Tag Archives: corruption

Two Tears Justice

I know, I know, it should be two tiered justice system, but for my purpose, it’s two tears.

Pesach starts tomorrow night, the holiday when we celebrate G-d taking us from the slavery of Egypt to live in freedom, making a place for G-d in this world, and having a relationship with him. Pretty amazing stuff isn’t it? The creator of the universe wants to have a relationship with us. So after a series of miracles, the Egyptians can’t wait for us to leave. And for us, leaving behind a life of slavery, always working for someone else, for their benefit, never to enjoy the fruits of your own labor no matter how hard you work, no control over your own life, where you live, what you do. Somehow it just doesn’t stack up to living with a loving G-d who will later give the rules for living in such a way as to make him happy, and in so doing make ourselves happy.

One of the things that happened in the desert was Jethro, Moshe’s father-in-law, suggested a judicial system for the people. Wise judges would be appointed to solve disputes and problems, freeing up Moshe who was trying to do it all by himself. There were guidelines for being a judge.

Every judge was required to have the following seven attributes: wisdom, humility, awe of heaven, a loathing for money (even his own), a love for truth, the love of the people at large, and a good reputation.

In addition, to be appointed to the greater or lesser sanhedrin, one had to have achieved distinction in Torah knowledge and possess some knowledge of intellectual disciplines such as medicine, mathematics, calendar, astronomy, astrology and the teachings of idolatry, so that he would know how to judge cases concerning those fields. He could not be too old or childless when appointed, since someone with a family is more likely to be sympathetic and merciful. Members of the sanhedrin could be kohanim, Levites, or Israelites of fine pedigree.

As I watch our country’s judicial system disintegrate before our eyes with the weaponization of our justice system against ordinary Americans one can only look on with stunned horror.

In just the last week or so, Jacob Chansley (The Q anaon shaman in the buffalo horn hat) has been released from prison. Yea! It was in response to the segment Tucker Carlson did showing the video of the capitol police showing him around and opening doors for him. He’s been in prison for over two years. The demoncrat head of the senate Chuckie Cheese fought tooth and nail to keep those tapes from being released. Chuckie wants innocent people in prison. He then told FOX news to shut down Tucker showing the video, and I guess they did. The Bill of Rights has been thrown away with regards to the January 6th attendees. Jan 6th Prisoners – Detained and Forgotten and that article is over a year old. Not much has changed, a corrupt judge is not allowing prisoners access to the film that could help clear them as it did Jacob. The corrupt DOJ has said it’s getting ready to round up more. These people aren’t just political prisoners, they’re hostages. In the middle ages when they took hostages, it was to ensure a certain behavior of the group of people the hostage came from. You act up? We kill your uncle. In this case, they want everyone to see the injustice. They want the whole world to know if people dare assemble to make a political point, or express an opinion the demoncrats will use the corrupt justice system to put you in jail and throw away the key. Literally. The left and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) claim the political right are violent and to be feared, meanwhile on the left you have an elected demoncrat calling for murder. “Kill Everyone Now!” Wyoming Democrat Lawmaker Posts Video Calling for Politically Motivated Murders – Posts Threatening Photo on Social Media and she’s not the only demoncrat amused by violence towards the right. Biden Laughs at Violence and Transgender Vengeance. The left are the ones that celebrate and encourage wanton violence.

Or the corrupt demoncrat DOJ is just trying to lock up every potential Trump voter one by one. I guess when you can’t win elections because no one wants what you’re selling you resort to anything to hang on to power.

Which is probably why our former President Donald Trump was arrested. Even lawyers on the left have admitted the charges for basically entering an expense in the wrong column, for which the statute of limitations is long expired, and then trying to turn that into a felony. Well, who else has entered things into the wrong column? Oh John Edwards and Hillary Clintoon. Presidential Candidate John Edwards Acquitted On Campaign Finance Charge, Hillary Clinton Only Paid Fine for Violation and they actually did do something wrong.

So “Fat Alvin” Bragg has been turning violent criminals loose right and left, well, only the ones on the left really. Mayor Eric Adams gave a stern speech prior to people attending a rally in NYC in support of President Trump, about no violence or misbehaving….where was that speech two years ago when BLM and Antifa trashed sections of New York? Absent, he just let it happen and “Fat Alvin” did nothing but turn them loose. But there is one other crime “Fat Alvin” considers worthy of prosecution, self-defense. He sent a bodega worker to Riker’s Island for defending himself when an irate shoplifter tried to stab him to death, and now he was going to charge a parking lot attendant who was shot by an aspiring thief with attempted murder after the parking lot attendant managed to get the gun away from the man who just shot him, and use it to shoot his assailant. Alvin Bragg needs to face ethics charges. If nothing else for lack of. But not only is the prosecutor dirty, the judge needs to be recused. He was shopped for. The Judge Overseeing Trump’s Case Might Have a Major Conflict of Interest

I’ve heard this called the most blatant case of election interference ever. Not just by sane Americans either. By the President of El Salvador.

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele says America has lost all arguments when it comes to the concept of democracy in the midst of the Trump indictment and arraignment.

Last week when it was announced that President Trump would be indicted, Bukele put out a statement via social media that stated “Imagine if this happened to a leading opposition presidential candidate here in El Salvador”

He later added: “Sadly, it’ll be very hard for US Foreign Policy to use arguments such as ‘democracy’ and ‘free and fair elections’, or try to condemn ‘political persecution’ in other countries, from now on.”

Many many people no longer trust elections, and it’s more than obvious we can’t trust the justice system any longer. Our country is slipping away, and I shed a tear. We live in a place that takes the fruit of our labor from us and for their own personal financial gain ships it to foreign countries, hobbles our country with red tape and regulations, while allowing the collapse of it’s infrastructure. Many of us see clearly what’s happening, meanwhile the news readers and political commentators, a role that used to be filled by actual humorous comedians, are all gloating it’s demise to an audience that claps like trained seals as they hoot and jeer. They have no clue they are rejoicing the third heart attack of America. They don’t care about citizens or how bad it gets, so long as they “get Trump” They will stand there and applaud as the flames reach ever higher destroying even more. If they can’t control, they will happily burn it all down. That’s the left.

And it’s consistent the world over.

In Israel what is being billed as the “death of democracy”, familiar phrase, eh what, as the left and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) calls judicial reform. The Israeli election system doesn’t function as ours does. For one they use paper ballots. But for another, you don’t vote for candidates. You vote for political parties. They party tells you their platform, what they stand for, what they will do for/to you and then gives you a list of their candidates in order. The more seats they win they more of their candidates get a seat in the Knesset. Then the Knesset who is responsible to the voters passes laws. If the voters don’t like what the party is doing in the Knesset they won’t get many votes in the next election. Which is why the right won so heavily this last election. People don’t like living with the result of leftist policies. Well, in American cities like Chiraq and NYC they must. Look at what they elect. But back to Israel. So the Knesset passes laws, then the Israeli Supreme Court says “nope, you can’t have that law, we don’t like it.” Huh. The Israeli supreme court isn’t done like our supreme court used to be done. In the old days the President would nominate someone who (hopefully) had a record of accurate adherence to the Constitution, since the job is determining how the case before them fits with the Constitution. Of course now Joe Xiden just nominate a stupid person that is the right color with the right anatomical features. Doesn’t matter if they are dumb as a box of rocks. But I sadly must point out, they got confirmed. But the Israeli Supreme court? No, those justices are nominated by other justices already on the court. And since the court has only left wing moon bats, who do you think they nominate? Yep, more left wing moon bats. So you have a small group of people that decide how things will be done in Israel, and the citizens have no recourse. They can’t vote them out of office. Pretty appalling, huh? Which begs the question why are the streets filled with people protesting taking power away from the supreme court and restoring it to the people and their elected representatives. A few reasons.

The mainstream media, the bat rabid left (often one in the same) have convinced the people that their elected representatives passing laws is a bad thing, and they are being paid. Sound familiar?

The left suffered a major defeat on election day so they decided that if they can’t run the country… there won’t be a country to run

Shmuel was part of Zehut, my fav Israeli political party.

Let’s get back to answering the question. There definitely is a serious problem in Israel, but it’s not what you think. I have spoken to many of the protestors and the overwhelming majority of them have no idea what “judicial reform” is all about. The original ones that started screaming a few months back had genuine objections about proposed changes to Israel’s judicial system but that expanded into something far bigger than the original protest. Today’s protests are organized by sore-losers who cannot accept defeat and realize that they will never win at the ballot boxes… so they took their supporters to the streets instead.


Had this been explained in a clear and simple way, the protest movement would have ended before it began. However, the government dismissed these protests as meaningless. However, the attorney general forbade Netanyahu from speaking on the issue, calling it a conflict of interest. Her conflict of interest was glossed over – after all, the plan reduced the authority of the most powerful figure in Israel’s judiciary except for the Chief Justice.

This was a gamechanger. The right also didn’t realize how well organized and, especially, how well funded the protestors were. People were being paid to attend these rallies – I know this for a fact; 250 shekel to attend the rally plus an additional 100 shekel for transportation expenses.

Sound familiar?

So who’s paying them? We are. The state department and probably some other various hidden sources from within the US government. Netanyahu Proclaims “Israel is a Sovereign Country” After Biden Regime Is Accused of Sponsoring VIOLENT INSURRECTION This Week

A ‘resistance’ coup just defeated Israeli democracy

A false narrative about Netanyahu’s “judicial coup” may achieve its goal of toppling him. But more than that, the consequences for future governments and U.S.-Israel relations are ominous

The left is the left is the left. The world over, they are all about power and control over people. They want them helpless and totally defenseless against them. There was a Heartland Institute and Rasmussen poll that was done in 2022, it was very revealing.

This poll highlighted just how authoritarian the left was becoming during Covid-19…

Among Democrat voters:

– 55% supported fines against the unvaccinated simply for refusing the jab.

– 59% supported permanent house confinement for anyone who refused to get vaccinated.

– 48% supported fines or PRISON for questioning vaccine efficacy on social media.

– 45% supported the government having the ability to put the unnvaccinated in “designed facilities” aka internment camps.

– 47% supported “a government tracking program” to monitor unvaccinated citizens.



Honest to goodness, I keep expecting Vicky Nuland to show up in Israel at a protest or the next Antifa/BLM riot and hand out bread and donuts like she did in Ukraine in 2014. Because both countries are undergoing what looks to be a color revolution.

The irony of citizens in both countries begging to be put back into slavery right before Pesach because they can not see the left for what it is, nor discern their lies saddens me greatly. If the left can’t control, they will burn it down.  I shed a tear for each of them. Two tears.

But Pesach is the time of miracles, a time for joy, and a time to rejoice freedom. I will pray and we will see if the time is right for G-d to send us more miracles. He can do so anytime he wants. May it be soon.


So Where Did The Vest Money Go, Uvalde PD?

Last year’s Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas was horrific. The cold-blooded murder of 21 students and teachers was bad enough. But the “police” response that enabled the asshole to do it was, in some respects, even worse.

The shooter started firing at a location near the school. At least one officer was on-scene and saw the known shooter. He decided to radio in for permission to take down the soon-to-be-murderer.

That didn’t happen, so the chumbucket got into the “locked” school.

And spent over an hour inside killing people as students called 911 and begged the police to help them.

There were hundreds of law enforcement personnel on-scene. And while some entered the school building, they didn’t go into the classrooms where the killer was killing children. They retreated when they heard gunfire.

Bad enough. But at least one officer did want — and tried — to go in. Other officers physically restrained him, and reportedly he was threatened with actual arrest for attempting to save children. I suppose that would have made the rest of them look bad even worse; if that’s even possible.

In recent days, the Uvalde Police Department was been trying to excuse their failure. The real culprit, you see, was the perp’s evil “AR-15.”

Uvalde Cops with AR15s Blame AR15s For 21 Murders, Not Cowardice ~ VIDEO
“We weren’t equipped to make entry into that room without several casualties,” Uvalde Police Department Detective Louis reportedly said, adding, “Once we found out it was a rifle he was using, it was a different game plan we would have had to come up with. It wasn’t just going in guns blazing, the Old West style, and take him out.”

Correctly, that column ridicules the police cowardice. Other reports are more fawning and supportive of the poor under-equipped police facing that evil black “AR-15” that the US military issues to soldiers.*

“He has a battle rifle”: Police feared Uvalde gunman’s AR-15Even though some officers were armed with the same rifle, they opted to wait for the arrival of a Border Patrol SWAT team, with more protective body armor, stronger shields and more tactical training — even though the unit was based more than 60 miles away.

“You knew that it was definitely an AR,” Uvalde Police Department Sgt. Donald Page said in an interview with investigators after the school shooting. “There was no way of going in. … We had no choice but to wait and try to get something that had better coverage where we could actually stand up to him.”

The poor dears didn’t have body armor that could stop a .223/5.56 round from an “AR-15.”

Why not?

Oh, you might think that a smaller department like Uvalde might not have foreseen the need for something that could stop an intermediate-powered round, facing such so little. Who can predict the future with 100% accuracy?

The problem is

The Uvalde Police Department is pleased to announce that we have completed the process, and been awarded grant funds through the Office of the Governor to outfit EVERY Uvalde Police Officer with Level 4 body armor.

Almost four years before the Robb Elementary cluster-f###, the UPD was bragging about having the money in hand to equip every single officer in the department with Level IV body armor.

One hit from 7.62MM armor piercing rifle (APR) bullet with a velocity of 2880 ft./s.

If it’ll stop an armor-piercing .308/7.62, it should stop a .223/5.56 round.

Why weren’t they wearing those Level IV vests? Where were the vests? Were they ever actually… you know… purchased?

Where did the money go? The money they said, in 2018, that they had in their grubby, coward paws?

What did the Uvalde “police” think was more important than the lives of nineteen children and two teachers?

And what does the state of Texas think about state grant money being diverted… to whatever?

* A digression:

“The gunman had an AR-15, a rifle design used by U.S. soldiers in every conflict since Vietnam.”

In all my years of service, I was never issued an AR-15. I never saw an AR-15 used by the military. I was never issued any semi-auto rifle, only select-fire.

Does reporter police stenographer/apologist Zach Despart know the difference between the M-16/M-4 family, and the AR-15? Probably not, since he hasn’t even figured out that the Robb Elementary asshole did not have an AR-15. According to all credible reports, he used a Daniel Defense DDM4, not a Colt Manufacturing AR-15 (trademarks and manufacturing differences matter).

By the way, a “battle rifle” is chambered for a full-power rifle round, not an intermediate-power round like .223 Rem/5.56 NATO. Just sayin’.


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Hating back

Sometimes I hear something that makes me cock my head, with a huh expression. Probably like how Shimshon looks when I ask him why my package is chewed open at the gate. I’ll explain.

I’m sure many heard growing up “We love the person, but hate the behavior”. Or “Hate isn’t the opposite of love, apathy is”. I had a discussion with a girlfriend about that a couple of days ago. My opinion has changed. I can see in some situations now where apathy has been a lazy response on my part to a situation where a different emotion would have been more correct and in line. So what brought all this up? A podcast. Lenny Goldberg has a radio show, Jewish Truth Bombs, that I try to catch, he has a lot to say that makes sense to me. This one was no exception. The relevant part is only about 19 minutes or so, the last couple are commercials.

In case you don’t want to listen, I’ll give you the parts I’m pulling from it, but it’s all good. The topic was Purim, and some elements are in it that are often glossed over. Something Comrade X alluded to in the comments on my last column. Lenny points out that in Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) Chapter 3

1 Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven.

2 A time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot that which is planted.

3 A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break and a time to build.

4 A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time of wailing and a time of dancing.

5 A time to cast stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing.

6 A time to seek and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away.

7 A time to rend and a time to sew; a time to be silent and a time to speak.

8 A time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.

It says there is a time for hate. As much as a time for love, there is a time when hate is the appropriate response. He also points out that we are commanded to kill Amelek

The Torah lists two mitzvahs regarding Amalek:

To obliterate the nation of Amalek (timcheh et zecher Amalek).

To never forget the evil deeds Amalek did (zechor al tishkach)

Had they been wiped out, Haman wouldn’t have been around.

Several centuries later, after Shaul was crowned king, the prophet Shmuel ordered him to fulfill G‑d’s commandment thus:3 “Smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that is his. And have no pity on him; slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.”

Shaul gathered the Jewish people together and waged war against the Amalekites, slaying the entire nation and destroy­ing their property. However, “he had pity on Agag, and the choicest of the sheep and cattle…,”4 and brought them back with him. Shmuel severely reproached Shaul for this: “Because you have rejected the word of G‑d, He has rejected you as king.”5 Though Shmuel then killed Agag, Agag was able to father a child in the interval between his capture by Shaul and his death. That child was the ancestor of Haman.

Lenny points out Judaism is about knowing when to have mercy, and when to flip the attribute of mercy. That at times, the correct answer is to hate, or be cruel. If you are merciful to the cruel, eventually you will be cruel to the merciful. He says accepting the yoke of heaven is knowing the time for each attribute, and being willing to carry out that task, and that no, sometimes it’s not easy. That if you can’t hate Haman, the way you love Mordachai, if you can’t hate at the proper time, then you are just a nice guy. You’re a nice person, but that has nothing to do with accepting the yoke of the mitzvot. Lenny points out that Shaul didn’t kill Agag, and when Agag saw Shmuel approach he thought the death sentence had been lifted, seeing as how Shmuel looked all sweet and innocent. Shmuel proceeded to cut him into pieces with his sword. Sometimes the appropriate answer is hate. When the first day of self-defense was completed, The King asked Queen Esther “What else would you like?” Does Ester say, oh let’s all get along. Lets go out for supper. Nope, she says let us have another day of vengeance to wipe out the people the wanted to kill them all. And she wanted the 10 sons of Haman’s hung. Publicly. I love Queen Esther.

In the podcast Lenny refers to the attacks in Huwara, in case you haven’t heard, here are some salient points, there’s more info in the article.

Some facts you need to know about the murder of Israeli Jews, Palestinian Arab terrorism and Huwara, because they seem to have escaped the attention of your Western media and the Biden Administration who just met their Palestinian Arab counterparts in Aqaba, Jordan, and arranged to give them more guns while they castigate Israel for responding to increasingly deadly Palestinian Arab violence morally supported by the current Democrat Administration.

1. Palestinian Arab terrorists in the northern Samaria terror hub of Huwara murdered two brothers, Hillel and Yagel Yaniv. The Yaniv brothers were executed in a rain of bullets after the terrorists had rammed their vehicle into them before gunning them down as they sat trapped in their car.

2. The attack was predictable. In the month leading up to their murder, Palestinian Arabs carried out an average of two-three rock and Molotov cocktail attacks a day against Israeli cars in Huwara and on the Gilad route leading through the village.

3. Following the murder of the Jewish brothers, Huwara residents celebrated by handing out sweets. They also held an official firework celebration,

4. Among the main celebrants was the owner of a car and spare parts lot named Ayed Maharab. Maharab is a paroled terrorist who spent five years in Israeli prison. His Facebook page is filled with celebrations of terrorist attacks and of himself holding an AK-47. Maharab published a post following the Yaniv brothers’ murders celebrating the attack.

5. Following the murder of their friends and neighbors, and after seeing the Arab celebration of their murder, a number of young Israelis from surrounding villages entered Huwara and committed acts of vigilante violence. Among other things, they burned Maharab’s car lot. The scenes you saw of burning vehicles was Maharab’s spare parts lot. No building and no individual Arab was attacked or hurt by the aggrieved and angry friends of Hillel and Yagel. The claims of a death were lies.

The appropriate response came from Bezalel Smotrich:

The United Nations today (Thursday) condemned the statement of Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich that he would like to see the Arab village of Huwara, where two Jewish brothers were murdered on Sunday, “wiped out.”

Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, called Smotrich’s comments “irresponsible” and “unacceptable.”

This was far from the first attack in Huwara.

An inappropriate response came from a moonbat leftist named appropriately enough, Yaya Fink.

Esti Yaniv, whose sons Hillel and Yagel were murdered by a terrorist in the Arab village of Huwara on Sunday, has expressed her horror at the launch of a campaign of support for the residents of Huwara, the initiative of left-winger and Labor Party activist Yaya Fink.

Fink is collecting donations for what he defines as the “Huwara pogrom victims.” The “pogrom” referred to occurred several hours after the murders of the Yaniv brothers, when dozens of Jews converged on Huwara and set fire to cars in scrapyards, also causing fire damage to several buildings. According to uncorroborated Palestinian-Arab accounts, one person lost his life in circumstances that are unclear.

“Every day, I look down at the murderous village of Huwara where the murderer of my sons is still walking free, where they handed out pastries and celebrated after the murder,” Esti Yaniv said. “I was horrified to hear of this dreadful campaign, [launched] a day after many of the residents of Huwara celebrated after the murder of my sons.”

And just a few days later, Terror attack in Tel Aviv: Three people shot, terrorist eliminated Lather, rinse, repeat.

And for those on the left that like to engage in moral relativism, just sit tight. We have millions of illegal aliens in our country now that came from cultures that have a very different notion of what is acceptable and what is not. I’ve noticed that leftist outrage towards Israel will frequently result in a similar situation in America that the tolerant leftist find upsetting. Those that think pastries being handed out in America following the murder of an innocent American citizen is outrageous are fooling themselves.

Lenny notes in his podcast that the arabs aren’t the least concerned about any actions the IDF may take, they view the IDF as no deterrent at all. The Jewish citizens living near by? Them they are scared of. Good.

So let’s take a look at some things in America.

America’s Reichstag Moment

The article starts out talking about the start of WWII, but then gets into January 6th.. I found this very interesting because the writer’s father lived through Kristallnacht.

Let’s fast-forward to the events of January 6th, 2021. Even with the release of 40,000 hours of video from the day, there are many things that we do not know. It has been reported that President Trump suggested that the National Guard be stationed near the Capital because of his planned rally; this request was not acted upon or may have been actively turned down by Nancy Pelosi. The Capitol police, according to the recent interview of former Capitol police officer, Lt. Tarik Johnson by Tucker Carlson, was not briefed or prepared for what was obvious to all

Jan. 6 Proud Boys Trial Paused as Defendant Attorney Alleges FBI Altered Evidence

Here Are Five Horrific and Unforgettable Videos of January 6 Police Violence That Were Not Yet Picked Up in Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Capitol Hill Coverage This Week

EXCLUSIVE: Rasmussen Poll Results – Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Believe the FBI Has Been Weaponized

Ya think? Duh.

And I haven’t even touched on the hearings going on about Covid, gain of function, the lying about cheap already available cures for it that were disregarded because if they had been put into use Tony Fauxci and his cabal of “doctors” couldn’t get the emergency use license for the experimental gene altering clot shots. The use of taxpayer money to fund gain of function, and Fauxci is still sending your money to Joe Xiden’s boss, China, I do believe. But not to be outdone, Hunter Xiden helped finance the bioweapons labs in Ukraine I think I’ve heard. Man, that would be so scary to have bioweapons labs right next door in Canada or Mexico. I mean seeing as how America handled Covid, what with putting Mom and Pop businesses out, forcing people into medical experiments they didn’t want and changing the definition of the word “vaccine”. Yeah, the way America handles that stuff would be enough to make any government a bit concerned, shall we say.


The perfect play swing

My point is this, the current federal government, and some state governments hate us, U.S. The federal law enforcement agencies under the misnamed DOJ, hate us. And I think if I’m intellectually honest with myself, I need to admit it. I’m not saying we can do much different at this point, unless you have a Congress Critter or Senator that is willing to listen, and then ask for the FIB, ATF to be de-funded and dis-banded. At this point to not do so is like voting to keep the brown shirts (and I don’t mean UPS) around. They offer nothing of value to the average law-abiding citizen.

I would maintain the appropriate response to these atrocities is hate. They do hate us, and they are willing to kill us. You could ask Roseanne Boyland or Ashli Babbitt…but.

Just as the idea of fighting back when attacked has been taught out of school children, the notion of appropriate hate is not really in our culture I don’t think. The things the left calls “hate” or “hateful” is usually free speech, or saying something they don’t like. Or giving evidence or showing video that destroys a leftist narrative. The left (demoncrat and RINO) is terrified by the thought of putting information out and allowing people to form their own thoughts and opinions. That is something they can’t abide.

There is a time, when hate is the appropriate response.

The Hound knows these things

The Arizona Train wreck

No, I don’t mean there was a train wreck in Arizona, I mean Arizona is a train wreck. Nevada too for that matter.

There is so much that is wrong with the charade. It’s basically the same charade of an election we had in 2020, but since the GOP establishment did nothing about it, and everyone wanted to “move on” and the phrase “election denier” became the hot new thing along with Ukraine we are living through it again. And our friends in Arizona will pay the highest price. But I actually do have some suggestions coming. But first, lets have a look at the illegal corrupt actions.

First an incompetent Secretary of State who is also a candidate for Governor and refused to recuse herself/itself/whatever, despite bi-partisan call to do so.

Trusting Hobbs

Second, only a couple of times have I seen the unlikely campaign strategy of hide in your basement and refuse to debate employed successfully. Hobbs is one of them, Beijing Biden being the other. Kari Lake had I believe over double the social media followers as the corrupt Hobbs, and far more enthusiasm for her campaign.

Now lets look at Hobbs incompetence. Much of this comes from citizens and independent media.

Expert, Dan Sundin, has honed in on the likely cause of why 30% of the tabulators in Arizona could not process the majority of Republican ballots on Election Day.

During the 2022 General Election, the election programming was set up to process 20″ long ballots. This was a change from the 2020 General and the 2022 Primary ballots, which were 19″ long – an inch shorter.

So when Arizona election officials say they don’t know what happened on November 8th because everything was the same as Arizona’s primary – this isn’t true.

The ballot size wasn’t the same.

Why does that matter?

The sample ballot pdf’s published by Maricopa County and the Runbeck-printed ballots used for mail-in voting were correctly made to to 20″ length in the 2022 General. So there have been no problems processing Democrat-leaning, mail-in ballots.

However, the ballot on demand printers used for in-person voting only have 19″ trays that contain 19″ ballot paper.

This means, that for in-person voting, the official ballot image had to be compressed to fit on smaller paper than it was built for.

Compression causes the ink to be a little lighter than it should be, and thus affects how the tabulators read the ballot.

Maricopa County directed some voting centers to increase how dark the printing was, and this helped the problem somewhat.

The bigger problem, however, is that compressing the image skews where the ovals end up on the paper. The tabulators use a digital map to know where to look for votes. If the ovals aren’t where they belong, the tabulator won’t be able to find them, or will misread them. This problem will cause the tabulators to improperly read ovals, or not be able to read the ballot at all.

This is what most likely caused the high rejection rate and why so many ballots ended up having to be set aside in Drawer 3 – which led to another set of problems, and a lot of delay.

We all know delay favors fraud.

The equipment tabulating ballots at the MCTEC center is different than the Dominion ICP tabulators used for in-person, Election Day voting. Those scanners are more forgiving for shrunk/skewed ballots and are able to be manually adjudicated by election workers. That’s likely why we’re not seeing the same problems in the processing of ballots which were cast early in-person.

It’s clear that whatever logic and accuracy testing was done in Arizona to get ready for Election Day wasn’t a real world test.

The logic and accuracy test used pristine, pre-printed ballots that were professionally printed offsite and fed into the Dominion ICP tabulators to make sure they were working.

A real logic and accuracy test, however, would have used ballots printed on-site by the ballot-on-demand printers. That would have been a genuine end-to-end test, and it would have caught what ended up being a massive problem.

Since Republicans are more likely to vote in person on Election Day, they were disproportionately affected and disenfranchised by the incompetence of the election officials. Failing to correctly test the system to understand the effect of changing the ballot size was a fatal error. This amounted to a massive violation of voters’ constitutional rights, which requires equal protection under the law.

This issue didn’t affect the Democrat-leaning mail-in ballots. The Democrat-leaning, early in-person ballots are processed at the MCTEC Center on equipment more able to process the skewed images and manually adjudicate problem ballots.

We don’t know if all this was intentional or not. But the poorly-designed process and failure to properly test equipment under real world conditions have led to yet another third-world election in Arizona.

It’s worth noting that hand counting would not be affected in the slightest by a skewed ballot. Get rid of the machines.

Maricopa County Election Judge Believes the Machines Were Programmed to Reject Ballots on Election Day

BREAKING: Poll Pads Caught Adding *Hundreds* of Voters in Real Time as Poll is Being Closed

Maricopa Drops SHOCKING Sunday Numbers — Claim Only 54% for Kari Lake FROM ELECTION DAY! And Independents Went to Hobbs! — STEAL IS ON

Only 17% of Maricopa Election Day Voters Were Democrat, Only 23% of Primary Election Day Voters Were Democrat — But Democrats Are Winning 50% of Delayed Election Day Totals? IMPOSSIBLE!

Arizona Results Like the 2020 Results are Uncertifiable – There Are Too Many Infractions to Certify These Results

Then there is the weird, anyone remember this?

FLASHBACK: FOX 10 Arizona Flashed Katie Hobbs as Gubernatorial Winner 12 Days Before Election — When She Was Behind by 11 Points in Their Own Poll

Good old Faux news, they’re always on target.

Fox News Calls Arizona For Stacey Abrams

But Arizona gives them a lot to work with, probably took that long because he was a Republican and they didn’t have the vote fraud machine fully cranked up yet.

Arizona Announces They Have Finished Counting And Calvin Coolidge Has Won Their 3 Electoral Votes

WAYNE ROOT: You’ve Been Gaslighted – Democrats Just Stole Another Election

People are speaking out.

There is a second montage at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/video-montage-part-2-arizona-republican-voters-describe-ballots-not-counted-ballots-tossed-box-people-turned-away-not-allowed-vote-video/

I thought Demoncrats hated voter suppression.

Arizona Republicans Officially Accuse Maricopa County of Voter Suppression

I just find it so hard to believe that Arizonians said “Gee Katie Hobbs is incompetent and corrupt as Secretary of State, so let’s elect her Governor”.

So, what to do. Short term, for Arizona and Nevada

Folks – please pass around on any platform you can. The LACK of doing this cost of dearly in 2020.

Lynn is correct – this is a BS system and it heavily favors Dems (because it’s THEIR system) – but we still have time to save both NV and AZ.

Here’s NV:

Nevada, make sure YOUR voice is heard in this election and check your vote status before it’s too late!

You have until TUESDAY.

1. Check your ballot status: http://nevada.ballottrax.net/voter/

2. If needed, cure your ballot: http://nvsos.gov/sos/Cure

Here’s AZ:

ARIZONA — Some votes get kicked back. You need to CHECK YOUR BALLOT STATUS NOW:


And then CURE (FIX) your ballot— the deadline is Wednesday — making sure your vote gets counted.

If you were kept from voting, this web site wants you to contact them. Arizonans Defending Democracy

In the long term, everyone in leadership associated with the travesty and betrayal of the citizens has got to go. The is a battle to see if the pub party can be salvaged. I’m not optimistic. Leadership never addressed and hid from the steal of 2020. They either didn’t like President Trump, or was afraid when the swamp got drained they would go down as well. As they should, what they did was deny the will of “We The People” and decide our vote didn’t matter. But the illusion of voting matters is gone. People knew the Dims would cheat, that’s how they roll, the goal was to overwhelm with our votes to make it impossible (or almost) to do so. Charade over.

Kevin McCarthy has done nothing to help our candidates, nothing. The Murder Turtle not only didn’t help our candidates, he donated money and worked against them, such as Lisa Murkowski. And Mitt’s daughter Ronna? Who on earth thought letting a Romney be in charge of the RNC was a good idea?

Former Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs to Launch Leadership Challenge Against Kevin McCarthy

Good News. Lee Zeldin Is Taking Calls About Replacing Hapless Ronna McDaniel After She Blew Two Landslide Elections

Does anyone remember the lettuce challenge? After Liz Truss became PM, her decisions caused many to ask the question, would Liz outlast a head of lettuce?

Head of lettuce outlasts Liz Truss in viral contest as British PM quits after 44 days

Liz the Lettuce is no longer after securing fame in contest versus Liz Truss

Well now Mitt’s daughter is facing her own challenge. Will Ronna Romney McDaniel Outlast a Head of Lettuce After Blowing Another Landslide Election?

If you aren’t aware, and are curious of the myriad of ways Ronna is a worse choice than a head of lettuce, it’s worth a few minute read for the list.

So this is the next step, first ballots, then a complete purge of the failed and feckless pub “leadership” and I think I threw up a little when I had to type “Leadership”.

An interesting, but totally unrelated story. While Israel had their election with paper ballots, hand counted, the conservative pro-Israel, pro-Israeli citizen side won, Brazil like America used the Demoncrat cheat machines. And the wildly popular President went down to convicted criminal Lula. Huh. Apparently there were SO many voter irregularities that the good citizens of Brazil question the results of the election. Go figure. However, it seems they aren’t falling in line and behaving.

Peaceful Protests Attract Tens of Thousands Rejecting Corrupt Socialist President-Elect

Brazilian Leaders and Military Reportedly Planning to Release Evidence of a Corrupted Election This Week

Update from Brazilian leaders:

Military audit of the election will now be released Wednesday.

Dozens of boxes had zero Bolsonaro votes.

Evidence will be presented of fraud.

The nation is on the brink of social collapse unless the military has a strong presence.

But it seems some of the courts in Brazil may be a bit corrupt. Their feckless Supreme Court has made some horrible decisions. Supreme Court Rejects Bump Stock Ban Case

Ooops, sorry! Wrong feckless supreme court, my bad.

One of the Justices, Alexandre Moraes, is a real monster. He is threatening to imprison people for protesting a rigged election.

This same judge has repeatedly ordered Bolsonaro supporters — journalists, activists, even an elected member of Congress — not just censored but even imprisoned. Even NYT asked: are neoliberal institutions becoming authoritarian to “protect democracy”?https://t.co/UpbsF2qhJU

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 7, 2022

Well, I’m sure he’ll calmly explain to the Brazilians why he is jailing protesters and journalists in the fine Demoncratic style of Zelensky who is getting billions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers.

Side note, when Demoncrats and the media say “Democracy is on the ballot. Democracy is going to die if Republicans are elected” has anyone asked them what their idea of “Democracy” is? It’s basically mob rule and tyranny, so. But back to the judge expla….oh wait, he’s gone. He’s not in Brazil now.

Gee, I think that’s New York

Massive Brazil Election Steal Protests Continue – Crooks from Brazil Sneek Off to New York, Are Greeted by Protesters



Does anyone know, does the Brazilian military make house calls or take on other auditing jobs?


Welcome to Amerizuela

Welcome to the 3rd world banana republic known as Amerizuela. Or perhaps Ukranica? A place where political opponents are held in a gulag as POWs for over a year and are harassed by weaponized law-enforcement. They have reached new lows. As probably everyone has heard President Trump’s home Mar-A-Lago was raided by the corrupt FIB.

I like many other Americans, of both political parties by the way, view this as an outrage. How do I know both political parties? Because Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers posted on GAB that she was hearing from Demoncrats that are, while not equally appalled, are appalled none the less.

No one likes where this country is headed under the Biden crime junta. It is obvious that a vote for a Demoncrat brings a weaponized IRS. 87,000 new IRS agents, nothing for the border or military mind you, but to go after the middle class that elected Donald J. Trump? 87,000 new IRS agents. The total budget for the border patrol is less than just the increase in what the IRS is getting.

The weaponized IRS

Biden Puts IRS Funding Ahead of Military and Border Security

And when I say “weaponized IRS” I mean weaponized. This is from August 1st of this year.

IRS Stockpiles More Than 5 Million Rounds of Ammunition

Democrats’ Inflation Bill Will Add Agents to an Already Armed IRS – Only Democrats and China Win

So remember that meme that was popular awhile back?

They’re after YOU

Yep, guess they will be.

But first, they have to take out the Donald.

And so the corrupt Biden, Garland and Wray have descended into 3rd world banana republic tactics.

They raided Mar-A-Lago.

The excuse was some documents that had been packed up by the GSA. Why do I say excuse? Because the corrupt FIB was just there in June when the Trumps were there and were in the room where they are kept locked up for several hours with the President’s lawyers and went through them. President Trump even stopped by to say hello. But now that the Trumps are in NJ, they find it necessary to “raid” his home.

FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid

This article is a wealth of information.

The Post has learned that the search warrant used by the FBI to enter the palatial Palm Beach property focused solely on presidential records and evidence of classified information being stored there.


The raid by over 30 plain clothes agents from the Southern District of Florida and the FBI’s Washington Field Office extended through the Trump family’s entire 3,000-square-foot private quarters, as well as to a separate office and safe, and a locked basement storage room in which 15 cardboard boxes of material from the White House were stored.

Interesting. The Washington field office. That’s where the lead agent that was in charge of the fake Whitmer kidnapping was promoted to. He’s now in charge of the Washington office. This came out in Sen. Ted Cruz’s grilling of the corrupt Chris Wray. Now I’ve heard theories that Merrick Garland has his panties in a knot because he blames the right for being denied his place on the Supreme Court. Maybe, I don’t know. But I do find it interesting that about 5 days after it comes out the corrupt agent in charge of the Detroit field office and the Whitmer kidnapping is now the corrupt agent in charge of the Washington office and suddenly we have a corrupt raid on President Trump, and Melania’s wardrobe I might add. They think presidential records are kept in her ball gowns? If I were Melania I’d have the whole place fumigated.

But back to our raid, the President’s lawyers were forced to stay outside, so who knows what that wiretapping bunch planted. And they were very arrogant as they went places they weren’t allowed to be per the warrant.

Another group of agents, including a professional safe cracker, moved to a separate part of the enormous 1924 Spanish stucco building to search Trump’s office and safe.

The demeanor of the three DOJ lawyers who accompanied the FBI was described by one eyewitness as “arrogant,” and they repeatedly told Trump representatives: “We have full access to everything. We can go everywhere.”

So where did the warrant come from? Who signed off on it? Oh, Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer!

US Judge in Florida Approved Search Warrant for FBI Raid on Trump’s Resort

(Bruce)Reinhart was a senior prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida during the prosecution of late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Shortly after a non-prosecution agreement was reached with Epstein, who pleaded guilty to a single state-level charge in exchange for not being prosecuted by federal officials, Reinhart “joined Epstein’s payroll,” according to documents entered by lawyers for women Epstein allegedly abused.

Reinhart, a criminal defense attorney at the time, represented “numerous Epstein employees and pilots” in civil cases filed against Epstein by alleged victims, including Epstein’s housekeeper Louella Ruboyo and pilot Larry Morrison.

“On information and belief, Reinhart’s representation of these individuals was paid, directly or indirectly, by Epstein,” one document says. “Such representations are in contravention of Justice Department regulations and Florida bar rules. Such representations also give, at least, the improper appearance that Reinhart may have attempted to curry with Epstein and then reap his reward through favorable employment.”

Reinhart responded with a motion for sanctions, saying the documents contained “unfounded factual and legal accusations.” He asked for leave to intervene in the case.

But the FIB always fights for “truth, justice and the American way!” Right?

As Jack Posobiec, political commentator and former intelligence officer, points out in his podcast that back in the Viet Nam era no one trusted the FIB and the government. We have a national security state in charge of our government. The FIB & CIA are the 4th branch, the operations arm of the administrative state. Then he gave a list. It’s worth listening to the podcast. They lied about a lot. Comey, Mueller and many other familiar names have been corrupt for a long time. The “Did you know” part is quite interesting. This episode was called American Stasi.

But let’s see, what happened with some people it sure seems should have been investigated?

Not Raided by FBI: Bidens, Clintons, Russia Hoaxers, Black Lives Matter

FBI raid on Trump compound stands in stark contrast to Clinton treatment years earlier

Hunter’s FBI

You would think that the FIB would have a clue how the normal average American would feel about seeing their country turned into a banana republic by a corrupt justice department. You would think that Merrick Garland would have a clue, but hey his son-in-law makes his money selling Critical Race Theory materials to schools and he sicced the FIB on parents calling them terrorists and he got away with that, so guess he’s not worried. And I don’t think they have a clue.

How the FBI’s Raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Was Viewed by Millions of Americans

The message is clear. The government under Democrats hates us, and they will sic federal agencies on Americans who dare to defy the parameters and agenda set by the political class. If half the nation doesn’t feel that justice is blind, that federal law enforcement agencies are professional and impartial, and that law and order is now dependent on party affiliation, then the stability of our system could be placed in doubt. Democrats have set us on a path toward civil war if they continue with this campaign of overreach under Biden

And now the corrupt BATFE is getting in on the act.

Sinister move by ATF should serve as warning Seems the BATFE now wants addresses for buyers that are delayed!

But as the letter notes, the ATF is demanding contact information for delayed NICS checks.

For the uninitiated, this may make perfect sense. After all, we don’t know if those delayed checks are criminals trying to buy guns or not.

Except, that’s literally not how the law works. A delayed background check is supposed to be treated as a passed check. Further, according to a couple of gun store owners and employees I’ve spoken with, something like 95 percent, at a minimum, of all delayed NICS checks are people with no criminal history. The system just created a delay for some unfathomable reason.

This is bad! The whole DOJ is corrupt. But, I have a practical solution to these problems and more!

Our southern border is a hot mess. When Republicans take control of the house and senate in January all the new IRS agents, who are very well armed, are going to be sent to the border to help secure it. All 87,000 of them. The FIB and the ATF are going to be disbanded in the current form. But I don’t want the good people that have been held hostage by the corruption at the top to be un-employed in the Biden “recovery”. Nope, they will now be tasked with finding all the illegal immigrants in our country. They’re trained for that, right? They will round them up and ship them back to their country of origin. This will save our country millions of dollars! And lastly, fire Merrick Garland, Chris Wray and Steven Dettelbach. Now that will be money well saved, and from the firing of those three we give the border patrol bonuses! See! There are solutions! Follow me for more practical, money saving budgeting ideas.


Hanukkah 2020

Because I can never see this enough.

What.A.Year. Paging Judah Maccabee….

We’ve had several columns written about Hanukkah, possibly because I love the holiday. People of faith in both America and Israel have had threats to their ability to worship freely in both countries for as long as I’ve been doing columns.


Chabad has a really good story of Hanukkah that gives more of the history leading up to the pivotal moment when Mattityahu killed the Hellenized Jew that was going to sacrifice a pig on the alter in his name. Then he went after the army that had come to enforce the decree. https://www.chabad.org/holidays/chanukah/article_cdo/aid/102978/jewish/The-Story-of-Chanukah.htm

While both Purim and Hanukkah celebrate the survival of the Jews against an enemy, there are differences. Purim, like the holocaust was an attempt to wipe the Jewish people from the face of the earth. The goal of the Syrians-Greeks was to make the Jewish people like everyone else on the face of the earth, meaning idol worshipers.

This year as we approach Hanukkah, I see my country in a place I could never have imagined growing up. I wonder if it was like that was for the Maccabees? Did they see the threat of the Greeks growing? Because initially when the Greeks gained control over Israel they were respectful. But as some of the Jews began to assimilate, the Greeks lost respect and began to treat them more cruelly. One might say, the mask came off.

As it is here.

I don’t think there is any doubt that there has been massive election fraud in the 2020 elections. And of those that would deny it, I would be curious to know how much they actually know about it. As the always brilliant Jack Englehardt writes in his column about censorship,

Turns out my neighbor up the road never heard about the Hunter/Joe Biden scandal that weeks ago was all the rage on the New York Post, and later Fox News.

That’s the one where Hunter allegedly served as bagman for himself and his dad off money scooped up from China, Ukraine and Russia.

“How come you didn’t know?” I asked this neighbor.

“Never heard of it,” he said proudly. “I don’t read the Post. I only read the Times, and I never watch Fox News.”

If he knew the story, would he still have voted for Biden?

“It would have been something to consider.”

Yes, it would…and I read somewhere that more than 60 percent who voted never heard of it, either

It seems people that lack information make really poor choices that  cause everyone else to suffer. And suffering there will be.

In addition to censorship, there is just flat out lying by the MSM. The Nick Sandman category of lying, brings us the latest story involving the Papa John’s Pizza chain and accusations of racism. Except it never happened. Ex-FBI director clears Papa John’s founder of racial bias, slams ‘clearly inaccurate’ media Hope he sues the AP into oblivion. If the media will lie about something like a pizza chain, how could anyone ever doubt the lengths they would go to in the quest to manipulate voters The media made this story up out of whole cloth!

It seems daily more and more information comes out about ballots unloaded in the middle of the night, pulled out from underneath tables, or Timmy found them in the well. Then there are the ballots that got ran through multiple times, President Trump losing votes on a cnn scoreboard refresh, tractor trailers with ballots disappearing. There has been quite a lot of evidence. Unless you are Brian Kemp urging the Chinese to come to GA. Governor Brian Kemp on Video in Front of Communist Flag Asking Chinse Companies to Invest in Georgia

What’s that Lassie?

No need Governor, they’ve already invested in you and the GA Secretary of State Raffensperger who shows a stunning lack of awareness by using Dominion’s President Trump hating Eric Croomer to say there is nothing wrong with their systems. Perfectly safe. Georgia Attorneys and Secretary of State Defend Dominion Voting Systems Instead of Voters In Their State. Never mind the 2016 video in which Croomer was saying ” possible to bypass election systems software during the vote counting process.” Actually there are two videos of Croomer demonstrating how to use Dominion to switch votes. Or like Stzrok and Page, Croomer had his power trip moment:

“Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f**king sure of that!” – Dr. Eric Coomer VP of US Engineering for US Dominion Voting Company

Isn’t it interesting that in 2016, when Kemp was Secretary of State, there was a Dominion problem.

Georgia Secretary of State Says 10 Cyberattacks Traced to DHS – Calls for Investigation. Yep, that’s right kids, in 2016 Obama’s DHS (the ones that said in this election there was no sign of fraud, right?) attacked the Dominion voting machines in GA. The IP addresses were traced back to the DHS. And yet, GA keep the Dominion machines. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/12/georgia-secretary-state-says-10-cyberattacks-traced-dhs-calls-investigation/

Dominion had some help though, for example Mark Zuckerberg of Fakebook. We talk about how he censors posts and information, but he did a lot more than that. About 350 million more than that.

This year, left-leaning donors Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan gave $350 million to an allegedly “nonpartisan” nonprofit, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which in turn re-granted the funds to thousands of governmental election officials around the country to “help” them conduct the 2020 election.


What these grants did was build structural bias into the 2020 election where structural bias matters most – in densely populated urban cores. It converted election offices in key jurisdictions with deep reservoirs of Biden votes into Formula One turnout machines. The hundreds of millions of dollars built systems, hired employees from activist groups, bought equipment and radio advertisements. It did everything that street activists could ever dream up to turn out Biden votes if only they had unlimited funding.

In 2020, they had unlimited funding because billionaires made cash payments to 501(c)(3) charities that in turn made cash payments to government election offices.

Massive numbers of people have come forward to testify under oath about things they’ve seen, or like some nursing home residents, things that have happened to them. Things people were told to do, things that have been recorded on video. Everyday citizens stepping up because they know what they are seeing is wrong, and evil. And those who should care, judges, secretaries of state, attorney generals at federal and state, multiple state actually, levels just don’t care. I’m very disappointed that SCOTUS wouldn’t hear the case Texas and other states brought against those corrupt states. It seems to me if the whole country is about to suffer under the tyranny of the harris/biden regime we should be heard. Some of these states that foolish choose not to be involved are going to be in for a big shock. Because once the socialist/communist party seizes control their autonomy is over. Has anyone ever seen much autonomy in a communist country? Thought not.

Remember the doofus known as Eric Swalwell who threatened to nuke American citizens  who refused to be disarmed and then just claimed he was joking? I’m sure most people realized it’s not normal for elected officials to threaten citizens with nuclear weapons. Well, not communists, no, they wouldn’t see a problem with that. But normal people. So lately it’s become much more clear as to why that would even cross his mind. He was in bed with the communists, no wonder he thinks like them. Yes, literally in bed with them. A Chinese spy named Christine Feng who also implanted a few people into other political positions. Republicans have a problem with Rep. Swalwell being on the intelligence committee and sleeping around with Chinese communist spies.

Demoncratic/Communists do not. Pelosi Defends Swalwell’s Chinese Spy Scandal – Then Deflects by Saying QAnon is a Danger to Congress Poor old bat, she needs help.

How much voter fraud, illegal voting, ballot manufacturing etc has taken place? Who knows for sure, the FBI is out investigating garages and subways sandwich shops. But I would hazard a guess that if this level of corruption and a power grab of this magnitude is allowed to succeed, we’re pretty much all done but the shouting. There will never be a real election again, it worked. If it works once that’s all it needs to work because then the communist government has taken control. Things that are moral and honest have been shoved aside. And evil people have been allowed to break the law, lie, cheat, steal and bully and intimidate with no repercussions. Why wouldn’t they do it again?

The democrat/communist party knows the majority of Americans voted for President Trump, thereby rejecting their radical platform. It took a massive amount of vote fraud to overcome those votes cast by real Americans. And yet, the communist/democratic party is now willing to attempt to force their will on those citizens. Those who voted for biden because he was a “moderate” are going to be very shocked when they discover their trial subscription to living in a communist country compliments of Wuhan Flu controls becomes a permanent feature.

I heard a very interesting interview with Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith from www.SaveOurFreedoms.org Rabbi Smith is also a lawyer, has studied molecular biology, virology and infectious diseases at the University of California at Berkeley. He maintains what is being done to the fearful American citizens is psychological warfare and he has some pretty good reasons for saying that.

And at a time of great challenge, the aspiring tyrants in power in NY and CA have forbidden people to attend worship services. And all over the US older Americans have been deprived of getting to see loved ones in their waning years, families are kept apart by fears of a virus with a greater than 99% recovery rate. NO ONE IS SAYING IT’S NOT REAL. We know, it’s real. And it’s also really being used to control people. So things that are normally a large source of strength and comfort to people, things that have helped hold the fabric of our society together in troubled times are the very things those aspiring to rule over us are denying us. Illegally I might add.

I have as much faith in vote tallies as I do Wuhan flu statistics. Sad, isn’t it?

After Supreme Court ruling, New Yorkers go back to synagogue

The decision resolved two cases at once: one brought by Agudath Israel of America, an organization representing Orthodox Jews, and one brought by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn.

“This is the first time in my memory that we have assumed the role of plaintiff before the high court,” Avi Shafran, Agudath Israel director of public affairs, told The Jerusalem Post. “What impelled us here was the singling out by New York’s governor of Orthodox neighborhoods as virus spreaders, repeatedly calling pointed attention to the residents’ religion, when other neighborhoods with even higher virus transmission rates were not given the same ‘red zone’ status. Our rabbinic leadership felt that we needed to speak up and defend our, and all Americans’, religious rights.

As in the times of the Maccabees of Hanukkah, cruel tyrants tried to forbid people from from the free worship of G-d. They have that in common with communism. Nothing is allowed to be more powerful or revered than the government. People of faith live by G-d’s laws, and love and revere G-d, not big government.

Justice Barrett Casts Deciding Vote, Justice Gorsuch Hammers Gov. Cuomo’s COVID-19 Restrictions on Churches and Synagogues

Democrat California Gov. Newsom Ignores SCOTUS, Doubles Down on Worship Restrictions

Yes, I think I’ve laid out enough information as to why these times are dark, with similarities to the times of the Macabees, and in fact some of the same circumstances. And some of those same circumstance are for the good as well. Namely, G-d is still in control

אין עוד מלבדו

There is none but him.

The festival of lights, Hanukkah, season of miracles. The miracles are many. That the Maccabean army was successful. From 1 Maccabees Chapter 3

10 Then Apollonius* gathered together the Gentiles, along with a large army from Samaria, to fight against Israel.

11 When Judas learned of it, he went out to meet him and struck and killed him. Many fell wounded, and the rest fled.

12 They took their spoils, and Judas took the sword of Apollonius and fought with it the rest of his life.

13 But Seron, commander of the Syrian army, heard that Judas had mustered an assembly of faithful men ready for war.

14 So he said, “I will make a name for myself and win honor in the kingdom. I will wage war against Judas and his followers, who have despised the king’s command.”

15 And again a large company of renegades advanced with him to help him take revenge on the Israelites.

16 When he reached the ascent of Beth-horon,* Judas went out to meet him with a few men.

17 But when they saw the army coming against them, they said to Judas: “How can we, few as we are, fight such a strong host as this? Besides, we are weak since we have not eaten today.”

18 But Judas said: “Many are easily hemmed in by a few; in the sight of Heaven there is no difference between deliverance by many or by few;

19 for victory in war does not depend upon the size of the army, but on strength that comes from Heaven.

20 With great presumption and lawlessness they come against us to destroy us and our wives and children and to despoil us;

21 but we are fighting for our lives and our laws.

22 He* will crush them before us; so do not fear them.”

23 When he finished speaking, he rushed suddenly upon Seron and his army, who were crushed before him.

24 He pursued Seron down the descent of Beth-horon into the plain. About eight hundred* of their men fell, and the rest fled to the land of the Philistines.

They reclaimed the Temple, they were able to replace the desecrated and stolen items and finally to find the one small cruse of oil. The oil that was only suppose to last for one day, but instead burned for eight. But that’s not the only miracle with the oil. The miracle is that they used the oil and lit the Menorah. The part that I’m apply starts about 5 minutes in. I promise, from minute 5 to the end is good medicine.

Watch on TorahCafé.com!

14And My people, upon whom My name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My presence and repent of their evil ways, I shall hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land. ~~II Chronicles Chapter 7:14

That’s the thing about Hanukkah, the Maccabees and the Jews that were remaining faithful to G-d were outnumbered, out gunned and didn’t even have NewsMax on their side. But they did have something better, they had G-d, who loved them. Yes, I think we could be facing an escalation in this fight we’ve been engaged in now for some time. But G-d is not a man who changes, he is the same and the things he wants from us and for us are the same.

I don’t know how this will turn out. I know we can’t rely on people or institutions to save us, almost every institution and so many politicians that campaigned that they would represent us have failed us. The corruption is in so many places, some not even known yet.  No matter what, we can continue to seek G-d, and ask for his blessings on us, our families, homes, country and our way of life. We can try to be prepared and filled with resolve. And we can remember this is the season of miracles. As Rabbi Zev says, “Think good and it will be good”.  I believe in miracles.

Chag Hanukkah Samach

חג חנוכה שמח

Happy Hanukkah or Merry Christmas (a bit early) to our TZP family


At What Price? Liberty?

The Wuhan Flu madness continues. But I’m seeing additional deterioration of our society I think. You might want to grab a cup of coffee for this one.

We are in the middle days of Pesach, the festival we celebrate and re-live being taken out of slavery and bondage by the strong arm of G-d. We didn’t know the land we were going to live in, we didn’t know how we were going to get there and we had been living as slaves for a few hundred years so living as a free and just society was all new. Self-governance? What’s that? But we had G-d and his appointed leaders, so we had the courage and faith to leave Egypt מצרים . The word narrow is צרים see how similar they look? And if you put a Mem מ in front of it that means “from”. So I guess you could say we left “from narrows”, slavery.

Plagues, and seclusion, sounding familiar?

But what I am seeing that is totally new, to me at least, is the astonishing amount of fear and blatant attempts of people to seize power. The power-crazed Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer has banned the sale of baby car seats, vegetable seeds, certain things in Home Depot are ok, others aren’t. Travel between residences is no longer allowed, so forget taking food to elderly neighbors or family that can’t get out. She has a whole host of other demands while the sale of pot and alcohol are still essential and fine. All at Queen Gretchen’s whim. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear ordered license plate numbers to be collected on christians who attended church in their cars, parked a distance apart and the service was over a loud speaker. Each would be getting a $500 fine, as would the pastor. Unbelievable. Oh wait, they are both Demoncrats, so I guess not.

Boston Suburb Threatens $100 Fines to Anyone Walking in Wrong Direction Amid Coronavirus Panic

Former police officer arrested in park for throwing ball with daughter due to coronavirus social distancing rules My hunch is they got miffed when they demanded his papers. They told him the park was “closed”. There were obviously other people there, he told them he was at least 15 feet away, and they said if he didn’t give them his papers, they would handcuff him in front of his 6 year old daughter. Which they did.

Police Drag Passenger Off Bus for Not Wearing Coronavirus Mask in Philadelphia

Wow, they could have just arrested him! New York Woman Arrested for Not Socially Distancing — Then Thrown into Jail Holding Cell with Two Dozen Women Oh.

Woman Fined $200 For ‘Going For A Drive’ Amid Pandemic

I’m also increasingly disturbed by some of the messages I see on facebook. One friend posted a article that the Gov of Texas is considering reopening the state, and she asked for thoughts. Two people responded how foolish, and another it was a big mistake. Everyone just needed to stay home. Anyone that didn’t was selfish and wanted people to die. Another friend re-posted and excellent opinion piece about what this Wuhan Flu is doing to our liberty. Someone commented under it as a doctor he should know better about viruses. Huh, I think he does, but I wonder about her medical training /snark. Yet another friend shared a photo that a friend of hers had put on a page. It was a handwritten note someone had left on her Mother’s door. Apparently family had dropped off some food for the woman for Easter. The nasty-gram read something about no family, no visitors, no people were allowed due to the coronavirus quarantine orders, and that next time they would call the police. Wow. Well, some places make it very easy. I used to hear people say “Oh we would never had called the police and informed on the Jews during the holocaust”. Got news, there are those that would that are alive and well and still dialing. Yep, you too can easily be a socialist.

Hartford is Promoting SeeClickFix App on Local Stations for Citizens to Snitch on Their Neighbors for Violating Social Distancing

Medicine since obamacare is politics

New Jersey Democrat Lawmaker Fantasizes About Withholding Disinfectants From Kentuckians Amid COVID-19 Crisis to Stick it to McConnell

Buffalo Hospital Fires Executive for Suggesting Trump Supporters Should ‘Give Up Their Ventilators’

Governors Ban Drugs For COVID-19 Treatment After President Trump Mentions Them

So, I guess if you’re a conservative living in one of those states, you know your governor (all Demoncrats of course) would rather see you dead.

Licensed Physician in Utah Unable to Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine Because ‘State Has Taken Over Distribution of Drug’

So a bit more about that Hydroxychloroquine, Azythromyacin, Zinc combination.

Dr. Zelenko’s success rate is now up to 699 patients successfully treated, almost 100%, one patient refused to follow protocol and died. None have needed ventilators.

And from the left coast Doctor Prescribing Hydroxychloroquine Says All of His “Very, Very Ill” Patients with Coronavirus Became Symptom Free within 8-12 Hours

New research study reveals that COVID-19 attacks hemoglobin in red blood cells, rendering it incapable of transporting oxygen. Are we using a false medical paradigm to treat a new disease?

Oh, so a million ventilators aren’t the right answer? They make it worse.

Dr Fauci is still slow to accept the drug cocktail being hailed as a successful treatment, for this coronavirus. However in 2013 he hailed it’s successful use in SARS coronavirus with no successful human outcomes.

That is interesting.

So Dr. Fauci thought a 2013 test in a “lab dish” was particularly encouraging.

But in 2020 after several successful studies of hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness in treating coronavirus patients he was suspect.

But Dr. Fauci has kind of a bad habit of creating panic and spreading misinformation.

We can get into the why in a bit. Because “why” and “motives” matter.

Let’s look at the number of Wuhan Flu deaths, and how they are calculated and how they are presented. You like charts? I like charts especially when they are easy to understand and make a good points.

Playing percentages

Only 150 Americans to Date With No Pre-Existing Conditions Have Died From the Coronavirus or 0.9%

CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if You’re Just Assuming or It Only Contributed

And in Dr. Birx’s own words

Another tragic Wuhan flu death

Then there is Minnesota state senator and Doctor Scott Jensen

MN Senator and Dr. Reveals HHS Document Coached Him on How to Overcount COVID-19 Cases — WITH COPY OF DOCUMENT

But according to comments I read, if we don’t stay shut down as a country and everyone stay sequestered in their homes we are selfish fools exposing the rest of the world to our death wish. I did see a interesting graphic on facebook, it read “Quarantine is when you lock sick people away. When you lock healthy people away it’s tyranny”.

Coronavirus Model Used to Crash US Economy MASSIVELY OVERSTATED Hospitalizations in 40 States

The entire government is taking it very seriously. 400,000 People Traveled To US From China Since COVID-19 Outbreak — Including 40,000 After Trump Imposed Travel Ban

But we must all stay locked in our homes, away from our families and sources of income. People coming from China? Meh, whatever.

I heard Wuhan flu described as a flu that is more contagious than some of the other strains of coronavirus, but less lethal.

So the whole world is on lockdown? Not quite.

Sweden and Brazil Kept Their Economies Open and Their COVID-19 Numbers Are No Worse than US

Data indicates there no material differences in fatalities between the three countries leading the casual observer to question why is the US killing its economy?

The US continues to prevent nearly all commerce from occurring to combat the China coronavirus. Many other countries are following suit. But some countries like Sweden and Brazil are keeping their countries open for business.

Data shows that the fatalities related to the coronavirus in these countries are very similar to those in the US.

In fact there is a twitter thread #FilmYourHospital going. It’s people driving by their local hospitals showing empty parking lots, some with those tent cities outside for the overflow of sick people, they too are empty. Some of the people filming the empty tents were told they had to leave and weren’t allowed to film. There are stories of healthcare workers being sent home, laid off and told not to report to work, they are just “on-call”. Yep, in the midst of this healthcare crisis healthcare workers are going without hours, which means without pay.

I heard a guest on the Ben Shapiro show saying how if/when we ever had another pandemic again we needed to have one policy across the US, none of this patchwork stuff of each state doing what they want. That there needs to be one policy and the CDC needs to be in charge. I’m thinking “OH HELL NO”. But then I’d already been gathering sources for this column.

Then there is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who was involved in the creation of Obamacare, who says this needs to go on another 18 months.

UNLESS there is a vaccine. Did you catch that? The MUST be a vaccine. Remember when I talked about the “why” of things matter? The motive matters. And here we go.

This is from a Canadian publication

In concert with the ramp-up in death statistics, the government-steered vaccination industry has run an elaborate bureaucracy designed to hype vaccine use, as seen in a slide show presentation last April by Glen Nowak, the CDC’s spokesman for the National Immunization Program, to the American Medical Association. Here is the “Recipe that fosters influenza vaccine interest and demand,” in the truncated language that appears on his slides: “Medical experts and public health authorities [should] publicly (e.g. via media) state concern and alarm (and predict dire outcomes) – and urge influenza vaccination.” This “recipe,” the slide show indicated, would result in “A. Significant media interest and attention [and] B. Framing of the flu season in terms that motivate behaviour (e.g. as ‘very severe,’ ‘more severe than last or past years,’ ‘deadly’).” Other aspects of the CDC’s “Seven-Step Recipe for Generating Interest in, and Demand for, Flu (or any other) Vaccination” includes “Continued reports (e.g., from health officials and media) that influenza is causing severe illness and/or affecting lots of people – helping foster the perception that many people are susceptible to a bad case of influenza.” and “Visible/tangible examples of the seriousness of the illness (e.g., pictures of children, families of those affected coming forward) and people getting vaccinated (the first to motivate, the latter to reinforce).”

That is from 2004, the CDC has been at this for awhile. The whole thing is worth reading.

And 10 years later, in 2014. Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Flu Deaths

Flu results in “about 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths” worldwide, Wikipedia tells us. “The typical estimate is 36,000 [deaths] a year in the United States,” reports NBC, citing the Centers for Disease Control. “Somewhere between 4,000 and 8,000 Canadians a year die of influenza and its related complications, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada,” the Globe and Mail says, adding that “Those numbers are controversial because they are estimates.”

snippety snip snip

According to the National Vital Statistics System in the U.S., for example, annual flu deaths in 2010 amounted to just 500 per year — fewer than deaths from ulcers (2,977), hernias (1,832) and pregnancy and childbirth (825), and a far cry from the big killers such as heart disease (597,689) and cancers (574,743). The story is similar in Canada, where unlikely killers likewise dwarf Statistics Canada’s count of flu deaths.

Even that 500 figure for the U.S. could be too high, according to analyses in authoritative journals such as the American Journal of Public Health and the British Medical Journal. Only about 15-20 per cent of people who come down with flu-like symptoms have the influenza virus — the other 80-85 per cent actually caught rhinovirus or other germs that are indistinguishable from the true flu without laboratory tests, which are rarely done. In 2001, a year in which death certificates listed 257 Americans as having died of flu, only 18 were positively identified as true flus. The other 239 were simply assumed to be flus and most likely had few true flus among them.

So why?

The CDC’s decision to play up flu deaths dates back a decade, when it realized the public wasn’t following its advice on the flu vaccine. During the 2003 flu season “the manufacturers were telling us that they weren’t receiving a lot of orders for vaccine,”Dr. Glen Nowak, associate director for communications at CDC’s National Immunization Program, told National Public Radio. “It really did look like we needed to do something to encourage people to get a flu shot.”


Well lucky for us all, Bill Gates has been working on that very thing. Bill Gates thinks vaccines are very important. Extremely important. Worldwide.

The implication is this: when a new vaccine is invented then mass produced, it will not necessarily be mandatory, but everything else in your life, such as work, school, community, and sociality, will all become privileges granted by the state under the condition that you take the new vaccine.

However, his vaccines don’t have a very good, good, acceptable track record. Believe it or not Robert F Kennedy Jr. has been keeping track of all this.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India’s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

In 2014, the #GatesFoundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”

Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philantropic practices as “ruthless” and “immoral”.

In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign.

Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.

After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.

Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.

Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.

Some might even say his track record is criminal. Go back to the first link on Gates thinking vaccines are extremely important and look at the financial conflicts of interest. The stock he owns in pharmaceutical companies. Also interesting is

Ah, the Gates/Fauci vaccine

And there are those in government that relish the potential for power St. Louis Federal Reserve Head Says Americans Should Be Tested for COVID-19 Daily And Forced To Display a Badge on Their Clothing with the Result

Perhaps a gold star? We can’t travel, work, see a doctor or shop without it?

But hey, Bill Gates has that covered too, no need for a gold star. That’s so 1940s. Nope, digital implants.

“Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” the Microsoft founder had speculated.

Snippty snip snip

However, as outlined in a December 2019 Scientific American article, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded Massachusetts Institute of Technology research that suggested embedding vaccine records “directly into the skin” of children: “Along with the vaccine, a child would be injected with a bit of dye that is invisible to the naked eye but easily seen with a special cell-phone filter, combined with an app that shines near-infrared light onto the skin. The dye would be expected to last up to five years, according to tests on pig and rat skin and human skin in a dish.”

Through his foundation, Gates has invested billions of dollars in vaccines.

While the Trump administration is against the tracking system,

Attorney General Bill Barr is skeptical of Gates’ idea to tag people with these mark-of-the-beast implants. He said he is concerned about “the tracking of people and so forth, generally, especially going forward over a long period of time.” Barr also said that he is “very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty.”

However, Barr said he did feel like “appropriate, reasonable steps are fine.” This leaves the door open for some sort of government action in order to enforce vaccine compliance.

If you want to know even more about this, there is a doctor, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai who is running for the Senate in Massachusetts and he has been weighing in on the Wuhan flu debacle. He’s a very bright man, 4 degrees from MIT. Here’s a youtube, he talks about Wuhan Flu, your immune system and the massive fraud being foisted upon us.

So, who or W.H.O. gets to decide what is reasonable and appropriate? The government? The panicked people on facebook, the crazed neighbors, the media, vaccine despot Gates? There are those that would clamor for a vaccine to be stuck in everything that moves right now. They have no idea of Gates record of “successful” vaccines. Remember, he wants to reduce the population. They would say the same things about being vaccinated as they do the lock down. If you don’t you’re selfish and want people to die. They will “demand” the government take action.

Look, I am not saying I’m against vaccines. That’s not what this is about. If you want to get a vaccination I’m all for it, you can take every vaccination out there. I won’t say a word. This is about forced vaccinations. And since some employers already do this I’m pretty sure this could go that route as well. With the added bit about governmental control and the vaccine despot’s lousy record added in. This is about being able to make free choices of what goes in your body, not what is forced in your body by the government or fear crazed people deceived by a willing media. I guess with all those people out of work due to the lock down, or those that will be looking for work because their business went under it will be easy. Potential employers will just say something along the lines of “I’m sorry, but governmental regulations state a certain percentage of our staff have to be vaccinated, so you must have the new Gates/Fauci vaccine for us to hire you”.

But we got scared

10 Pharaoh drew near, and the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold! the Egyptians were advancing after them. They were very frightened, and the children of Israel cried out to the Lord.

11 They said to Moses, Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us to die in the desert? What is this that you have done to us to take us out of Egypt?

12 Isn’t this the thing [about] which we spoke to you in Egypt, saying, Leave us alone, and we will serve the Egyptians, because we would rather serve the Egyptians than die in the desert

13 Moses said to the people, Don’t be afraid! Stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation that He will wreak for you today, for the way you have seen the Egyptians is [only] today, [but] you shall no longer continue to see them for eternity.

~~Exodus/Shemot 14:10-13

The opening of The Ten Commandments,

Leaving Egypt and slavery

I do not want to be one of those clamoring to go back into the slavery of governmental control over my life. Choose freedom, there is Moshe on the right, see him? He’s holding the reins of a camel for you, choose freedom.
