs-and-chase-stephens.

3 Daniel J. Boorstin and Brooks Mather Kelley, A History of the United States Since 1861 (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1990), 695.

4 Samantha Vincenty, “Being ‘Color Blind’ Doesn’t Make You Not Racist—In Fact, It Can Mean The Opposite”, 12 June 2020 at https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/

5 Black Lives Matter at http://www.blacklivesmatter.com/. This is from BLM’s 2015 webpage. They have sanitized and scrubbed some content from their webpage to hide who they really are.

6 National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), “The Current Stat of Equal Pay Laws, at https://www.ncsl.org/research/labor-and-employment/the-current-state-of-equal-pay-laws.aspx

7 Vincenty, “Being Color Blind”.


9 David Horowitz, The Professors (Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2006), 358-364.

1010 Vincenty, “Being Color Blind”.

1111 Martinelli, 113.

1212 B. Joseph, “Why Nigerian Immigrants Are One of The Most Successful Immigrant Groups in the U.S., 2 July 2018, at https://medium.com/@joecarleton/why-nigerians-are-one-of-the-most-successful-immigrant-groups-in-us-23a7ea5a0832

1313 Brandon Jones, M.A., Psychotherapist and Behavioral Health Consultant, “Legacy of Trauma, ‘Context of the African American Existence”, at https://health-state-mn-us/communites/equality/projects/infantmortality/session2.pdf.

1414 Vincenty, “Being Color Blind”.

1515 Donna Weaver, Staff Writer, “Black Police officers talk about being seen as traitors by community”, The Press of Atlantic City, 1 March 2016, at https://pressofatlanticcity.com/news/crime/black-police-officers-talk-about-being-seen-as-traitors-by-community/article_aef98ab2-dd96-11e5-a926-eba8ce62ad69.htm;

1616 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Joseph Katz, editor, The Communist Manifesto (New York, N.Y., Washington Square Press, Pocket Books, A Division of Simon & Schuster, 1974), 57-58.

1717 IBID. 59-66.

1818 Horowitz, 56.

1919 IBID, 56.

2020 IBID, 56.

2121 IBID, 56-57.

2222 IBID, 57.

2323 IBID, 57.

2424 Khaldea Rahman, “Black Lives Matter, Chicago Organizer Defends Looting: ‘That’s Reparations”, 12 August 2020, Newsweek at https://www.newsweek.com/black-lives-matter-chicago-defends-looting-reparations-1524502.

2525 Horowitz, 57.

2626 IBID, 60.

2727 IBID, 89.

2828 IBID, 90-91.

2929 IBID. 197-199.

3030 Taleeb Starkes, Black Lies Matter: Why Lies Matter To The Racial Grievance Industry (Lexington, Kentucky, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016), 30-34.


Lifting the Veil On [S]BLM[K]




My heart goes out to the brave men and women of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement. You put your lives on the line to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic. Your countrymen have betrayed you. They have handed her over to these people who hate this country and despise everything for which you stand and fight.

At the start of each New Year, pundits and commentators on the passing scene typically offer a retrospective best and worst of list for the preceding year. This is my offering for the Ten Biggest Whoppers of 2020:

1. Mostly peaceful protests.

2. Two weeks to flatten the curve.

3. Social media supports the 1st Amendment.

4. Black lives matter to Black Lives Matter.

5. Follow the science.

6. Emulate your political “leaders”; always wear a mask and social distance.

7. Fair and honest elections.

8. AOC is not an eighth grade girl blogging from her bedroom.

9. Nancy Pelosi does not sleep with the undead.

10. Joe Biden is president.

Growing up in America, like anyone else, I was an avid consumer of pop-culture entertainment, film, and music. By my university years, I perceived the Left was using these medium to inculcate unsuspecting youth with their subversive “values”. Their goal is to deconstruct Judeo-Christian based Western Civilization. Like shop-a-holics, credit card in one hand phone in the other watching the HSN Channel, people seemed incapable of resisting indoctrination. Too many bought into the value system and worldview peddled by cultural and political revolutionaries without question. Even more insidious are public school teachers serving as their political commissars in classrooms. Has there been a ripple effect to this brainwashing?

I have been a Formula 1 racing fan, the world’s premier motorsport, since childhood. My favorite teams included Lotus and McLaren. Several years ago, I gravitated toward Mercedes with her glittering silver cars trimmed in teal. Englishman Lewis Hamilton won his first World Championship with McLaren and then six more with Mercedes. Wikipedia, perhaps the worst source for information, lists Hamilton as black. However, he is actually mixed-race. His dad is black from the Caribbean and his mother white from England where Lewis was born and raised. Over the years, I collected Hamilton apparel, biography, autographed picture, and die-cast racecar. However, because he chose to inject politics into the sport, my Hamilton memorabilia is no more. I have binned it all. Last year, Hamilton decided he was an angry black American, from South Central Los Angeles no doubt, who took up the cause of black Americans BLM claims the police are systematically murdering on behalf of white America. This millionaire jet-setting bon vivant was soon sporting BLM shirts and hats, kneeling sans American flag, and raising the Marxist clenched fist before each race. However, that was not enough. He publicly called out as racists, drivers who did not kneel with him. He forced them to wear black T-shirts reading “End Racism” during the host country’s national anthem. Formula 1’s panjandrums decreed that racetracks and buildings display slogans about racism. However, that was still not enough. Mercedes repainted their shimmering silver cars an angry flat black with BLM-like slogans on the car’s halo device. I was stunned. BLM, started by three Marxists, is a domestic terrorist organization with the blood of police officers and citizens on its hands. Heading into a new season, I wondered how much of BLM’s Kool Aid motorsports fans had imbibed. Time to find out.

I joined several Face Book Formula 1 Groups. One gentleman lamented the manner in which Hamilton has injected politics into the sport causing “divisions” between fans. I noted the hypocrisy of Hamilton and Formula 1 claiming to be fighting oppression while holding races in countries with state sanctioned slavery and in Islamic states where women are second-class citizens. Mr. Qundiso Mpofu challenged me to name such countries. I listed several in Africa, the Middle East, and Red China. Mr. Mpofo insisted there was as much oppression against blacks in the United States as in any other country. Then he made the jaw-dropping claim there was as much slavery in the U.S. as in China! I suggested he had taken leave of his senses and asked him to provide me examples. No response was forthcoming. He was alone among black Hamilton fans who equated criticism of BLM with racism.

On the FormulaNerds page, a member also bemoaned the degree to which Hamilton’s political activism was damaging the sport. I agreed noting, although Hamilton is a great driver worthy of the hype, I could no longer support him. Four members of my family served in the U.S. Military and two, including me, in Law Enforcement. I feel betrayed by his support of BLM. For a week, members responded with “likes”. Then a Liston Alexander asked how, by standing against racism and racial oppression, Hamilton had betrayed me. He asked if the “cellphone pictures were faked”? He chided “people like you” with “law enforcement experience” see the world differently than others, meaning blacks. I asked him to what cellphone images he referred and who was committing acts of oppression and violence against blacks in America’s cities. It is not police gunning down blacks in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Oakland, and Philadelphia among others. Does Hamilton speak out about oppression of blacks by other blacks? He has thrown support behind BLM whose message is the white race is inherently (born that way) racist, they constructed America’s institutions to preserve white hegemony by suppressing blacks, and the white race is waging a war of genocide against the black race, with police their instrument of extermination. Considering these are monstrous lies, guaranteed to generate hatred and violence between races, how could I support Hamilton?

Liston Alexander responded writing I had no empathy or understanding of the centuries of systemic racism inflicted on African-Americans. He claimed the only terrorists in America are the “armed supporters of Satan who stormed the Capitol building” and for me to shift the blame to BLM for anything, and black people, who are the “victims tells me exactly who you Are” [capitalization in the original]. I responded writing I owed Mr. Alexander an apology presuming he was an educated intelligent person but that was clearly not the case. I noted the greatest oppression of blacks occurs between Mauritania in the west to Somalia in the east and Chad in the north to Zimbabwe in the south. In addition, I had grown up partly in Baltimore and Philadelphia’s inner cities, and attended majority black schools. Whites did not oppress blacks they were terrified of them. BLM never mentions this. No response.

An argument commonly employed by supporters is to say they do not endorse BLM’s Marxist goals and violence only its struggle against racism. It does not work that way. As the Monster from Austria [MFA] built the National Socialist German Workers Party, he attracted Germans with disparate grievances. Germany’s military was its pride and joy. Veterans believed politicians stabbed them in the back while still on battlefield at the end of the Great War tarnishing them with the stain of defeat. Soldiers wanted the military returned to its former glory. Germans crushed by the burden of war reparations, as well as union workers, believed MFA would restore the economy and jobs. Others rejected the war-guilt clause of the Treaty of Versailles and many Germans feared the rise of the Communist Party in the Weimar Republic. Of course, there was the bizarre cult that saw Jews as subhuman and poison to German culture. People representing these factions found themselves supporting the Nazi Party vigorously or as the lesser among several evils.2 History demonstrates that one cannot disaggregate responsibility for the evil a group does by declaring support for only part of its actions. This would be like declaring, although one opposes lynching, nevertheless, they joined the Klan because it supports strong families. In addition, sans support for the NAZIS by these factions, they would not have come to power. This is why, after the war, the Allies did not allow Germans who were members of the Party to say they never supported persecution of and ultimately mass murder of Jews. Who then, is Black Lives Matter?

Former police officer and currently a forensic criminologist Ron Martinelli, Ph.D. writes of BLM, “This is an organized and well-funded, media savvy, national, and international movement, based upon revolutionary Marxist ideology. The movement seeks to systematically attack, diminish, and eventually overthrow the rule of law and the democratic form of government to free whom they see to be the oppressed masses”.3 How can those supporting BLM, like American professional athletes and Lewis Hamilton, not know this? They support an organization seeking to overthrow the U.S. system of government in favor of a Marxist dictatorship. They say so. BLM and its “ancillary militant groups and organizations” drive to defund law enforcement, in order to upend the rule of law, is preparatory to overthrowing American’s “democratic way of life”.4 If this is true, how can so many people, black and white, support [S]BLM[K]? Could the answer be what I have written is false? To answer this question, we repair to BLM’s Webpage from 2015.

Three female Marxists founded BLM in 2013 following the jury’s acquittal of George Zimmerman charged by the state [Florida] with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. BLM used the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri [2014], as the vehicle to catapult it to national prominence.5 BLM’s founders, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, used rare police shootings of unarmed black men to claim these shootings were, instead, the norm and represented a monstrous conspiracy by the white to exterminate the black race. Garza, a lesbian Marxist, began the call for Black Lives Matter on Face Book. Cullors, also a lesbian Marxist, joined the nascent organization while running a convict “advocacy” organization in prisons. Tometi, a Marxist immigrant from Nigeria, ran an advocacy group for black immigrants.6 In 2015, BLM’s website consisted of history, a mission statement, and various political declarations. They asserted white cops were waging a war of terrorism against the black race. Their credo under “We Affirm That All Black Lives Matter” clearly explains “Black lives matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It’s an affirmation of Black folk’s contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression”.7 Systemized and intentional means; people organize a process to achieve a specific goal through methods standardized to the point they become a replicable system. It requires an objective and metrics by which those managing the system can measure progress toward that goal and a definition of what accomplishing that goal looks like. Intentional means individuals deliberately created the plan and system with a specific goal in mind.8 Therefore, BLM argues leaders within the white race decided to exterminate the black race. They created a standardized plan to achieve their goal (systematic), methods to ensure its success (institutionalized), and a means (the police). The white race has purposed to commit genocide against the black race according to BLM’s webpage (if they have not sanitized it yet). BLM affirms its right to fight back by any means. They mean killing police officers and race war.9 What do they mean their movement is “ideological”? Clicking on text boxes quickly provides an answer.

Under “Black Villages” it reads “We are committed to disrupting the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another and especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers parents, and children are comfortable”.10 Other textboxes contain militantly feminist, homosexual, and “transgendered” (sic) statements. BLM is committed to dismantling the traditional Judeo-Christian family structure replacing it with a lesbian ruled matriarchy wherein hermaphroditic men serve their interests like worker bees. They declare, “We are working to [re]build the Black Liberation Movement”.11 Liberation from what? In the 1960s, the Black Power Movement, a liberation movement, founded by Stokely Carmichael, Malcom X, and others broke with Martin Luther King over his insistence on non-violent resistance and universal brotherhood. They preached gathering arms to execute violent revolution and enact revenge on the white race with separation being their ultimate objective.12 The Black Power Movement’s view of the white race as an irredeemable enemy and call for violent revolution, with separation into a black nation lines up with today’s BLM movement.

Calls for healing, reconciliation, and unity are contrary to the worldview of the BLM movement. They despise notions of black life’s “fate in America decided inevitably by white people”. Liberation is freedom from “the power of whites” who have no future in their world.13 BLM denounces “buy black” campaigns because they ignore “our sisters queer, and trans (sic) blacks”. They affirm, “The lives of black queer and trans (sic) folk, disabled folks, black undocumented folks” and black prison inmates “along the gender spectrum”. They assert black poverty is the result of state directed genocide. Blacks in prison are innocent victims of “state violence” and “Black queer and trans (sic) folk bear a unique burden from a hetero-patriarchal society that disposes of us like garbage and simultaneously fetishes us and profits off of us and this is state violence”. Their slogan is “justice, liberation, and peace”, identical to the slogans of communist guerillas in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.14 Knowingly or not, anyone who dons BLM apparel, raises a clenched fist, or takes a knee metaphorically spitting on the American flag, lends support to BLM’s claim white people are beyond salvation and their call to race-war.

I understand the pique of blacks at my critique. Pathologies afflicting black cities include high rates of unemployment, poverty, crime, drug use, school dropouts, and unwed mothers. BLM and its supporters have invested too deeply in white oppression narratives as the cause of these pathologies to countenance contrary explanations. Racism is the root cause of their lagging academic and employment accomplishment, compared to Asians and Hispanics. If not for the white race using its institutions and police to hold him down, they would succeed like everyone else. Black crime rates are no higher than other races; the police simply target only them for enforcement. Challenging BLM’s assertions, I encountered anger and brick wall like resistance to the truth. It is easier to blame scapegoats than accept perhaps to some degree; pathologies plaguing inner cities might be self-inflicted. Equally, I understand the pique of whites. From them I rob any rationale for purging their “white-guilt” through self-hatred and prostration before blacks, believing they rightfully deserve the hatred, opprobrium, and debasement BLM hurls at them. I take away the validity of “deconstructing” their whiteness through acts of self-flagellation.

Why do whites submit to debasement and humiliation by BLM and its allies? Why are they sock-puppets spewing the propaganda of those who hate them? What has so annealed them to the point they cannot be reached? Two culprits come to mind. Had pop-culture and public education not first fertilized their minds with the manure of lies and evil propaganda, America would not today be harvesting such poisoned fruit.

22 The BBC, Higher Learning, “Why The Nazis Achieved Power”, at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitsize/guides/zsrwjxs/revision/7

33 Ron Martinelli, Ph.D., The Truth Behind The Black Lives Matter Movement And The War On Police (Temecula, California, Martinelli & Associates, Justice and Forensic Consultants, Inc., 2016), 3.

44 IBID. viii.

55 IBID. vii-viii.

66 IBID. 1-2.

77 Black Lives Matter, 2015, at http://www.blacklivesmatter.com

88 Yitzhak Goldstein’s definition derived from educational theory with respect to measuring learning progress.

99 BLM Webpage.

1010 IBID.

1111 IBID.

1212 Daniel J. Boorstin and Brooks Mather Kelley, A History of the United States Since 1861 (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1990), 437-439.

1313 David Horowitz, Hating Whitely And Other Progressive Causes (Dallas, Texas, Spence Publishing Company, 1999), 82-83.

1414 BLM Webpage. I am not writing from memory. Not only did I take notes, I downloaded and copied their 2015 webpage.


Purim Reflections on a country הפוך upside down

Purim started Thursday night, and continued on Friday till sunset, when Shabbat started. One of the things about Purim is we don’t listen to the scroll as mere (HAHA, mere) history, but as current, as our reality today, to see it through the lens of current events.

I listened to a very interesting podcast last week, the podcast discusses the genocide chart and points out the flaws in it. Nope, it’s not too negative, it’s too optimistic. It’s not that long, and well worth listening to.

Well, that’s not too hard. Let’s see, government that hates a segment of it’s own population and wants to kill them.

Basically, we are living under martial law, and have been for over a year. We no longer have the right to run our own businesses as we see fit, people that have had a business in their family for generations are losing their businesses and homes. The government decides whose life is essential and worthy of continuing.

You no longer have the right to redress of grievances, or even express an opinion on the past election, at least that’s how the rulers would have you believe. Don’t believe me? RUSSIA is saying that American citizens are being treated unfairly.

Quick pop quiz: Which supreme court justice served the shortest length of time? Amy Coney Barrett. Because with her and Kavanaugh (both who made so much of their faith, like Judas Pence) siding with the liberal court justices refusing to hear evidence in the election they have pretty much rendered the SCOTUS irrelevant. They will be packed soon enough. It will never be anything close to a real SCOTUS again. She carried on about how she “loves” the Constitution. Uh huh, like OJ loved Nicole. If they didn’t want to do the job, they shouldn’t have taken it.

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, February 4, 2021 Persecution of participants in January mass protests in the United States

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing persecution campaign against participants in the so-called storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, and against anybody at all who does not agree with the results of the latest presidential election. US officials and an obedient media have labelled them “domestic terrorists.” By the way, did the ambassadors of EU countries or EU representatives in the US react in any way? Did they express concern about Washington’s rhetoric regarding its own citizens? No? Too bad.

The FBI has reportedly opened more than 400 criminal cases and applied for more than 500 search warrants and subpoenas for suspects; it has also brought charges against and detained around 200 people. Only several dozen defendants have been released on bail or placed under house arrest. The others are being subjected to harsh pressure, with members of their family and social circle being coerced into giving a “convenient” testimony. Moreover, people who have not even been officially charged are losing their jobs; they are being banned from social media and publicly ostracised.

Among other things, there is a question about the objectivity of the law enforcement agencies because they are essentially acting under orders and in line with the narrative of the current administration who declared the events of January 6, 2021 a riot and everybody who was near the US Congress on that day all but plunderers. Whereas in fact, the majority of those people were ordinary citizens concerned about the situation in their own country. These were 74 million voters who voted for their president and defended their views. I am using the same words that Washington has used with respect to our country.

Their protest will not just go away. You cannot just sweep discontent under the rug. Even the rhetoric that the United States allows itself to use with respect to Russia will not help distract public attention from the country’s own problems. They will have to be dealt with. US citizens deserve to be treated according to the law and in line with Washington’s international obligations. In this context, we have every reason to express concern and demand that basic human rights be observed. US officials are constantly and hypocritically taking care of these rights when it comes to other countries; and yet, they have no scruples in ignoring them at home. Why don’t you deal with your own problems? There are plenty of them and they need to be solved.

We intend to continue monitoring this issue and have a serious talk with Washington.

I’d just add we have darn good reason to doubt the validity of the election when 3 months after the election TIME magazine (I don’t take it, my puppy is house trained) publishes an article bragging about how they stole influenced “fortified” the election. Reminds me of a comment a Rabbi made sometime last week on a radio show about how evil has to brag about what it’s done. So meaningless show elections. Characteristic of communism and totalitarian?

Yes, I quoted the whole item in case it “disappears”. How sad is it when Russia has to point out the injustice. And they are correct. There are absolutely stories out there of people that were just at the capitol that day, but were identified (read ratted out) and have had visits from the FIB, full of threats and intimidation. One pair of brave FIB agents even took on a pregnant young mother at home with her four children under the age of 7.

It’s about the ideology, that tops everything. The media celebrates transgender Rachel Levine, the nominee for assistant health secretary who took her mother out of a nursing home two weeks before she started stuffing Wuhan flu patients into them. Meanwhile there is another transgender woman who has been in jail, stripped naked and left in open display with the lights on in her cell for 24 hours a day for 4 days. As of 22nd February, she was still being held without bond. Her crime? Right wing thought. She is a member of Oath keepers and was at the capitol on January 6th. Did she break anything? No. Did she attack anyone? No.

Meanwhile antifa and blm seem to be skating for their participation. UPDATE: BLM-Antifa Organizer John Sullivan, Who Was Arrested After Storming US Capitol, Bashing Windows Is Writing a Book, Being Paid for Video as Trump Supporters Rot in Jail

IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups

Unequal application of the law depending upon political beliefs?

PELOSI’S FAULT: Speaker Pelosi told Sgt. at Arms to Deny National Guard at Capitol Due to Optics – Left Building Unprotected then Lied About it- MUST RESIGN!

President Trump: Capitol Officials Controlled by Pelosi Rejected My Recommendation of 10,000 National Guard for January 6 Because of Optics

Propaganda style media covering for totalitarian regime?

I’d make a joke about Pravda here, but I’m not sure they aren’t more honest than American mainstream media at this point.

Is the government working to enslave citizens by using ruses?

HUGE EXCLUSIVE: US Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna and Dr. Fauci’s Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019! — What’s Going On?

Again, remember, Fauci was paying the Wuhan lab, even after Osama Obama told him to knock off the gain of function studies on the virus.

Did Fauci know the fix was in for Obama’s third term in the guise of hiden Biden, because he sure isn’t in jail. Why Is Dr. Fauci Receiving International Awards? Why is He Not Fired or Behind Bars?

There are some very interesting graphs in that article. Remember, it was the feckless Fauci who insisted the whole country had to be shut down ruining the economy and lives. But with leftists, the end justified the means.

Why is a Democrat campaign committee thanking Fauci? The whole article is pretty interesting.

As I was viewing The Hill’s website a day after Joe Biden’s “inauguration,” an interesting ad popped up on the screen. It featured a smiling Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the caption read ‘Thank you, Dr. Fauci!’ along with a link to “sign the card.” And who created (and paid for) this ad? Curiously, it was a fundraising arm of the Democrat Party, namely the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Why would they congratulate Fauci? Could it be that they’re grateful for the massive in-kind campaign donation by his advocacy of a massive lockdown of the American economy in a presidential election year?

The ruse that Wuhan flu justified the ruining of lives and the economy. Special favors for rats?

Branches of the government weaponized against its own citizens?

And as to some animals being more equal than others, may I just present this little conundrum.

While American citizens are masked, and locked in their homes losing their livelihoods, Obama’s sock puppet Beijing Biden has thrown open the border. We have no idea who is coming in, they are not masked, not Wuhan flu tested and we have no idea of the criminal background. Breaking: After Opening Southern Border to Illegals During Pandemic Biden Proposes Sweeping Amnesty Bill.

While American children are locked out of in class schooling due to pressure from the teacher’s union who want to be paid without having to actually, you know, teach, illegal alien children are treated to in class learning courtesy of the American taxpayer. WATCH: Trump Rips Into Biden for Bragging About Educating Migrant Kids at the Border — While American Children Can’t Go to School

I was talking to a friend of mine the other night. He’s an ex-pat living in Nicaragua and has for the last 20 or so years. He said tens of thousands of Nicaraguans have left and are in the US, now. He says they are met at the border with buses, loaded up and taken into America. I said America is becoming a communist country, why would they leave to come here? His answer? Because there they are going to get free stuff. He said one of these days when the government finally lets people out of their houses, there are going to be all these people and we are going to wonder where they came from. Neither one of us felt the need to mention who would be paying for the “free stuff”. Cloward-Piven, here we come. Wonder why congress wouldn’t work on the merit based immigration system President Trump was pushing for? Don’t even get me started on the “covid relief” bill. Children today will be living in economic slavery all their lives. Only about 09% has anything to do with covid relief. Citizens enslaved? Yepper.

So, you tell me, they let all these illegal aliens in, they don’t have to observe social distancing, masks, take experimental injections, have Wuhan flu swabs rammed up their noses and they get in person learning. Is Wuhan flu really that deadly a threat? Lying to the citizens to gain control?

We all know about the disaster in Texas, Texas Deaths May Be Due In Part to Biden’s Garbage Climate Change Executive Order and Related Actions

The loss of lives in Texas is due to the unusually cold weather but it may also be due in part to an Executive Order Joe Biden signed on his first day in office a month ago today.

Yesterday we reported on the recent Executive Order (EO) signed by Joe Biden one month ago today regarding climate change and the US’s actions related to it.

World Economic Forum Deletes Latest Video After Cheering Global Lockdowns that Pushed 100 Million Humans into Extreme Poverty

Schwab and the WEF cheered the empty streets insisting the global pandemic lockdowns were “quietly improving cities around the world.” The video highlighted deserted streets, empty factories and grounded planes. Evidently, the WEF has no concerns for the world’s poorest citizens who suffered greatly under the Fauci lockdowns for a virus that targeted 80-year-olds.

The Fauci global lockdowns will plunge 100 million into extreme poverty.

Don’t forget, these are the people that say by 2030 you will own nothing, have no privacy and be happy about it. Ask yourself, does Beijing Biden seem like an America first kind of guy? We’re back in the Paris climate accords, the WHO and the Iran nuclear deal, and out of the tough trade deal President Trump had with China. Nope, seems more like a globalist kind of tyrant with American citizens last kind of guy. He’s cool with the WEF plans.

If you haven’t listened to the podcast, one of the things the Rabbi points out is to take over a populace you have to keep them beat down and miserable. I’d say the items listed above are steps in that direction.

And last but not least, a Bill Clintoon advisor is concerned. How bad is it when a Clintoon advisor is concerned about what she sees? Former advisor to Bill Clinton and author, Naomi Wolf, was on Tucker Carlson’s Show on FOX News on Monday night. Naomi warned that under Biden America was becoming a ‘totalitarian state before our eyes’.

I’ve been writing for months and months about what I see as the terrible crisis that we’re in, that we have to recognize under the guise of a real medical pandemic. We’re really moving into a coup situation, a police state situation and that’s not a partison thing, that’s, as you say, that transcends everything you and I might agree or disagree on that should bring together left and right to protect or Constitution. We’re absolutely moving into what I call step 10.

I wrote a book in which I pointed out there were 10 steps that would-be tyrants always take when they want to close down a democracy. Whether they’re on the left or the right they always do the same 10 things and now we’re at something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. You described it really, really well. It is step 10 and that’s the suspension of the rule of law, that’s when you start to be a police state and we’re here, there’s no way around it.


Upside down, honest American citizens are being used and abused, the attempts by the communists to use the power of the government against it’s own citizens is on full display.

But just like Hamen in the Purim story who had the power of the government on his side, he still ended up hanging from a tree. And as the Rabbi pointed out in the podcast, every totalitarian government will try to disarm the populace. It’s been that way since back in Biblical times. Do we have a tyrant in office with such aspirations?

But also like in the Purim story, even though G-d himself is never mentioned and remained hidden, he was there. He responded to Esther and Mordachai’s fast and their prayers. I know many in this country have been praying for G-d to intercede. I do not believe the majority of America wanted to turn their backs on the best economy in many years, the lowest rate of unemployment for minorities for years, if not ever. A man who absolutely embraced citizens being allowed to practice their faith openly, as long as it didn’t involve driving vehicles into crowds of people or blowing up buildings or people. Well, you get the idea. I do not believe the majority of Americans decided they wanted G-d out of America and their lives.

But there is one G-d, only one, and like it says in the Purim parody song, we know who really runs the show. אין עוד מלבדו

There is none besides him.

If you don’t know, that song is a parody of this one.


Wake Up, We Are At War

Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our Founding Fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It’s up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well—by creating the international child of the future.”1

Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychiatry, Harvard University

There is a threat posed to human freedom by the enormous power of the modern state. History teaches the dangers of government that overreaches—political control taking precedence over free economic growth, secret police, mindless bureaucracy, all combining to stifle individual excellence and personal freedom.”2

Ronald Reagan

As I write these words, premeditated illegal aliens, hoping to become legal aliens under Joebama’s planned amnesty, amass at America’s southern border.3 They are colonists, not immigrants. Visit any number of “Little Italy’s” in America’s cities. You find Italian flags, food, music, and some people still speaking the old tongue, but it will have a distinctly American feel. The ebb and flow of life is pure Americana. Not so with more recent “immigrants”. They colonize areas to which they migrate transforming them into the places from whence they came. Visit California and you will understand. Colonization, not assimilation.

Prior to the “election”, Republicans from Sean Hannity to President Donald Trump warned that Democrats were “radical” and “extreme” socialists different from previous party liberals. They made a mistake in the first case and were wrong in the second. Calling liberal Democrats radical socialists was preaching to the choir. They already knew this. Republicans needed to reach the average American. Those who attended public schools. Teachers often do not explain what socialism is nor its long tragic history. Instead of labels and name calling, Republicans needed to make the case that socialism destroys economies, destroys freedom, renders people subjects not citizens, and why. Are contemporary liberal Democrats more socialistic than party liberals of yore?

Beginning with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, liberals transformed America into a “Welfare State”. “The premise of the welfare state is the federal government is basically responsible for the material well-being of the American people”4, which, of course, flies in the face of constitutionally limited government. Programs falling under the welfare-state umbrella include poverty assistance, food stamps, medical insurance, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, bank and business bailouts, college tuition subsidies, and so forth. The “federal” government funds these programs by transferring the income from those who produced it to those who did not. However, this is not socialism, right?

As defined by two former adherents, socialism is “The economic system” in which “human” and “material resources” are managed and controlled by a relatively small group of people according to their view of a common good. The difference between socialism and capitalism is, in the former, the few make economic decisions, in the latter, private individuals do.5 Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto wrote, “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”.6 When government takes resources, whether corporate or individual, by force, and transfers them to those with lesser resources, they are acting out Marx’s maxim. “Recipients of entitlement spending, whether Social Security benefits, Medicaid, or food stamps, have property rights to income that takes precedence over the property rights of those who produce the income”.7 If a government owns material resources and controls their distribution to effect a desired outcome with respect to the material “well-being” of the people, it is a socialist system. If another government takes by force, through taxation, fees, and import duties, the material resources of corporations and individuals, transferring them to businesses and people to whom they do not belong, in order to effect a desired outcome, this too is a form of socialism. The difference being, in the latter case, private individuals still own the resources. However, since the purpose and outcome for both, determined by the few, is largely the same, the difference is in degree.8

Franklyn Roosevelt’s use of centralized top down economic decision-making to “manage” private resources led to a wholesale takeover by government. This is socialism. At the end of W.W. II, President Truman issued executive orders to seize private businesses “including a coal mine, three oil refineries, an airport, cotton mills, a railroad, the Chicago cab industry, and a rubber plant”. He asserted presidents had constitutional authority to take over private industries during emergencies. Democrats had used W.W. II to force Americans to accept government regimentation of all aspects of their lives. Nevertheless, Truman and New Deal Democrats were wrong on all counts. What they promoted was unconstitutional. After the war, Truman pushed socialized medicine, government control over prices and wages, and even threatened to draft striking coal miners into the U.S. Army if they did not go back to work.9 Lyndon Johnson’s implementation of socialist Great Society Programs would take pages just to list. How are these liberals different from those who Republicans call “radical socialists” in the modern Democrat Party? The difference is in what liberals can get away with now versus then.

Instead of fighting Democrat socialists tooth and nail for the past decades, Republicans waxed sanguine over compromise with their “friends across the aisle”. How is someone determined to destroy the religious and cultural way of life of others, their friend? How does one compromise with those whose lifegoal is to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights? They are not your friends. They are at war with you. Through use of language, liberals spill the beans.

First, as a policeman in California’s radical Bay Area, and later as a public high school teacher in a socialIST studies department, I was the target of numerous unprovoked and unsolicited debates with liberals. They typically took the form of hit-and-run verbal attacks. From these experiences, I reached two conclusions. First, liberals tend to use “Republican” and “conservative” interchangeably as if synonymous. Second conservatives and especially Republicans do not appear to grasp they are in a war with liberals for the fate of liberty. Their attitude toward political defeat is similar to losing a baseball game; “We lost today but we’ll get them the next time”. Could such naïve attitudes explain Republican’s lack of support for President Trump in the face of the nation’s first coup? The struggle to preserve and regain lost freedom is not a sporting event. There will be no rematch, no comeback, and no tomorrow.

The term “conservative” represents an ideology based on a shared set of cohesive and interrelated economic, philosophical, political, and social norms grounded in Judeo-Christian principles.10 Republican on the other hand refers to a political party. Parties are “a group of citizens organized to win elections, control government, and set public policy”.11 The latter lacks the ideological underpinnings of the former. In general, conservatives believe rights are inviolate bestowed on people by G-d as stated in the Declaration of Independence.12 Conservatives embrace the Founder’s cornerstones of American democracy: individual liberty, limited government, representative democracy, and rule of law.13 Liberal’s misuse of terminology and assumption that conservative and Republican are synonymous is autobiographical. It reveals that, for them, ideology and political party are inseparable. They assume Republicans are doctrinaire conservatives because so many Democrats are doctrinaire liberals. They hate Republicans not because they are rivals for political power but because they are engaged in an ideological war and assume Republicans are as well. However, this is not the case.

For example, George Bush 41 let Americans down as much as Bill Clinton did with respect to onerous gun-control laws. Bush 43 stated he would sign a so-called “assault weapons” ban if it reached his desk.14 Former Massachusetts Republican Governor Mitt Romney supported abortion, homosexual “marriage” (sic), gun control, and state mandated health insurance, positions no conservative could ever embrace. Since the 1960s, liberals have worked to wed leftist ideology to the Democrat Party until they are one and the same. Historian John Dziak notes that the conjoining of a political party with the state (government) led to the creation of a security state in the former Soviet Union. It was obsessed with protecting its power and rule through the identification of enemies, “real or notional, and then destroying them.” It created a security service that “penetrated and permeated all societal institutions” including education, mass media, and the military. From the Cheka to the KGB, it was ruthless and driven to find and destroy all “enemies”.15 Liberals used to make thinly veiled suggestions that conservatives were crypto-Nazis. Now, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Sandy Cortez, Kali Harris, CNN, the New York Times, and many others are out of the closet asserting conservatives are Klansmen, Nazis, and vile racists, enemies America must destroy. Thin veils are gone.

David Horowitz contends that, until the ascendancy of George McGovern in the Democrat Party (1972), American political contests between Democrats and Republicans were non-ideological family feuds. This changed in the late 1960s when the counterculture Left took control of and reshaped the Democrat Party in its own image. He argues the Democrat Party is now almost indistinguishable from the traditional left-wing parties of Europe that made up the “Second Socialist International”. American liberals in general view rights as creations of government a view shared by European socialists. They reject the principle of limited government as well as the contractual nature of the Constitution. What the liberal media refers to as a “culture war” represents a conservative reaction to the Left’s assault against the Republic’s founding principles. Nevertheless, conservatives, especially those calling themselves Republicans, do not realize they are in a war according to Horowitz.16 Country club blue-blood Republicans from Theodore Roosevelt, Nelson Rockefeller, both President Bush’s, and Mitt Romney appear to view the Republican Party simply as a vehicle through which they can express their sense of noblesse oblige (nobility obligates). It is their duty to govern by virtue of their aristocratic birth. Ideology plays no role in their motivation to seek office. To win elections they are forced to associate with undesirables in the Republican Party; farmers, blue-collar workers, Christians, pro-lifers, 2nd Amendment advocates, supporters of traditional marriage, NASCAR-types, and the sort who shop at Bass Pro. Once elected, the blue bloods are free to disassociate from the rabble until the next election cycle. Laura Ingraham writes that many Republicans look down “on socially conservative, middle-class Americans as being too radical and hard-edged”. She calls them elitists and notes they “pride themselves on their ‘moderation’ ‘pragmatism’ and ability to forge ‘bipartisan agreements with their ‘good friends’ the Democrats.” She names Senators Lincoln Chafee, Olympia Snowe, and Susan Collins as examples of liberal Republicans who demonstrate their sophistication and fair-mindedness by agreeing with the liberal Democrat agenda.17 I could add to this list many other names. How are Republicans, doormats for Democrats, a viable alternative?

When Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House, they will be free to implement their three-pronged strategy to remake America in their socialist image and leave Republicans a permanent minority party. They will continue to neutralize conservatives through smear and slander campaigns rendering traditional Judeo-Christian moral values socially unacceptable. Liberals will denature the Republican Party by convincing them election of another Reagan is impossible. Instead, they must nominate “moderate” Republicans (liberals on the installment plan) to have any chance of winning the White House. This will kill support among real Americans for the Republican Party. Democrats will pass far-reaching socialistic legislation to further American dependency on the government guaranteeing Democrat rule in perpetuity. People will vote Democrat or risk losing goodies such as “free” healthcare. In addition, their assault on conservative radio and social media will escalate. Their listeners represent what former Maryland Governor Spiro T. Agnew called the “silent majority”.18 If liberals can discredit these spokesmen for conservatism, their voice and influence will disappear.

Former Connecticut Republican Congressman Chris Shays built a long career of bipartisanship by aping his liberal Democrat colleagues. Earning a lifetime score of only 44% from the American Conservative Union before he was retired, Shays told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that the Republican Party should broaden its base to include so-called moderates and liberals. Is he an Episcopalian? He added that former Vice President Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh should not be deciding who is or is not a good Republican and that Colin Powell was indeed “a good Republican for a long time”.19 After “good Republican”, Colin Powell turned on John McCain and endorsed Democrat Barack Obama he hit the speaking circuit with further denunciations of conservatives. He warned Republicans must broaden their party’s philosophical message meaning, become liberals. When asked by Bob Schieffer to respond to Limbaugh’s claim he was really a Democrat, Powell stated, “Republicans would be better off if they didn’t have Rush Limbaugh out speaking for them”.20 Regrettably, President Reagan appointed classroom Lt. General Colin Powell to deputy national security adviser in 1987.21 George W. Bush later appointed Powell to be Secretary of State. David Frum, liberal’s favorite “conservative Republican”, (who came out in support of homosexual marriage and voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016), jumped on the bandwagon with Powell and Shays. He agreed with Obama Chief of Staff and former Clinton hatchet man Rahm Emmanuel that Limbaugh is aggressive, bombastic, has a history of bad marriages, is a fat drug addict, and now is the head of the Republican Party. He accused Rush of wanting the party to lose because this will somehow increase his control over them. He advised Republicans to “modulate” their “social conservatism” meaning silencing the voices of Christians, pro-lifers, and those who support Biblical “marriage”.22 In short, faux conservatives like Shays, Powell, and Frum pushed to transform the Republican into the Democrat-Party Lite. Democrats fight for what they believe in and Republicans help them. Perhaps Republicans forget Reagan won two terms as Governor of a liberal state. When he ran for president, Reagan refused to modulate his conservative message that government was the problem not the solution and won two-landslide elections in the process.

I have no doubt Democrats rigged the 2020 presidential election and, through massive fraud and ballot stuffing, stole it from Donald Trump. It represents the first Lain American style coup in U.S. history. Americans are witnessing a political party, in cahoots with an entrenched bureaucracy, State media, and Big Tech, successfully depose an elected president. If Americans do not take a stand, if they do nothing, it is over. My respect for this country, its institutions, and neighbors will be gone. It will be time to furl the flag. If I am correct about them, Republicans will cast about for a Mitt Romney, Nikki Haley type “me-too” Republican for 2024. They will work behind the scenes to silence Trump supporters and his influence from the party…forever.

RINOs in action



1 Great Quotes from the War Over Education, Education Watch at http://www.edwatch.org.

10 Clarence B. Carson, Basic American Government (Wadley, Alabama, American Textbook Committee, 1996), 502.

11 Richard J. Hardy, Government In America (Boston, Massachusetts, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992), 268.

12 Barry Goldwater, The Conscience of a Conservative (New York, N.Y., Manor Books, Inc., 1960/1975), 9-14. See also; Clarence Carson’s Government, 61-66, Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy In America (Washington D.C., Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2002), -7, 10-12, 310, 396, 397-400, 406-13., Thomas E. Woods Jr., The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, (Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2004), 2-6, 17, 20-22., Kiron K. Skinner, Annelise Anderson, Martin Anderson, editors, Reagan In His Own Hand (New York, N.Y. The Free Press, 2001), 174-78, 359-360, Gregory L. Schneider, editor, Conservatism In America Since 1930, (New York, N.Y. University Press, 2003), and George H. Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement In America Since 1945 (Wilmington, Delaware, Intercollegiate Studies Institute,1996.

13 Hardy, 31.

14 Eric Lichtblau, “Irking N.R.A., Bush Supports Ban On Assault Weapons”, May 8 2003, The New York Times, at https://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/08/irking-nra-bush-supports-the-ban-on-assault-weapons.html

15 John J. Dziak, Chekisty: A History of the KGB (Lexington, Massachusetts, Lexington Books, 1988), 1-18.

16 David Horowitz, The Art of Political War (Dallas, Texas, Spence Publishing Company, 2000), ix-xii.

17 Laura Ingraham, Shut Up And Sing: How Elites From Hollywood, Politics, And The U.N. Are Subverting America (Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing Inc., 2003), 11-12.

18 Francis X. Clines, “Spiro T. Agnew, Point Man for Nixon Who Resigned Vice Presidency, Dies at 77” New York Times, (Thursday September 19, 1996), at http://www.nytimes.com/1996/09/19/us/spirot-t-agnew-point-man-for-nixon-who-resigned-vice-presidenc

19 Scott Whitlock, “Andrea Mitchell Features Good Republican Chris Shays to Critique Steele,” News Busters at http://www.newsbusters.org (Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research Center).

20 Colin Powell on Rush Limbaugh at http://rightwingnews.com

21 Ronald Reagan, An American Life: The Autobiography (New York, N.Y., Simon and Schuster, 1990), 535.

22 David Frum, “Why Rush Is Wrong” Newsweek (March 16, 2009), 25-32.

2 Ronald Reagan, Speaking My Mind (New York, N.Y., Simon and Schuster, 1989), 111. An address to the members of the British Parliament, Palace of Westminster, June 8, 1982.

3 Editors, “Immigration Officials Anticipate Flood of Illegal Immigrants Under Biden Administration”, Headline News USA, December 16 2020 at https://headlineusa.com/flood-illegal-immigrants.biden.

4 Clarence B. Carson, A Basic History of the United State, Volume 5: The Welfare State 1929-1985 (Wadley, Alabama, American Textbook Committee, 1987), 1.

5 Brian Crozier and Arthur Seldon, Socialism The Grand Delusion (New York, N.Y., Universe Books, 1986), 15.

6 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Selected Works In Two Volumes, Volume II (London, England, Lawrence And Wishart, LTD., 1950), 13-15. See also, https://www.britanica.com/biography/Karl-Marx/quotes. From Karl Marx, “Critique of the Gotha Programme”, Foreign Language Press, Peking, 1972, David J. Romagnolo, editor, page 10 at http://ptb.lashout.net/marx2mao/M&E/cgp77.html.

7 Paul Craig Roberts, “GOP’s Deficit Phobia Ignores Larger Entitlement Problem” Human Events (March 3, 1995), 20.

8 Brian Crozier and Arthur Seldon, Socialism: The Grand Delusion (New York N.Y., Universe Books, 1986), 15-17.

9 Brion McClanahan, 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America and four who tried to save her (Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2016), 102-118.


Hanukkah 2020

Because I can never see this enough.

What.A.Year. Paging Judah Maccabee….

We’ve had several columns written about Hanukkah, possibly because I love the holiday. People of faith in both America and Israel have had threats to their ability to worship freely in both countries for as long as I’ve been doing columns.


Chabad has a really good story of Hanukkah that gives more of the history leading up to the pivotal moment when Mattityahu killed the Hellenized Jew that was going to sacrifice a pig on the alter in his name. Then he went after the army that had come to enforce the decree. https://www.chabad.org/holidays/chanukah/article_cdo/aid/102978/jewish/The-Story-of-Chanukah.htm

While both Purim and Hanukkah celebrate the survival of the Jews against an enemy, there are differences. Purim, like the holocaust was an attempt to wipe the Jewish people from the face of the earth. The goal of the Syrians-Greeks was to make the Jewish people like everyone else on the face of the earth, meaning idol worshipers.

This year as we approach Hanukkah, I see my country in a place I could never have imagined growing up. I wonder if it was like that was for the Maccabees? Did they see the threat of the Greeks growing? Because initially when the Greeks gained control over Israel they were respectful. But as some of the Jews began to assimilate, the Greeks lost respect and began to treat them more cruelly. One might say, the mask came off.

As it is here.

I don’t think there is any doubt that there has been massive election fraud in the 2020 elections. And of those that would deny it, I would be curious to know how much they actually know about it. As the always brilliant Jack Englehardt writes in his column about censorship,

Turns out my neighbor up the road never heard about the Hunter/Joe Biden scandal that weeks ago was all the rage on the New York Post, and later Fox News.

That’s the one where Hunter allegedly served as bagman for himself and his dad off money scooped up from China, Ukraine and Russia.

“How come you didn’t know?” I asked this neighbor.

“Never heard of it,” he said proudly. “I don’t read the Post. I only read the Times, and I never watch Fox News.”

If he knew the story, would he still have voted for Biden?

“It would have been something to consider.”

Yes, it would…and I read somewhere that more than 60 percent who voted never heard of it, either

It seems people that lack information make really poor choices that  cause everyone else to suffer. And suffering there will be.

In addition to censorship, there is just flat out lying by the MSM. The Nick Sandman category of lying, brings us the latest story involving the Papa John’s Pizza chain and accusations of racism. Except it never happened. Ex-FBI director clears Papa John’s founder of racial bias, slams ‘clearly inaccurate’ media Hope he sues the AP into oblivion. If the media will lie about something like a pizza chain, how could anyone ever doubt the lengths they would go to in the quest to manipulate voters The media made this story up out of whole cloth!

It seems daily more and more information comes out about ballots unloaded in the middle of the night, pulled out from underneath tables, or Timmy found them in the well. Then there are the ballots that got ran through multiple times, President Trump losing votes on a cnn scoreboard refresh, tractor trailers with ballots disappearing. There has been quite a lot of evidence. Unless you are Brian Kemp urging the Chinese to come to GA. Governor Brian Kemp on Video in Front of Communist Flag Asking Chinse Companies to Invest in Georgia

What’s that Lassie?

No need Governor, they’ve already invested in you and the GA Secretary of State Raffensperger who shows a stunning lack of awareness by using Dominion’s President Trump hating Eric Croomer to say there is nothing wrong with their systems. Perfectly safe. Georgia Attorneys and Secretary of State Defend Dominion Voting Systems Instead of Voters In Their State. Never mind the 2016 video in which Croomer was saying ” possible to bypass election systems software during the vote counting process.” Actually there are two videos of Croomer demonstrating how to use Dominion to switch votes. Or like Stzrok and Page, Croomer had his power trip moment:

“Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f**king sure of that!” – Dr. Eric Coomer VP of US Engineering for US Dominion Voting Company

Isn’t it interesting that in 2016, when Kemp was Secretary of State, there was a Dominion problem.

Georgia Secretary of State Says 10 Cyberattacks Traced to DHS – Calls for Investigation. Yep, that’s right kids, in 2016 Obama’s DHS (the ones that said in this election there was no sign of fraud, right?) attacked the Dominion voting machines in GA. The IP addresses were traced back to the DHS. And yet, GA keep the Dominion machines. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/12/georgia-secretary-state-says-10-cyberattacks-traced-dhs-calls-investigation/

Dominion had some help though, for example Mark Zuckerberg of Fakebook. We talk about how he censors posts and information, but he did a lot more than that. About 350 million more than that.

This year, left-leaning donors Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan gave $350 million to an allegedly “nonpartisan” nonprofit, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which in turn re-granted the funds to thousands of governmental election officials around the country to “help” them conduct the 2020 election.


What these grants did was build structural bias into the 2020 election where structural bias matters most – in densely populated urban cores. It converted election offices in key jurisdictions with deep reservoirs of Biden votes into Formula One turnout machines. The hundreds of millions of dollars built systems, hired employees from activist groups, bought equipment and radio advertisements. It did everything that street activists could ever dream up to turn out Biden votes if only they had unlimited funding.

In 2020, they had unlimited funding because billionaires made cash payments to 501(c)(3) charities that in turn made cash payments to government election offices.

Massive numbers of people have come forward to testify under oath about things they’ve seen, or like some nursing home residents, things that have happened to them. Things people were told to do, things that have been recorded on video. Everyday citizens stepping up because they know what they are seeing is wrong, and evil. And those who should care, judges, secretaries of state, attorney generals at federal and state, multiple state actually, levels just don’t care. I’m very disappointed that SCOTUS wouldn’t hear the case Texas and other states brought against those corrupt states. It seems to me if the whole country is about to suffer under the tyranny of the harris/biden regime we should be heard. Some of these states that foolish choose not to be involved are going to be in for a big shock. Because once the socialist/communist party seizes control their autonomy is over. Has anyone ever seen much autonomy in a communist country? Thought not.

Remember the doofus known as Eric Swalwell who threatened to nuke American citizens  who refused to be disarmed and then just claimed he was joking? I’m sure most people realized it’s not normal for elected officials to threaten citizens with nuclear weapons. Well, not communists, no, they wouldn’t see a problem with that. But normal people. So lately it’s become much more clear as to why that would even cross his mind. He was in bed with the communists, no wonder he thinks like them. Yes, literally in bed with them. A Chinese spy named Christine Feng who also implanted a few people into other political positions. Republicans have a problem with Rep. Swalwell being on the intelligence committee and sleeping around with Chinese communist spies.

Demoncratic/Communists do not. Pelosi Defends Swalwell’s Chinese Spy Scandal – Then Deflects by Saying QAnon is a Danger to Congress Poor old bat, she needs help.

How much voter fraud, illegal voting, ballot manufacturing etc has taken place? Who knows for sure, the FBI is out investigating garages and subways sandwich shops. But I would hazard a guess that if this level of corruption and a power grab of this magnitude is allowed to succeed, we’re pretty much all done but the shouting. There will never be a real election again, it worked. If it works once that’s all it needs to work because then the communist government has taken control. Things that are moral and honest have been shoved aside. And evil people have been allowed to break the law, lie, cheat, steal and bully and intimidate with no repercussions. Why wouldn’t they do it again?

The democrat/communist party knows the majority of Americans voted for President Trump, thereby rejecting their radical platform. It took a massive amount of vote fraud to overcome those votes cast by real Americans. And yet, the communist/democratic party is now willing to attempt to force their will on those citizens. Those who voted for biden because he was a “moderate” are going to be very shocked when they discover their trial subscription to living in a communist country compliments of Wuhan Flu controls becomes a permanent feature.

I heard a very interesting interview with Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith from www.SaveOurFreedoms.org Rabbi Smith is also a lawyer, has studied molecular biology, virology and infectious diseases at the University of California at Berkeley. He maintains what is being done to the fearful American citizens is psychological warfare and he has some pretty good reasons for saying that.

And at a time of great challenge, the aspiring tyrants in power in NY and CA have forbidden people to attend worship services. And all over the US older Americans have been deprived of getting to see loved ones in their waning years, families are kept apart by fears of a virus with a greater than 99% recovery rate. NO ONE IS SAYING IT’S NOT REAL. We know, it’s real. And it’s also really being used to control people. So things that are normally a large source of strength and comfort to people, things that have helped hold the fabric of our society together in troubled times are the very things those aspiring to rule over us are denying us. Illegally I might add.

I have as much faith in vote tallies as I do Wuhan flu statistics. Sad, isn’t it?

After Supreme Court ruling, New Yorkers go back to synagogue

The decision resolved two cases at once: one brought by Agudath Israel of America, an organization representing Orthodox Jews, and one brought by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn.

“This is the first time in my memory that we have assumed the role of plaintiff before the high court,” Avi Shafran, Agudath Israel director of public affairs, told The Jerusalem Post. “What impelled us here was the singling out by New York’s governor of Orthodox neighborhoods as virus spreaders, repeatedly calling pointed attention to the residents’ religion, when other neighborhoods with even higher virus transmission rates were not given the same ‘red zone’ status. Our rabbinic leadership felt that we needed to speak up and defend our, and all Americans’, religious rights.

As in the times of the Maccabees of Hanukkah, cruel tyrants tried to forbid people from from the free worship of G-d. They have that in common with communism. Nothing is allowed to be more powerful or revered than the government. People of faith live by G-d’s laws, and love and revere G-d, not big government.

Justice Barrett Casts Deciding Vote, Justice Gorsuch Hammers Gov. Cuomo’s COVID-19 Restrictions on Churches and Synagogues

Democrat California Gov. Newsom Ignores SCOTUS, Doubles Down on Worship Restrictions

Yes, I think I’ve laid out enough information as to why these times are dark, with similarities to the times of the Macabees, and in fact some of the same circumstances. And some of those same circumstance are for the good as well. Namely, G-d is still in control

אין עוד מלבדו

There is none but him.

The festival of lights, Hanukkah, season of miracles. The miracles are many. That the Maccabean army was successful. From 1 Maccabees Chapter 3

10 Then Apollonius* gathered together the Gentiles, along with a large army from Samaria, to fight against Israel.

11 When Judas learned of it, he went out to meet him and struck and killed him. Many fell wounded, and the rest fled.

12 They took their spoils, and Judas took the sword of Apollonius and fought with it the rest of his life.

13 But Seron, commander of the Syrian army, heard that Judas had mustered an assembly of faithful men ready for war.

14 So he said, “I will make a name for myself and win honor in the kingdom. I will wage war against Judas and his followers, who have despised the king’s command.”

15 And again a large company of renegades advanced with him to help him take revenge on the Israelites.

16 When he reached the ascent of Beth-horon,* Judas went out to meet him with a few men.

17 But when they saw the army coming against them, they said to Judas: “How can we, few as we are, fight such a strong host as this? Besides, we are weak since we have not eaten today.”

18 But Judas said: “Many are easily hemmed in by a few; in the sight of Heaven there is no difference between deliverance by many or by few;

19 for victory in war does not depend upon the size of the army, but on strength that comes from Heaven.

20 With great presumption and lawlessness they come against us to destroy us and our wives and children and to despoil us;

21 but we are fighting for our lives and our laws.

22 He* will crush them before us; so do not fear them.”

23 When he finished speaking, he rushed suddenly upon Seron and his army, who were crushed before him.

24 He pursued Seron down the descent of Beth-horon into the plain. About eight hundred* of their men fell, and the rest fled to the land of the Philistines.

They reclaimed the Temple, they were able to replace the desecrated and stolen items and finally to find the one small cruse of oil. The oil that was only suppose to last for one day, but instead burned for eight. But that’s not the only miracle with the oil. The miracle is that they used the oil and lit the Menorah. The part that I’m apply starts about 5 minutes in. I promise, from minute 5 to the end is good medicine.

Watch on TorahCafé.com!

14And My people, upon whom My name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My presence and repent of their evil ways, I shall hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land. ~~II Chronicles Chapter 7:14

That’s the thing about Hanukkah, the Maccabees and the Jews that were remaining faithful to G-d were outnumbered, out gunned and didn’t even have NewsMax on their side. But they did have something better, they had G-d, who loved them. Yes, I think we could be facing an escalation in this fight we’ve been engaged in now for some time. But G-d is not a man who changes, he is the same and the things he wants from us and for us are the same.

I don’t know how this will turn out. I know we can’t rely on people or institutions to save us, almost every institution and so many politicians that campaigned that they would represent us have failed us. The corruption is in so many places, some not even known yet.  No matter what, we can continue to seek G-d, and ask for his blessings on us, our families, homes, country and our way of life. We can try to be prepared and filled with resolve. And we can remember this is the season of miracles. As Rabbi Zev says, “Think good and it will be good”.  I believe in miracles.

Chag Hanukkah Samach

חג חנוכה שמח

Happy Hanukkah or Merry Christmas (a bit early) to our TZP family


As Ever Was

I listened to a couple of interesting radio shows today on Israel Newstalk radio while I was working outside. One of them was Political Hitman, and the topic was the 25th anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. The other was The Jay Shapiro show, and his topic was The American Election and Israel.

Both of them dovetail with the dumpster fire we are seeing on a daily basis. The left is fast accelerating from #AspiringTyrants to #Tyrants. They no longer feel they need to hide their agenda and their plans for America. I don’t know if I was ever naive enough to think that the left wanted what was best for America, they just thought there was a different path to achieve it. They don’t want that, they want to destroy her. At the root of their belief system is communism. Communism where everyone is equal. In misery. They all have the same, deprivation, misery and pain. Except of course, the ones at the top, they dine very nicely on the suffering of others. The enabling people always seem to think they will somehow be at the top of the food chain. I guess that’s why they’re called useful idiots.

Then we hear that Venezuela or Cuba, or Russia, or or or didn’t do “socialism” right, or they don’t want that kind of “socialism”. I’ve got a newsflash, there is no “right” and it’s only socialism until the populace is completely defenseless. Then like the biden harris harris biden administration, the mask comes off. You see it’s a very predictable result. And this is from 2006, so it’s higher by now.

Communist body count by country.

The military wing of the party of the left, they aren’t democrats anymore, the BLM movement and antifa are beginning to make their demands known to the new communist regime that is currently pretending they’re coming to power. I’m praying they go down in flames. BLM founder calls for Biden to sign radical legislation to ‘abandon police, prisons, and punishment paradigms’

The BREATHE Act demands the dismantling of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border Protection, and immigration detention centers….

would create a commission to study reparations proposals for African Americans, based on “mass criminalization – including the War on Drugs, the criminalization of prostitution, and police violence; border violence; and the systemic violation of the U.S. Government’s treaty obligations to Tribal nations.”….

The legislation calls for the removal of all police, school resource officers, and armed security from schools, plus the metal detectors and surveillance equipment would be banned.

Public school systems would be required to develop curricula that examines “the political, economic, and social impacts of colonialism, genocide against indigenous people, and slavery.”

No mention was made if there will be time for math, science or English classes. Maybe they will be electives.

AOC Demands Joe Biden To Enact Policies From The Green New Deal (VIDEO)

The left will use the power of the government against it’s citizens in a heartbeat, that’s how they roll.

But one of the most disturbing things I am seeing is the willingness of ordinary people to justify using fear, threats, intimidation and violence to attack people that love America but have a different opinion of politics. I would say they have a different moral compass. Actually, I would say they have a moral compass. Full stop. It’s full on gaslighting. For the last 4 years we’ve been treated to lies from the left and the media during obamagate, the Steele dossier, the fraudulent (and very expensive) impeachment efforts. Attacks on Trump supporters, sometimes enabled by the very law enforcement officers they defend. WATCH: D.C. Cops Direct Trump-Supporters into Gauntlet of Protesters, Do Nothing When They Are Assaulted Let alone the rallies where antifa attacked conservatives and the police stood by on their stand down orders. The Left’s Wanton Violence Against the MAGA Marchers

WATCH: Drone Footage Captured Moment Biden Supporter Rammed Vehicle Into Trump Rally in Wauwatosa Again the #WhiteSupremicistFailure Proud Boys was there, they held the perimeter and gave first aid to the injured. A communist harris biden supporter purposefully drove his car into innocent people.

Democrat Wayne County Election Observer Threatened Two Republican Members Who Refused to Certify Ballots (VIDEO)

Wayne County canvassers doxxed and threatened over votes Canvasser Palmer got to listen to someone saying where her children went to school along with the urging people confront them as well. The two canvassers had their information released on line via twitter, home address, phone numbers, email addresses. Seems @jack dorsey wasn’t worried about how they came by that information. The NY Post should sue the heck out of him.

If Media Didn’t Think Trump Could Win, It Wouldn’t be Targeting his Lawyers

“How Do You Deprogram 75 Million People?” – California Democrat Calls For “Post WWII” Reeducation For Trump Supporters Interesting, one of the comments on this acceptable to @jack for a twitter thread felt church goers needed to be subjected to re-education camps as well. Although color me skeptical about the amount of “reeducation” that will be going on. Also under twitter comments.

This guy has been around forever.

Back in 2014 he got busted for tweeting that he couldn’t wait for white GOP voters to die. https://t.co/i7Q6oLCMcx

Crazed and Vicious Michigan AG Threatens to Criminally Charge GOP Lawmakers for Meeting with Trump on Stolen Election Guess the GOP thought they were still a free people and entitled to meet with whomever they chose. Silly GOP.

The left (communist) wants America to be a one party nation, and they are the one party. They will lie, cheat, and steal to win power.

What will they do with that power? It’s about the power to destroy America.

‘Perpetuate this inequality’: Ilhan Omar says US must begin ‘dismantling’ economy and ‘the whole system of oppression’

And many of the demoncratic governors are perfectly fine with playing their role by destroying the economy and middle class in their states. Or fiefdom as the case may be.

CEO Dan Price GOES OFF on Pandemic Lockdowns — That Destroy Small Businesses While Profits for Global Corporations Soar

The Coronavirus may end up killing more jobs and businesses than people.

Of course, the rules are different for the rulers, correct?

California Medical Association Officials Among the Maskless Guests Who Joined Gavin Newsom at Swanky Birthday Dinner Mask-less, too many people, no social distancing, indoors. The works. And apparently the medical profession is just as “concerned” about the Wuhan Flu. The state’s guidelines for Thanksgiving say that residents who don’t cancel their plans should celebrate with not more than 2 other households, keep the time spent together to a minimum and open windows or dine outside.

But across America (the real one) people are beginning to say they’ve had flat enough of this.

Trump Supporters Gather Outside NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s House Chanting ‘We Will Rock You!’ (VIDEO)

Orange County, Sacramento and El Dorado County Sheriffs Will Not Enforce Gavin Newsom’s Curfew Order

Californians Revolt: Anti-Lock Down Protesters Storm the Streets, Gather Outside Gavin Newsom’s House in Defiance of Curfew Order

“Get Out! – Go Get a Warrant!” – Business Owners in Buffalo, New York Stand Up to Cuomo’s Covid Orders, Kick Out Sheriff and “Health Inspector”

But I have news for these elites that think their alliance with the storm troopers of blm and antifa have assured them compliance and victory. It may not be so easy. Antifa wants chaos and anarchy. That means the endgame is no demoncrats as well. Actually I maintain that party died the day pelosi and schumer knelt down wearing kinte cloth in an abject surrender and appeasement.

But the signs are there, you think antifa and blm support harris biden and the rest of the communists?

For Portland Black Lives Matter Rioters, Biden Isn’t Enough. They Want ‘Death To America’

Antifa vandalize Democrats HQ at Portland anti-Biden protest

And this was post election.

Like Illan Omar said, they want the destruction of America. Newsome, Cuomo and the lot are just useful idiots.

I find history fascinating. I referenced a Political Hitman episode earlier in this column. In this episode he talked about the Altalena, the ship that was bringing arms and new immigrants to Israel to fight in the battle for Independence. The Irgun had done a campaign in Europe to raise funds and buy arms to fight and the desperately needed supplies were coming in on the ship. Menachem Begin was head of the Irgun, and he was right wing.

David Ben Gurion and Yitzhak Rabin were left wing. They ordered the Altalena attacked. I’ve done a column with more details on that here. But the point Howie was making in the podcast is the left was willing to destroy the arms and ammunition that would win the war for the Jews and secure their homeland in order that the right not be in control of the government of Israel. Including firing on Jews in the water as they jumped from the burning vessel.

They did not succeed in killing Menachem Begin that day, and he called off the fight in order that the country shouldn’t be destroyed. He later became prime minister.

There is little if anything to admire about the left. It’s about power and control, of government, of people.

Menachem Begin faced off with Joe Biden once (at least) on June 22, 1982. There used to be video of this, but I can’t find it now. Go figure. But here was his reply to Hidin’ Biden.

“Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

Senator Biden reportedly banged the table with his fist, and Begin retorted,

“This desk is designed for writing, not for fists. Don’t threaten us with slashing aid. Do you think that because the US lends us money it is entitled to impose on us what we must do? We are grateful for the assistance we have received, but we are not to be threatened. I am a proud Jew. Three thousand years of culture are behind me, and you will not frighten me with threats. Take note: we do not want a single soldier of yours to die for us.”

If we let the left succeed, we will not recognize America very shortly I’m afraid. The left is about power and control and the people that seem to choose it’s path like to hurt things. People, businesses, religion. So many of them lack information to make wise, informed choices and form honest opinions because the media has abandoned their duty. They are all in now with trying to control people by denying them accurate information and feeding them false information in an attempt to control them and the outcome of events.

As ever it was.


Lifting the Veil On Black Lives Matter

Yitzhak Goldstein, Professor Errant


1To understand Black Lives Matter, it is necessary to distinguish between the organization by that name and the general movement operating under the same banner. Three Marxist lesbians formed the Organization following the Trayvon Martin case in 2014. Their goal is abolition of Judeo-Christian based Western society and violent over throw of all its institutions. In addition, they contend the white race is attempting to exterminate the black race with police their instrument of execution. I plan a future expose on them but for now, my focus is on the broader Black Lives Matter Movement (BLMM).

Liberal media mouthpieces, aware of the revolutionary, violent, and communist nature of BLM, are quick to point out that most protesters marching under its name are not necessarily members of BLM or aware of its extreme goals. They worry connection between BLM and the protest movement will damage the latter’s cause. However, a close examination of the movement’s beliefs and ideology may prove equally problematic. What do they believe?

In general, to varying degrees, the Black Lives Matter Movement [BLMM] assert systemic white racism besets America. This means racism permeates America’s institutions from government, the family, church, education, its economic system, cultural norms, to its criminal justice system. So pervasive is this racism, it is intertwined with and inseparable from these institutions. The nature of white racism is structural meaning built automatically into each institution from the ground up. White privilege means Caucasians, by virtue of their skin color, have automatic societal acceptance and access to opportunities denied others. BLMM asserts this explains why whites achieve success and prosperity at higher rates than blacks do. White Supremacy means Caucasians construct culture and mechanisms to protect and preserve their dominance against challenges. This renders non-whites permanent second-class citizens unable to enjoy the Declaration of Independence’s promise of equality. For “proof”, BLMM points to the inordinately high percentage of blacks in poverty and prison claiming those behind bars are political prisoners, not criminals. Political for challenging the status quo. Because the police are the bodyguard for white supremacy, BLMM exhibits special hatred toward black officers.

Two inescapable questions come to mind. First, if the white race has so constructed America’s institutions to preserve its hegemonic dominance, how is it brown and black immigrants from East and Southwest Asia, the Middle East, the Indian Subcontinent, and Africa scale these barriers achieving economic success equivalent to whites? Second, considering that black mayors, city councils, police chiefs, and boards of education have controlled black dominant cities for decades, how are white people to blame? To ask such questions invites shrieks of outrage and accusations of racism. You will be “cancelled”. BLMM addresses these discrepancies by insisting pathologies afflicting black dominant cities; poverty, unemployment, high school dropout rates, children born out of wedlock, drug use, domestic violence, and violent crime are the direct legacy of slavery. Former conditions of servitude, Jim Crow, and structural racism, lock blacks into inescapable economic inferiority leaving them few avenues to survive other than crime. It is the white man’s fault. If this is so obvious and demonstrable, why then do Caucasians deny their culpability? BLMM says it is because white people are inherently racist. It is a part of white people’s nature as if a component of their DNA. Inherent racism blinds them not only to the plight of blacks, which they see as the norm, but also to their role in creating and perpetuating problems endemic to the black condition. This blindness renders any white observation or opinion on race illegitimate. The white race must accept and purge its collective guilt.

Black author Taleeb Starkes also notes what he calls the Racial Grievance Industry (RGI), blames black poverty, and crime on the legacy of racism in cities long ruled by blacks. This is for political reasons. If black leaders accept responsibility, no longer can they blame white society. Blame and accepted guilt allow them to extract from whites economic tribute and political advantage.2 Starkes refers to the notion the legacy of slavery damns whites to eternal responsibility for problems plaguing black cities the “Theory of Exploitivity”. It promotes not only perpetual white guilt, but also argues all conflicts between the races stem from blacks attempting to confront white racism. It is a one-way street.3 Riots are a form of political expression their condemnation therefore racist. Since 1965, the federal government has spent trillions in black cities on poverty and education programs yet little has changed.4

For BLMM and its groveling self-flagellating white sycophants, “Racism is the end-all-be-all-explanation” for everything that is wrong in the black community. Therefore, “no fact finding mission is necessary”. Whites must accept total blame and responsibility for all problems in black communities without question or equivocation. Because whites are guilty, what is there to argue about? Any study or investigation into the root causes of black societal problems, whose starting point does not begin with presumption of white guilt and responsibility, is racist and invalid.5 Discussions of racial issues by whites must begin with their confession of guilt and blame. Pointing to studies revealing fatherless homes play a role in black crime, Baltimore’s riots for example, is a non-starter because it does not begin with the presumption white racism is always the cause.6 The white race must also purge its collective guilt. Part of that process is to dismantle all institutions, symbols, and vestiges of racism and slavery. Purging must include culture, holidays, language, historical documents, statues, and so forth.

For years, I have advocated a name change for the nation’s capital. Not to denigrate the man who was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen (George Washington for those who went to public school), but to separate his name from the disgrace on the Potomac. The federal government’s functions today bear no resemblance to the Constitution. Heretofore, my voice has gone unheard, but now, from a new corner, comes a voice demanding this change. George Washington’s family owned slaves so his name must go. Supporters of BLMM, including white members of Congress attempting to exorcise their inner-slave master, bandy names about like a badminton shuttlecock. Leaks suggest in the running was domestic terrorist and murderer John Brown, who attacked the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry Virginia, (16-18 October 1859) to spark a slave rebellion and mass murder of whites. Then someone scrounged up a history book and discovered Brown was white. He is out of the running. Next the People’s Committee to Rename the Capital turned to Black Panther leaders Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, and Angela Davis. Black and communists, would they not do? Newton, Seale, and Cleaver were male and Davis is heterosexual. Cross their names off the list. It seems this leaves only Maya Angelou.

In their Bolshevik-style redo of America, BLMM and its Communist ally, Pantifa7 want to replace the National Anthem as well. Rumor has it Soviet Russia’s anthem was proposed but once again the same problem reared its ugly head. White guys wrote it and pasty-skinned ones at that. Claims they are considering communist Zimbabwe’s national anthem remain unsubstantiated. BLMM has engaged in violence, riots, looting, and thuggery knowing that as long as they cloak it all in racial terms, cowed white liberals will do nothing. Worse, liberal professors, actors, actresses, and media personalities race to the airwaves to support these crimes as a way to purge their racism and white guilt. Like sharks tasting blood, BLMM asks, why stop now? To flex their political muscle, they need to make examples of people.

After committing the counterrevolutionary crime of expressing patriotism and pride in the flag of his country, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees became that example. Black teammates and professional jocks in other sports descended upon Brees in furious rage over his racist crime. Caving in and submitting to reeducation, Brees recanted and apologized for his insensitive crime of being proud of family members who fought against the Nazis in WWII. Not wanting to suffer the same fate, Hollywood and corporations quickly and cravenly rushed to throw their necks into BLMMs guillotine. Legos deemed its toys featuring police stations, officers, and patrol cars so vile and racist, corporate cowards quickly yanked them from their product line. A & E Channel immediately canceled its popular Live PD TV show as if, like Brees and Legos, they are all inherently guilty of George Floyd’s indefensible death. When the people Americans depend on for courage and leadership, men and women of character, surrender without a fight, what chance is there people of lesser spine will stand for the truth? The decisions we make, when those decisions are difficult, define who and what we are. Dominos continued to fall.

Quaker Oats could not expunge Aunt Jemima’s face from its pancake mix boxes fast enough. I, like so many others, grew up with Aunt Jemima never once imputing negative stereotypes to her happy face. The same goes for Uncle Ben. Mars Incorporated is scrubbing his friendly face from their boxes of parboiled rice as well. Introduced in 1943, Uncle Ben has been a staple in kitchens for decades. To fight racism, companies must airbrush the faces of two iconic black people from food boxes? It gets worse.

NYT’s propagandist

Unbeknownst to kids growing up years ago, Mary Poppins and chimney sweep Dick van Dyke were racists. In the 1964 children’s classic, Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews) uses her magic to ascend a chimney with the kids she is babysitting to a rooftop above. Covered with soot, Mary commits the unpardonable sin of powdering her face making it darker to look like a chimney sweep. Then she dances across the rooftops with equally be-sooted Dick van Dyke. According to gonadectomized New York Times hyphenated editorialist Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, this is pure racism. White people in “black face” is an unacceptable form of racist mockery. Shame shame.8 Perhaps Pollack-Pelzner has been in cryostasis for a long time but black face fell out of favor in the 1930s. It made a few cameo appearances in early 1950s Hollywood films and then disappeared. It has been gone for some seventy years. I never saw or heard of black face as child hence, watching Mary Poppins, I made no connection between her soot smeared face and black people. Poppins was about to dance with a chimney sweep who naturally would have a carbon blackened face. It was a skit, a musical. Like subliminal messages Hollywood purportedly embedded throughout drive-in movies, one would have to strain very hard to find secret coded racist messages in Mary Poppins. Pollack-Pelzner’s white-guilt ridden garment rending lament, and that of other BLMM mouthpieces, makes it sound as if slavery ended last week. Perhaps someone should examine Julie Andrew’s performance in The Sound of Music for other hidden messages. Better yet, Pollack-Pelzner could write an expose about racist Kentucky coal miners emerging from beneath the ground in black face. How does scrubbing the faces of friendly black people from product boxes, banishing police shows from television, and violent protests, looting, and rioting save one black life in Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Oakland, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and other cities? Maybe for BLMM, not all black lives matter.

Over Father’s Day weekend (2020) in Chicago, killers shot 104 people. Fourteen died including five children, a 3-year old, and a 13-year old girl. Almost all the victims and their killers were black.8 Liberals, like Democrat Party strategist Jessica Tarlov, appeared on news programs arguing the sudden tidal wave of black inner city violence was the natural consequence of people cooped up too long from China virus stay at home orders. Tension between family members leads to conflict, fights, and ultimately someone grabs a gun.9 If this were true, violence would be uniform across America including in white neighborhoods. However, this is not the case. It was limited almost entirely to Democrat run cities with large black populations. Over the same weekend, Detroit experienced 25 shootings with four dead. Police Chief Craig noted most were drive-by and targeted shootings. The same proved true for Chicago.10 Minneapolis, where its ultra-liberal government is dismantling its police department, witnessed 12 people shot with one dead. Most of those the hoods shot were standing in a crowd on a public street. A drive-by. In Syracuse, New York, thugs shot nine people who were at a large outdoor gathering. None of these shootings was between people cooped up too long.11 It is clear that blacks are gunning down other blacks, including children and infants, every week in major cities, but no one marches for them. Are whites killing blacks in large numbers? In one place they are.

The majority of feminists promoting abortion and owners of abortion mills are white. Keeping this in mind, the abortion rate among black women in America is four times that of white women. On average, doctors abort 900 black babies every day [328,500 each year]. Considering black women make up approximately 7% of the U.S. population, and have 35.6% of all abortions, it is clear it is not the police blacks should fear but the white doctor holding a scalpel and vacuum hose.12

Freakonomics, authored by liberal University of Chicago and Yale professors Steven Levitt and John Donahue, respectively, was a 2005 bestseller. They argued abortion is a significant factor in reducing crime. Unwanted babies are typically born to black unwed mothers. Black males, growing up poor and fatherless, are much more likely to become violent criminals than kids who grow up in two-parent families. The U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand in 1973. According to Levitt, violent crime began dropping in 1991 because black kids, who would have turned eighteen that year, were never born.13 One would think a book arguing for the preemptive mass murder of unborn black babies as a crime-fighting tool would generate outrage leading to mass marches. It has not. Ultra-liberal MIT professor Jonathan Grueber, mover and shaker behind former President Obama’s socialized healthcare scheme, made the same argument as Levitt; abortion is an economic boon reducing welfare spending and the costs of America’s criminal justice system.14 Arguments that abortion of black children amounts to genocide are persuasive and our silence a form of complicity. Black and white people should be surrounding abortion mills not pulling down statues. Where is the outrage?

BLMM is a political movement. All black lives, especially those gunned down by other blacks and those killed by abortionists, do not matter to them, only those serving as expedient political props. BLMM’s insistence whites accept total blame and responsibility for all pathologies in the black community while refusing to acknowledge any responsibility on their part, sets up an impasse impossible to resolve. Whites cannot accept blame for racism and police brutality that is not occurring and nothing will ever change if those who are to blame for what is happening in black communities refuse to accept responsibility.

Do all black lives matter? Do black lives matter? Do family member’s lives matter to each other? Of course they do. Black folks have been part of America since the beginning. They are as much American as anyone. Yeah, but as slaves. Mechal Sobel, professor of history at the University of Haifa, Israel, argues regardless of condition of servitude, a natural result of blacks and whites interacting together was that blacks influenced and shaped white culture as much as the reverse. From architecture, food, lifestyles, and cultural values, blacks shaped what people perceive as “white” culture to the point they are inseparable.15 If so, that means, regardless of race, we are all family. A family that attends separate churches obviously has many problems to say the least. Nevertheless, being members of the same family is a much better starting point for understanding and reconciliation than the alternatives.


11 These are actually my boxes. I purchased them before the Left’s Committee of Public Safety could confiscate them from all store shelves.

22 Taleeb Starkes, Black Lies Matter: Why Lies Matter To The Racial Grievance Industry (Lexington, Kentucky, CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2016), 1-3.

33 IBID. 3.

44 Marvin Olasky, The Tragedy Of American Compassion (Washington, D.C. Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1992), xi-xvii, 3-5, 184-199.

55 Starkes, 3.

66 Thomas Sowell, “The Inconvenient Truth About Ghetto Communities ‘Social Breakdown”, May 15, 2015, National Review, at https://www.nationalreview.com/article/417899/inconvenient-truths-about-ghetto-communities-social-break-down-thomas-sowell.html. Thomas Sowell, who is black and an economics professor, posted his observations on YouTube. Having lived in and gone to a Baltimore inner city school, I gave Sowell’s video a like on Face Book. Subsequent to that “like”, white suburban high school, administrators investigated me for “racism”.

77 They call themselves Antifa (Antifascist after Russian Communist dictator Josef Stalin’s practice of calling rivals, who were also communists, “fascists” in order to “cancel” them) and are themselves communists and revolutionaries with European origins. Several websites, forums, and Face Book groups mock them as “Pantifa” for their penchant of wearing masks over their heads that look like “panties” to hide their identities. They consist mostly of white youth. They form a Leftwing paramilitary militia, the shock troops of the radical left and Democrat Party. Many are self-loathing society hating rage-filled white females and white hermaphroditic hipster Millennials sporting “pot-knots” (man-buns) and white “males” with long braided blonde pred-dreads (their rope hair reminiscent of the monster in the Predator movies), who despise civilization almost as much as they hate themselves. They hate all forms of achievement because it reminds them of their own failure to grow up and be a man.

88 Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, “Mary Poppins, and a Nanny’s Shameful Flirting with Blackface,” New York Times at http://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/28/movies/mary-poppins-returns-black-face.htm.

88 Editors, “104 shot, 14 fatally, over Fathers’ Day Weekend in Chicago, Sun Times Wire, Chicago Sun Times, at https://www.chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/6/20/21297470/chicago-fathers-day-weekend-shootings-homicides-gun-violence-june-19-22-104-shot.

99 Martha MacCallum Show, FOX News, 22 June 2020.

1010 Fox2 Detroit News, “25 shot, 4 killed in Violent Father’s Day Weekend in Detroit. Chief Craig says Violent Crime Up 7%”, at https://fox2detroit.com/news/25-shot-4-killed-in-violent-fathers-day-weekend-in-detroit-chief-craig-says-violent-crime-up-7%.

1111 FOX8, “Gun Violence During Father’s Day Weekend” June 22, 2020, at https://fox8tv.com/newspost/gun-violence-during-fathers-day-weekend/

1212 Black Abortion Statistics at http://www.righttolifeofmichigan.org

1313 The Economist, December 1, 2005, “Did Steven Levitt, Author of Freakonomics, ‘Get His Notorious Paper Wrong”? at https://www.bos.frb.org/economic/wp/wp2005/wp0515.pdf.

1414 Mona Charen, “Abortion-Distortion-and Crime, National Review January 2, 2015 at https://www.nationalreview.com/article/395585/abortion-distortion-and-crime.html.

1515 Mechal Sobel, The World They Made Together: Black and White Values in Eighteenth-Century Virginia (Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press, 1987). Having lived in 7 states, north, south, east, and west, and the inner cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia, and San Jose, I agree with her.


Russian Collusion

No, not that Russian Collusion. But there certainly has been some Russian collusion going on for a while, a good long while. As horse trainer Pat Parelli says “Prior proper preparation prevent pee poor performance.” And the KGB (because this goes back to then) has done a good job of it.

Back in another lifetime, back before the government forgot about the 1st Amendment, specifically the part that says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I used to go to Beit Knesset on Shabbat. It was wonderful, I learned things, prayed with the others and there was reading from the Torah and then Rabbi would give a talk. Afterwards we usually had Kiddush (meaning the light meal after morning prayers). We would visit and eat, and I would learn, I loved that. One of the people that was very interesting to visit with was a gentleman from Russia. He is a good person, you can tell this because he is a good parent to his fur children, and, he is a rock solid second amendment supporter, he is also a strong conservative. Come to think of it, one of my favorite ladies from Hebrew school is from the Ukraine, and she is a solid conservative, and another lady I know from Russia is a solid conservative, and my cousin’s brother-in-law is from Russia and he is a strong Second Amendment supporter and a conservative. Wait, I think I’m starting to see a pattern here!! All these people that have lived under actual Communism want nothing to do with it, and don’t seem to believe the pablum the left spews out! Huh, funny that eh?

So sometime last year, when life was what life used to be like, we were sitting around eating and he was telling me about this video, from Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB propaganda agent that had defected to the US. The interview was from the 1984. Quite awhile ago, but what he said has come to pass. My buddy sent me the link to a video, I watched it. After I picked my jaw up, I knew there was a column there, and now is the time for that column. I will tell you the link to the video he originally sent me is gone. YouTube has taken it down, it violated the community standards. I think that means it told the truth. Because they are now shutting down anyone who says anything they don’t like, with an iron fist so to speak. CNN and Now NBC Are Colluding with Tech Giants to Cut Out Conservative Competition This is a shorter snippet from the original video interview on the “useful idiots” his term, not mine. But I agree with him.

If you want to watch the whole video my friend sent, I think this is the same one.

But, in the event those are gone by the time you see this column, I’ll hit the points that Yuri makes.

There were two type of people, those that would play ball with the communists and those that wouldn’t. Those that would were promoted into positions of power and influence. Those that wouldn’t were character assassinated and sometimes just assassinated.

The communists had a large army of contact tracers, data collectors spies. And they had information on everyone, who they hung out with, where they could be found, if they were favorable to the USA, their political beliefs. It’s how the communists were able to wipe out certain people in villages in Viet Nam within hours of coming into the village. Their spies had done their homework for them. But come revolution time, those are the people that will be executed. Why? Because they know too much. And when the useful idiots see that communism doesn’t play out as advertised, they become bitter enemies of it. If they live.

His KGB instructors told him to never bother with leftists. To avoid those political prostitutes, to aim higher: mainstream media, filthy rich movie producers, academic circles, people who can look you in the eye and lie. People who have no moral principles. He then makes the point that our leftists, the professors, civil rights people that believe in the lies of socialism and communism are instrumental in the process of subversion, only to destabilize the nation. They are then offended when they don’t come to power. Thus, useful idiots.

There are no grassroots revolutions, every revolution is the result of a highly organized professionals.

Ideological subversion. You can see it with your own eyes, nothing to do with espionage. The main emphasis on the KGB is slow process of ideological subversion or active measures, psychological warfare. It involves changing the perception of reality. No one is able, despite an abundance of information to come to a sensible conclusion about defending themselves, their families and their community and their country.

Stage 1: Demoralization, educate one generation of students in the country that you want to influence. So for the US, it’s educate one generation of students in Marxist ideology. And I don’t mean Groucho. He says it’s been pumped into the soft heads of American students for 3 generations without any counter-balancing education in American values and patriotism. Dropouts and half baked intellectuals from the 60s are now politicians and teachers influencing others, you can not change their minds despite plenty of information. You can not get rid of them and it will take 20-50 years to educate a group of pro-American students, common sense people. And when those people see what Marxist ideology looks like in real life, they won’t be allowed to speak out. Because with communism, no dissent is allowed. Sort of like the current cancel culture and the increasing attempts to shut down conservative voices on YouTube, the internet and TV. No opposing voices allowed. They will be squashed. The demoralization process in the US is completed (and this was in 1984). They don’t believe facts they are shown.

Stage 2: Destabilization, the subverter doesn’t care about your ideas anymore. It only takes 2-5 years to destabilize a nation. What matters is economy, foreign relations and defense systems.

Stage 3: Crisis, it can take only six weeks to bring a country to crisis.

Stage 4: Normalization, this is after a violent change in power structure and economy. This is a cynical Soviet expression, like when the tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia. The commander said now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized. This is what will happen in the US if we allow the schmucks to bring the US and us, to crisis. To promise people all kind of goodies and the paradise on earth. It will destabilize our economy, and eliminate our free market and put a big glob of government in Washington D.C. with benevolent dictators; he gave the example of Walter Mondale. Told you it was old. He says the United States is in a war, a war against the foundations of this Leninist/Marxist system. The world communist system. There will be nowhere for Americans to defect as he did. This is the last country of freedom. Like some people’s idea of what is acceptable in the new Covid world’s “new normal” in communism “normalization” stinks.

His solution? To make a real national effort to educate people in the real spirit of patriotism. To explain the real danger of the socialist/communist welfare state. If we fail to do that, nothing can help the United States. We have to stop aiding communism.

Again, that was from 1984. How is this playing out now, today? We see what he was talking about. And it’s been going on a long time, since the early 1900s. Former Representative Curtis Bowers did a documentary called Agenda: Grinding America Down that gives you the tentacles of it.

I ran across a couple of interesting posts from ex-pats living in different parts of the world. I’ll just give the last bit of the first one.

Because the truth is so utterly dispiriting. Most of us who have actually worked there, who have seen the world, seen Man in all his squabbling, raping, squandering, polluting, destructive, ROUTINE-GENOCIDAL abomination, quietly despair. We have a heart. We are sad for those people. For the G*d AWFUL conditions they live in. We have seen things. Burned and tortured bodies. Hideously staring faces, frozen in death. Their eyes, yet, communicating soul chilling terror.
Years later, we still have the dreams.
But you know something? We are also sad for YOU.
Because YOU are wildly misled by your Media, misled by your shallow, self serving, Jackass politicians, misled by your own intrinsic goodness. Your naivety.
Your good intentions and sense of charity, fair play, will haunt your descendants for generations. Or, worse. For-ever. It makes us despair that we cannot find the proper words to communicate to you that you must, you MUST, jealously, fiercely, without respite, GUARD your country, your ancestral homelands, your culture and your people. Against the invaders, and those who ceaselessly conspire for Open Borders, Diversity, and a laughable, fictitious, non-existent, poppycock, Multi-cultural Nirvana.

The other is from Michael Yon (he’s EXPAT in Thailand). This one I’m giving you the whole thing, then think about what Yuri said.


Possible Insurgency Starting in United States: I have to be there myself to judge, but watching 24/7 from afar this looks like it might be more than protests
There is a significant difference between protests, civil unrest, general civil unrest, insurgency, and civil war.
I’ve been watching, reading and talking with people almost every waking our since this began.
This began as protests.
Some differences:

Protests are normal background noise in any healthy society. Something is always wrong and needs attention. Often the best way to get attention is protest. Loads of open and non-violent protests can be a sign of a HEALTHY country.
Protests generally (but not always) are small in relation to the number of people in the population. For instance, if only school teachers come out about pay in Arkansas, that is very local to Arkansas with very specific demographic. Fix the problem they go home happy, or at least reasonably satisfied. Normal. Healthy. Lots of protests, again, can be a good thing, if sometimes annoying. (Which they need to be sometimes.)
Vital: in protests — the vast majority of people still see the government as legitimate. They do not want to overthrow the government, or at least are not trying to.
Occasionally there are massive protests but, again, they will be about something specific and usually die or peter out quickly.
Civil Unrest — most media just toss this term around, but among a tiny number of people it actually means something beyond looting. In civil unrest, a relatively large number of people protest in some way, violent or not. There may even be lethal terrorism as with from the terrorist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa. (Both are communist, by the way, and communists normally use terrorism).
In Civil Unrest — the motivations are far deeper than something simple like teacher pay. Could be anger over high crime, poor economy, police abuse. In Civil Unrest, most of those involved still see the government as legitimate. (I would underline that last sentence if I could.)
In Civil Unrest, the restive people still might be limited to one or a few groups. More than something simple like teachers, but something greater like poor people. Or a million people being tossed off their land. Or a racial group that feels downtrodden or senses weakness in a wealthy other group and wants to take that wealth. Civil unrest comes in endless variations. No two are the same.
But again, relatively speaking, the people who are taking action are not a huge portion of the population. For argument sake, say 10%. Not a huge part of the population but plenty to make a big fight.
In Civil Unrest, they still are NOT trying to overthrow the government.
General Civil Unrest (GCU) normally brings a large portion AND cross-section of the population. GENERAL meaning a large cross-section who might also have many grievances. Economy. Crime. Police abuse. Pollution. Name it. Basically, if you reach this point…you got serious problems.
BUT, in GCU, they still are not necessarily trying to overthrow the government, or change the entire system. GCU can be peaceful, or massively deadly.
Insurgency — at this point, someone is making an honest go at either overthrowing the government but keeping the system, or completely swapping out the operating system, and the former operators. Basically, leaders in exile or swinging from lampposts.
I am greatly simplifying. This could go for hours. Bottom line: with Insurgency, there is a credible threat beyond mere terrorism. (There can be terrorism without insurgency, and there are peaceful insurgencies, too. In USA, highly doubt it would be peaceful.)
Today, there clearly are many Americans protesting who see the government as legitimate and just want limited but important changes.
There are others, however, who clearly are staking turf such as the terrorist group BLM who is right now painting roads and so forth in DC, and doing a lot more than occupy. They have politicians on their side who, for instance, just evicted Utah National Guard and let the terrorists move in.
They are making a power play and this is very delicate.
Some military officers appear to be siding with BLM. They should be fired on the spot. Any US military officer who openly sides with a terrorist organization during such a critical time must be fired. On the spot. No matter the consequences. Consequences of not firing are far worse.
The risk of course includes race war within the ranks, or rebellion (which clearly has happened already) by officers.
Must. Fire. Benedict. Arnold.
With his public video, General Charles ‘CQ’ Brown just publicly challenged the President. That was a power play. An, “I dare you to fire me I am a black General.”
Fire Brown now. If not, cancer within the ranks can explode.
Insurgencies are far, far different than protests. Protests are like a headache. Two to aspirin, make an agreement, call me in the morning.
Insurgency…those typically include elements of civil war. IF we enter into a profound insurgency, chances of various civil wars unfolding immediately are very high. Like 99%. Chance of profound insurgency starting from here? Coin flip. But if we get there, it’s game on.
Likely, at some point, if we enter into profound insurgency and then into civil wars, I would expect that some journalists and politicians would start being assassinated as per banana republic revolutionary style.
There is still ample opportunity to head this off. You know…like the pandemic.
For starters, fire everyone military officer who openly rebels. Immediately. We are right on the edge but not on fire yet.
Hey, do you remember all those warnings I gave in Iraq, then Afghanistan, and other countries, and then warned about this pandemic and economic difficulties back in January, and was saying clearly in January to stop incoming flights?
I am saying it here, loud and clear. Appears that we are moving into a sponsored insurgency. BLM and ANTIFA are two of the gloves and must be vigorously targeted.
Touchy, right? I get it. Trust me…spent years in many conflicts. I know exactly how touchy this is. This is like bomb squad working on a giant ticking bomb while under sniper fire.
Fire those officers right now. Anyone who sides with BLM or ANFITA out the door.
If this continues for one more week, invoke the Insurrection Act.
Remember, only a relatively small percentage of the population is fighting now. If you start getting millions of whites, hispanics, and asians fighting…this will be Iraq 10x and could result in a huge slaughter of blacks.
Be prepared to defend yourself. The police and government cannot even defend themselves. You are on your own. Remember — this pandemic is real. Stock up on food and all other essentials.

These are not peaceful protests, I don’t care what Fredo Cuomo says. Antifa is training to hurt people.

We are at a defining moment in America’s history. The covid scam (IMHO) shut down and destabilized the economy, and now the riots over a man who held a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly. No, I am not standing up for the police officer that knelt on George Floyd’s neck, but I don’t believe police departments are filled with racists either as the mainstream media would have you believe. I actually don’t even really think this is about police that much at all. I think it’s about removing the thin blue line that is holding back stage 4. Do I believe there are bad cops? Of course! There are bad doctors and bad plumbers as well. There is a bad Fex-Ex driver that delivered someone else’s package to me today. But I think by and large, they are good decent people. Without the thin blue line we descend into the stage 4 that Yuri talked about. Not to mention what the police will be replaced with. If you are curious I’ve got a interesting radio show for you. It’s Barry Shaw on the Tamar Yonah show.

The hypocrisy of the left is amazing. While they are free to shout threats most vile, to attack elderly people, set buildings on fire, loot vandalize and destroy people lives and livelihoods has there been one word, just one from the global warming alarmists? No? No Greta Thunberg rising up to stop the arsonists waving a little shovel to put out the fires, her tiny nostrils flaring screaming “How DARE you”! No AOC screaming at the rioters “You’ve just cost us a year off our remaining 10 years with these carbon emissions? This is why you don’t make laws according to the whims of spoiled immature children. Then there is communist Comrade de Blasio Bill de Blasio Responds to Massive ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ Protest in Brooklyn by Welding Gates Shut at Biggest Park in Jewish Community That’ll fix it! And his consistent policy on Wuhan flu? COVID-19 Tracers In NYC Ordered Not Ask Those Who Test Positive If They Attended Protests

In addition to getting participation trophies, you have parents that don’t, well, don’t parent. “I Honor Her. She is Such a Good Human Being” – Mayor De Blasio Responds to His Daughter’s Arrest at Weekend Protests

Uh huh, she’s a real peach.

It has become so customary to appease the out of control bullies on the left. If anyone dares to say anything in favor of the police that when Egard Watches put out a pro-law enforcement video, YouTube restricted it. In fact the left is in full on pack mentality mode. Two college professors are under attack, one for stating a fact the left didn’t like. And now they are trying to get him fired. This is the result of years of “participation trophies”. Kids didn’t have to do anything to achieve, they got a trophy anyway. No reason to try to be the best, everyone is equal because we don’t want to damage anyone’s self esteem so no winners and losers. They are the result of teachers that didn’t teach but rather indoctrinated them to be the useful idiots. Man arrested for vandalizing Christopher Columbus statue — He is a social studies teacher These mobs are violent, and vicious. Far left mayors who have been so supportive of both groups rioting have had a very different response when it was their house that was vandalized and their neighborhood that saw marchers. Far Left WA Mayor Who ‘Took a Knee’ with Black Lives Matter Thugs Gets Home Vandalized During George Floyd Riots, Calls it “Domestic Terrorism” and New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell Cheers Black Lives Matter… Except When They’re Outside Her House. Don’t worry Mayor LaToya, I’m kind of thinking the way things are going New Orleans may not be seeing a whole lot of tourism. I mean who would want to take a chance on going to your city and spending money there right now? Not that there will be much in the way of goods available anyway.

You know the saying “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”? Well, in the real world, not the alternate universe of the left which they think revolves around them, there are consequences. There are consequences to elections. If your business has burned and you are under siege by the mob and you voted Democrat, I’m sorry, but what did you expect? Democrats never side with the law abiding citizen just trying to make a living and take care of their family. That’s not who they are and not what they stand for.

If you are really wishing you had a firearm or could get one to defend your family and you voted for Democrats, I’m sorry, but what did you expect? Even if your local Democrat said “Oh I duck hunt every year” you should know that is not what the Second Amendment is about. You should also know that if that politician is a Democrat he will have to go with the party platform, which is civilian disarmament. Have you noticed, the party that has been trying to render citizens defenseless for years is now the party trying to defund the police? The party that stands with rioters and looters is the one that wants to remove the impediment to destruction. Yes, elections have consequences. As do the actions by those elected officials in the real world. Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments Guess it’s a good thing people horded all that toilet paper, huh?

So back to the good Egard watch company video. Unless YouTube has removed it, I’ll close with this thought, if we don’t stand up for the decent people in law enforcement, all we will be left with are those that want the job for the power it provides or as Barry Shaw talked about in Tamar’s show, the new version of the brown shirts. Barry Sotero’s national police force. And we aren’t going to like it. Communists have their play book down and have been putting their plan into action for years, decision time.


Yom HaShoah 2019

Today is Yom HaShoah and Ghetto Uprising Remembrance Day, the 27th of Nisan.

The first Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel took place on December 28, 1949, following a decision of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel that an annual memorial should take place on the Tenth of Tevet, a traditional day of mourning and fasting in the Hebrew calendar. The day was marked by the burial in a Jerusalem cemetery of ashes and bones of thousands of Jews brought from the Flossenbürg concentration camp and religious ceremonies held in honor of the victims. A radio program on the Holocaust was broadcast that evening. The following year, in December 1950, the Rabbinate, organizations of former European Jewish communities and the Israel Defense Forces held memorial ceremonies around the country; they mostly involved funerals, in which objects such as desecrated Torah scrolls and the bones and ashes of the dead brought from Europe were interred.

In 1951, the Knesset began deliberations to choose a date for Holocaust Remembrance Day. On April 12, 1951, after also considering as possibilities the Tenth of Tevet, the 14th of Nisan, which is the day before Passover and the day on which the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (April 19, 1943) had begun, and September 1, the date on which the Second World War had begun, the Knesset passed a resolution establishing the 27 Nisan in the Hebrew calendar, a week after Passover, and eight days before Israel Independence Day as the annual Holocaust and Ghetto Uprising Remembrance Day

As it is not that long past Pesach, Shimshon my puppy and I recently watched the movie The Ten Commandments starring Charlton Heston. For a few reasons I wanted to see this movie again. It really is still an amazing movie. In an age of Star Wars effects, the Ten Commandments special effects still awe me. But in the substance department, well, there is no comparison. What I do not remember ever seeing though was the opening.

And I think that is a question well worth considering in this day and age. Will we be ruled by G-d’s laws or the whims of a dictator? There are many in this divided country that very much want to see a President elected by the people deposed through any means, but all of them foul. They want power, and they planned to rule over us and his election upset their apple cart. Those forces have much help from the media, the useful idiots like #MoneyHogg and they will push their agenda of socialism and communism at all costs.

That movie I’ve “seen”.

From the Chabad web site I’ll give you an excerpt from the article The 1929 Struggle to Send Matzah Into the Soviet Union

“According to reports that have come from the entire breadth of the Soviet Union … central Russia, White Russia, Ukraine, Volhynia, the Caucasus, Bukhara, Georgia, Dagestan, the Donetsk Basin—flour for matzah cannot be found,” he wrote. “ … This year marks a new era in the lives of the Jews of Russia, a bitter era, one that has not occurred since the beginning of this deluge of suffering and troubles—G‑d should have mercy—and at this time the question of kimcha dePischa [“flour for Passover”] is a burning question.”

The Soviet grain shortage was not unintended. In a process that began slowly in 1925 and now, at the end of 1928, was picking up steam, Joseph Stalin was forcing through his national collectivization campaign and introducing his first Five-Year Plan for the economy. Farmers and peasants who had worked the land and fed Russia for generations were being forced into state-run collectives, with countless arrested, exiled or executed for resisting or to make an example for others. Productivity inevitably plummeted, bringing about food shortages, but it was not an accident.

“Coercion was the only way to attain wholesale collectivization,” writes historian Stephen Kotkin about Stalin’s position, which he took as a believing Marxist-Leninist. “The extreme violence and dislocation would appall many Communists. But Stalin and his loyalists replied that critics wanted to make an omelet without breaking eggs.”

You can hear #LipstickLenin (Alexandra Occasional-Cortez) or “Feel the Bern” millionaire Sanders saying that way all in the past, it just wasn’t perfected yet. It was in infancy.

Let’s take a look at what a reporter from MSNBC let slip. I have no idea if he still has a job or not.

MSNBC Venezuela Coverage Shows Why U.S. Founders Wanted Armed Citizenry

While covering Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro’s efforts to hold power, MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders noted Maduro has the advantage of guns against an unarmed populace.

The MSBNC segment, published by The Washington Free Beacon, begins with anchor Andrea Mitchell expressing surprise that Maduro is still holding on.

Sanders responds, “Not only hanging on, but he appears to still control the military. You have to understand in Venezuela, gun ownership is not something that is open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power.”

Sanders adds, “So as long as Nicolás Maduro controls the military, he controls the country.

The average citizen of Venezuela lost around 19 lbs in 2017 and 24 lbs in 2018 I believe is what I heard.

Food, it’s such a great way to control a populace. Cow farts must be eliminated or the earth will self destruct in 10 or 12 years. Depending on if it’s Lipstick Lenin or Bozo O’Rear. Demonize food, demonize those that produce it, and how they do so, and then regulate them into starvation production.

Ruled by the whims of a dictator the citizens are reduced to attacking by hand and Molotov cocktails if the supplies can be procured. They are attacked and literally run over by the dictators troops and tanks.

Ari Fuld HY”D pointed out in a 2016 radio broadcast that “Never Again” doesn’t mean anything. Because “diplomacy” triumphs over “decency and morality”. How many countries signed peace treaties with hitler? How many dead Jews since Oslo was signed? More than in all the years before it. Not even the US would bomb the train tracks into Auschwitz. People place diplomacy above morality and doing the right thing. But you can hear the whole podcast. Fools who want peace but get war.

In these days of anti-semitic cartoons and condemnation of Israel by left-wingers of all strips, countries and religions I found Moshe Feiglin of Zehut’s Yom HaShoah post very very powerful and moving. Ari pointed out how many Jews tried to reach the safety of Israel in those horrible days before and during the holocaust only to be turned away by the British. They were sent back to be murdered by the nazis. Israel, their home, the home that had lived in their hearts and the desire of their souls to return there always burned through every generation. It’s part of our identity. Here is his post translated into English.

The Holocaust is threatening us with our Jewish identity.

In the wagons to Auschwitz, the complete assimilationists from the west were crowded together with the ultra-Orthodox from the east.

When the doors opened to the smoke rising from the chimney, they realized that the decorations of heroism from the First World War would no longer benefit the civilian identity they had adopted –

And these – because here prayers and mitzvot will no longer benefit, will not be religious identity.

They took their names from them and turned them into numbers, took the family, the honor, the clothes, the hair, the human image.

In the gas chambers, devoid of any other identity, there was only one, final, absolute and unifying – like death alone, Jewish identity.

Germany, where we lived in that “gun-free” (except for the special friends) utopia where we died at the dictator’s whims.


Socialism, where you can vote. Once.









H/T to my friend Aryeh from Zehut.

HaTikvah, The Hope.
