Bloomberg: A heads-up

We can hope nothing comes of it. It might be just the media having a slow day. But gun owners (and anybody who cares about freedom) should be aware: there’s apparently a campaign to draft Michael Bloomberg as the Dem candidate for president.

(Pretty ironic in light of yesterday’s blog about the other man who fancies himself to be something like our first Jewish president.)

Of course, aside from no-hoper Jim Webb, every Dem in the race is an anti-gunner to one degree or another. But Bloomberg? Forget Judaism. Gun control — and people control — is his real religion. Uber authoritarian! And given that he’s probably a more effective executive than the whole scurvy Dem field, he’d be a truly terrifying presidential prospect.

The draft-Bloomberg plan is supposedly being pushed by Wall Streeters. So it’s potentially backed by big money but might not have either popular support or Bloomberg’s cooperation.


4 thoughts on “Bloomberg: A heads-up”

  1. Back in 2010 Audi had a Superbowl ad about the potential Green police future that we could face, methinks a leader like Bloomberg would just about guarantee us such a future!

    If there is one thing that you can count on Bloomberg for is that he knows what is best for the rest of us and he is eager and willing to use the power of government to make it happen.

  2. Oh my gosh… a poop cake the size of Manhattan… No amount of frosting is going to help him. But I almost hope he does run, in a way. Just think of the editorial and journalistic opportunities it would give all of us.

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