Tag Archives: South Africa

Politically Correct Genocide

You may or not have seen the video recently of Julius Malema President of the Economic Freedom Fighters, a political party in South Africa with his catchy little ditty. Rita Panahi of SKY News, out of Australia recently did an excellent, and short, report on this. Since her accent is way cooler than mine, listen to this short segment from Rita.

In the clip, an interviewer asks Malema if he can understand why people on Twitter are going nuts about him calling for genocide of white farmers. Malema responds “Cry babies”. Oh.

This is not a new topic, I’ve written about it a couple of times before.

RECYCLING might want to scroll down and watch the 20 minute interview with Lauren Southern of Ian Cameron, a gun rights activist in South Africa. South Africa does indeed have gun control and therefore has become the garden of eden the gun grabbers always assure us a gun free places will become. If only all the citizens are disarmed and defenseless.


There are a couple of good Tucker Carlson clips as he interviews a couple of South Africans talking about what is going on. And the first part is talking about Zimbabwe and what happened to their country after they took all the land from the white farmers. Here’s a hint, economy collapsed and famine. That was such a winning strategy that Julius Malema has decided to repeat it..

So what’s changed that I’m writing again? Well, in a way, not much and in a way a lot. As Rita pointed out the response to the video of Malema and a stadium FULL of people chanting “Kill the Boer, shoot white farmer” from the bat guano crazy left has been to DEFEND the calls for genocide. Now the NY Slimes has a long proud history of downplaying genocide.

How the NYT Missed the Story of the Holocaust While It Was Happening


And yet, at the end of the war and for decades afterward, Americans claimed they did not know about the Holocaust as it was happening. How was it possible for so much information to be available in the mass media and yet simultaneously for the public to be ignorant?

The reason is that the American media in general and the New York Times in particular never treated the Holocaust as an important news story. From the start of the war in Europe to its end nearly six years later, the story of the Holocaust made the Times front page only 26 times out of 24,000 front-page stories, and most of those stories referred to the victims as “refugees” or “persecuted minorities.” In only six of those stories were Jews identified on page one as the primary victims.

Nor did the story lead the paper, appearing in the right-hand column reserved for the day’s most important news – not even when the concentration camps were liberated at the end of the war. In addition, the Times intermittently and timidly editorialized about the extermination of the Jews, and the paper rarely highlighted it in either the Week in Review or the magazine section.


So it should be no great shock the Slimes is again downplaying a genocide. And just as Germany would have said there was no genocide going on, the genocidal government of South Africa denies it as well. Except it is.


Farm murders are happening

In the past did the left have enough soul, morals and ethics they would have condemned genocide? I think perhaps they would have, even if you had to go a ways back to find that time. But not now, now their response is we misunderstood the song. No, no, there’s not much misunderstanding Kill the Boer, Kill the farmer. That’s pretty self explanatory and since that’s exactly what’s happening I’d say both the white farmers and the murderous regime are taking him at his word. Someone recently posted to Twitter/X that this is how a farmer is South Africa has a BBQ. This makes me sooo sad, and I don’t even eat meat. But just a simple pleasure like this is fraught with peril.

Necessary elements of a BBQ for a South African farmer

I recently posted something to an Israeli political party group I belong to expressing sympathy for the white South Africans. I understand very well the love of your land, and many of those farmers are on land that’s been farmed by their family for a few hundred years. How can they sell their land and get out? Who would buy it? I guess a black would be entitled to just take it if it was for sale, and what white in their right mind would buy it, no matter how good the land is? How do they get money to get their families out to start over somewhere better? Its possibly harder than living in Shomron or Judea. I got a very wise response. Since I didn’t ask permission to quote, I’ll give you the gist; It’s like the Jews of Europe in the 1930s. Those who could get out left everything but their lives behind. Those who stayed lost everything including their lives. He said he doubted there are any sympathetic safe harbors for the whites of South Africa. He advised them to learn Spanish and try to make it to Mexico. He was joking about that last bit, I think. Upon further reflection, he might be onto something…

Another thing that is different is we are heading for a famine, remember Michael Yon’s PanFaWar? Famine follows pandemic and is followed by war. This will be exacerbated by the greens trying to ruin agriculture, as in the Netherlands right now they are seizing farm land to turn it into housing for the poor immigrants. Not sure what the immigrants, or the Dutch either for that matter are going to eat. Zimbabwe no longer has food to export. India is limiting rice exports, and in America we are injecting our food animals with experimental substances. So. Seems like a stupid idea to me, but ideologues are seldom the brightest crayon in the box. Not sure where the South Africans think they’re going to get their food, and I truly hope no country will give them aid, but we know that’s not going to happen.

Which brings me to my next point. The Biden crime syndicate, Mayorkas (yeah, I don’t even care if I spelled it right or not) and border czar Harris have imported tons of them. How many? Who knows. But we now have tons of illegal invaders who come from a country where it’s government policy you can kill the white farmer, and steal his land, because it’s no longer stealing.

So, if you want to do a politically correct genocide, this seems to be the ticket in South Africa now, and the world’s media will defend you. That’s why after covid all their credibility should be gone. But it’s not. #FakeNews

And since tonight seems to be Twitter/X night, I’ll close with this poignant warning from a South African. In case the message doesn’t come through with the video clip I’m trying to share….

In 2018 #SouthAfrica confiscated 300,000 guns from White Farmers after Constitutional Court ruled owners to relinquish weapons.

A cross for every White Farmer killed in South Africa between 2018-2022.




When I was a kid, the idea of recycling became popular. Mind you our elders had been doing recycling for years. Taking parts from one piece of equipment and using it on another, re-purposing things for jobs that they were never intended, but they made it work. I’m blessed, I had grandparents and parents that were really good at it. They didn’t lecture, they just did it and we learned. In the 70s it became trendy though. Now I’m not in favor of littering or anything else like that, I think recycling is great. My point is that we were doing it long before the government saved us by making it trendy or mandatory.

Some things are great for recycling, soda bottles, hand me down clothes, car parts, old wheelbarrows for flower gardens or strawberries. The limit is creativity. Some things however stunk the first time around, and yet are being recycled. Politicians for example.

Claire McCaskill- Air-Claire ran as a moderate for the Senate from Missouri. Complete with June Cleaver pearl necklace and sweater set she convinced ill informed Missourians she was a moderate. She and the hoplophobic Robin Carnahan tried to hold a rally at a gun shop to convince people they weren’t anti gun. Had people read Missouri Weapons and Self-Defense Law by Kevin Jamison, they would have known when a prosecutor lies openly and says any 12 year old can walk into a gun shop and buy and Uzi she is not honest, and not on your side. Happily some Second Amendment people tipped off the gun shop, who should have known better, and the even was canceled.

Even back then the MSM aka #FakeNews was so biased she was never challenged on it. Well, Air-Claire (all sorts of good articles to choose from there) wants to be relevant again. But to be relevant in today’s Democrat-Socialist party, you have to be for tyranny and against the American people. Claire wants to prove she can fit right in.

Ex-Senator Claire McCaskill says Capitol riots were worse than Benghazi

If you needed a reminder why the citizens of Missouri refused to re-elect the incompetent, intellectually limited Clair McCaskill, she provided it today. Here’s the headline from the NY Post:…

I had to double-check that this was not a new piece of satire from the Babylon Bee. Nope. I looked at my calendar fearing it was April 1st and this was a lame attempt at macabre humor. Double no.

Here’s what she said:“Joe I have one word: Benghazi. Benghazi had in the House alone six investigations,” the Missouri Democrat told MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. “If you compare and contrast, I don’t want to minimize the loss of life in Benghazi or the problems around the security of those locations, but lets compare and contrast those two events and which is more foundation shaking to our democracy.”

But not content to let it go with one episode of lunacy, Former Sen. Claire McCaskill Says She’s Going To Start A New Family Tradition Of Watching The Capitol Riots Every July 4th And I Think She Has Definitely Gone A Little Crazy

Nope, it’s not the Babylon Bee, The Onion or any other satire blog. It’s not even me being snarky.

Most families have their own holiday traditions on 4th of July. Normally, they involve fireworks, cookouts, swimming pools, and maybe watching a movie like Independence Day, The Patriot, or Jaws.

But the McCaskill family is apparently about to start a new and disturbing tradition.

Just listen to the former senator tell MSNBC what her family has planned for this Independence Day:

“We’re going to start a new family tradition in my family; on the Fourth of July and every Fourth of July going forward, we’re going to watch that New York Times put together of January 6th.”

So, Air-Claire finds watching a bunch of antifa dress up like normal Americans create havoc and then change back into their antifa black cool? Meanwhile normal Americans are just walking around in the Capitol or in the Capitol but destroying or burning nothing and then have their lives ruined something enjoyable? Apparently that’s the mindset needed to be in the “in crowd” in the Democrat-Socialist party today.

Even a small group of Republicans trying to find out what is happening to these prisoners was disrupted by leftist operatives. No free speech for sure.

Recycle fail.

Kathleen Sebelius- was the HHS secretary during the disastrous rollout of the disastrous obamacare website. I’m not sure why anyone thought it would work anyway. It was done as a no-bid contract with a buddy of Moochelle Obama’s.

The Failed Launch Of www.HealthCare.gov

“I’m going to try and download every movie ever made, and you’re going to try to sign up for Obamacare, and we’ll see which happens first” – Jon Stewart challenging Kathleen Sebelius (former Secretary of Health and Human Services) to a race.

So having proven how adept she is at forcing Americans into something they don’t want, she longs to stretch her little tyrant wings again.

Former HHS Sec. Sebelius Compares Being Unvaccinated To Drunk Driving, Second-Hand Smoke

….I think that it’s time to say to those folks, it’s fine. If you don’t choose to get vaccinated, you may not come to work. You may not have access to a situation where you’re going to put my grandchildren in jeopardy where you might kill them or you might put them in a situation where they’re going to carry the virus to someone in a high risk position.

That’s, I think, the point where we are is freedom is one thing, but freedom when you harm others like secondhand smoke and issues that we’ve dealt with very clearly in the past, you can’t drive drunk. You can drink but you can’t drive drunk because you can injure other people. You can’t smoke inside of a public place where you can give cancer to someone else in spite of their never having been a smoker.

So I think we’re reaching that point in the United States for those of us who are vaccinated. I want to take off my mask. I want to be able to live my life with vaccination. And I’m being impinged on by people who say, I don’t want to get vaccinated. It’s fine, but I want them to maybe have a limitation on where they can go and who they can possibly infect.

But Kathleen! You favor abortion, what happened to “My body, my choice”?? Typical Democrat-Socialist hypocrisy.

Recycle fail.

Critical Race Theory-While it’s new to American school children who’s horrified parents are finding out the reason Johnny can’t do math and Janie can’t read is because rather than useful skills that will equip them to live lives as productive American citizens they are instead being taught your skin color determines everything and you should hate people of different colors. The reason of course is different depending on your skin color. Racist much? I’m happy to see parents of all colors and ethnic backgrounds are standing up to the race-baiting tyrants on school boards trying to shove this down the throats of children along with the gender identity agenda. But if you want to see the endgame of CRT, look to South Africa. I’ve written about the on-going genocide in South Africa before. It’s not better, it’s worse, made worse by the Wuhan Flu lockdowns that only kept the flu around longer. Now they face looting in which the police take part, think New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, and racial attacks on the white farmers. Farm land has been taken away from the white farmers and given to people who know nothing about farming, and aren’t farming it. So rather than having enough food to export, they don’t even have enough for themselves and there is no reason to think it will get better.

South Africa: 72 Dead – Baby Thrown from Burning Mall as Food and Gas Run Out

Opposition leaders questioned the government response, which had called up 70.000 soldiers to enforce COVID lockdowns, but only 2.500 largely ineffective troops to fight the largest insurrection in South Africa since the end of Apartheid 1994. Videos showed police letting looters escape or participating in looting themselves.

Because Covid…..you know. Wink wink, nod nod.

CHAOS AND MAYHEM IN SOUTH AFRICA: Indian Militias Fight Back Against Looters and Rioters in Durban

If you want a good insight into where it leads, Lauren Southern did a good interview with a South African gun rights activist.

But no worries, South Africa has gun Control.

The African National Congress is urging towards a politically motivated disarmament programme. Tightening up on Gun Control Legislation, law-abiding citizens are fearing their inability to protect themselves against the alarming crime rates in South Africa. Rape is a reality. Killing has become a causality. And our means of self-protection is slowly but surely, becoming prohibited…

It probably won’t come as a surprise that Chabad is stepping up and helping.

Recycle fail.

Socialism>Communism- Socialism which becomes Communism because people figure out living under socialism sucks regardless of what AOC, her college professor, anyone’s college professor, the MSM aka #FakeNews any gullible soul still trusting the #FakeNews says, it sucks. Eventually after it’s too late, people find out. When they try to rebel they catch a baseball bat upside the head. Or are just shot. Cubans were disarmed after the communists came to power.

The Lesson of Cuba: A Disarmed Populace Fights for its Freedom Well worth reading.

These freedoms were lost for one reason and one reason only: A DISARMED POPULACE ISN’T FREE. THEY ARE SLAVES TO THE STATE.

And if anyone had any doubts about BLM and what they really are, that time should be over. BLM came out in support of the Cuban dictator killing their citizens.

BLM comes out in support of the Cuban communist regime—’condemns the US’

Black Lives Matter (BLM) issued a statement condemning the US federal government, not Cuba’s communist regime, over its “inhumane treatment” of the Cuban people. Pro-freedom demonstrations have been ongoing on the island nation since Sunday.

The official Black Lives Matter account has posted a statement reaffirming its support of Cuba’s communist regime just as mass anti-government protests are breaking out in the island. BLM also again expressed gratitude for Cuba giving asylum to convicted murderer Assata Shakur

Well, of course they do! They told people they were trained Marxists.

BLM urged the Biden administration to lift the economic sanctions against the tiny island nation of 11 million residents, claiming that these trade concerns were causing unrest.

“Since 1962,” they write, “the United States has forced pain and suffering on the people of Cuba by cutting off food, medicine and supplies, costing… [them] an estimated $130 billion.”

These people are not the brightest crayons in the box, or they think everyone is as gullible as AOC. We aren’t.

Countries where socialism/communism are in place are not known for their healthy vibrant happy middle class. Because there isn’t one. And now they want to try those failed ideas in America by enacting a communist coup.

They are known for their abuse and unjust confinement of citizens who are then tortured. Just like the people who have been locked up since January 6th. Heavily armed men showed up at their homes, families were forced outside at gunpoint in night clothes in 45 degree weather for hours. People that were only walking around the capitol, or in the capitol. None of them have been accused of anything of the magnitude of BLM or antifa. They are being kept in solitary confinement, beaten (so far I hear one has lost an eye) tortured, one hour of turn out a day, no bail, and trials not until next year. Does anyone think President Trump would have allowed any American citizen, regardless of their political affiliation to be treated like this? I don’t. Yet the MSM aka #FakeNews and the rabid left, but I repeat myself, babbled on and on about how President Trump was a fascist. Idiots. There is a Telegram group where Professor David Clements highlights one a day. Most have lost their jobs and businesses as well leaving their families in an awful state.

I’ve heard of the pattern before, in the past. It sounds a bit families to me anyway.

Recycle fail.

Anti-Semitism. I’m not exactly sure why someone thought that sending me a link to a rabidly anti-Semitic website was a good idea. I’m kind of offended, it doesn’t even have any new or creative anti-Semitic lies, just the same old tired ones. Der Sturmer recycles. Actually I think some of them may have come from Der Sturmer. I saw copies of it when I was at Yad Vashem. I’m not giving you the link. Nope, no traffic from me. But you would think that an inquiring mind might be a bit curious about someone who is purporting that we sacrifice children and drink their blood. Yes, we eat meat (ok, I don’t but that has nothing to do with this) but do Jews eat a rare steak?

Is a Medium-Rare Steak Kosher?

Would it be kosher to eat a steak that is cooked medium-rare? I ask because it seems that there is still blood that comes out of the meat when cooked like this. Should steak be “well done”?


The laws of kashrut require the extraction and drainage of all blood from beef or fowl within 72 hours of slaughtering. This is accomplished through a unique soaking and salting process—or, in some instances, through broiling.

The reddish liquid that remains inside the meat after this procedure is not halachically considered blood; it is the meat’s “juice,” and is 100% kosher.

Today, kosher meat is sold with the blood already removed. Therefore, if dining in a kosher restaurant, or if you bought your meat at a reliable kosher butcher, you can confidently eat your medium-rare steak.

What Part of Beef Is Kosher? Nope, not even all of a Kosher animal is Kosher.

So if we don’t even eat a rare steak because of the blood, why on earth would you think we are killing and draining a young woman for a sacrifice?

Then there is the tired old blood of non-Jewish children in Matzah. Guess what?! For reasons we won’t go into, I still have my box that my Pesach Matzah came in! It is Kosher and from Israel. Double threat what hey! So good news, let’s take a look shall we?

Actual box of Kosher for Pesach Matzah! From actual Israel!
Ingredients in box of Kosher for Pesach matzah 2021

Blood? Nope, no blood. And it’s Kosher and everything!

Of course there is the obligatory Jews going to rule the world tripe. But honestly, my favorite answer to this is one my fellow writer Y.B. gave a few years ago.

But it would take wayyyy too long to run a check on the a$$bat that wrote the web site. It took about 5 seconds to find out the guy is such a raving moonbat that even though he completed law school he was denied a license to practice law because he was so flipping unhinged. Yeah, boy howdy that’s who I’m going to take as a solid source about my faith. What a load of cow shiff. But I guess if you tend to believe like the AOC, Tliar, and Omar crowd, your beliefs fit right in with theirs. So, I guess I would wonder if they have typically found their opinions to agree with them? Have they honestly found them to be truthful? Or do you just hate Jews.

This is not a new pattern, Julius Streicher used it to great effect, and now today’s Democrat-Socialists are using it. Shutting down the free speech (of one side), government spying (of one side) unjust imprisonment (of one side) abuse and torture while in captivity (of one side). The Der Sturmer media is reprising it’s role as well with it’s constant vilification of conservatives, and covering up for Xiden on the other hand. Initially the German people wanted nothing to do with hitler’s anti-Semitic lunacy, but the constant dripping of it from their free government volks radios, and the Shiff that was published in Der Sturmer and the people began to change. The disarmament of the populace (of one side)

A repeat of a pattern that never needs to be repeated. But, I take comfort in knowing Streicher was hanged. He facilitated the loss of many Jewish, lives with his lies. Many from other ethnic groups were killed as well, but Streicher didn’t target them.

The Ten Stages of Genocide

Recycle fail.

But what I wish we could recycle? The brilliance of Jackie Mason, The Ultimate Jew. Brad Alpert Z”L, may his memory be for a blessing, urged me to listen to some Jackie Mason YouTubes. Fabulous! We lost Jackie Mason Z”L this weekend. A huge loss. So I will leave you with this Jackie Mason clip on gun control. Warning, there are some naughty words in it…..just FYI.

Recycle score? Another Jackie Mason would be a winner!



I was cruising the usual gun bloggers for newsletter fodder last week and came across this.

“Expropriation Without Compensation” is Theft
There is no voice of reason. One guy is worried it will stop foreign investment. (Really? Just because you steal things that have been in another’s possession for generations, you think people might be turned off by that?)

When I saw the post title, and knowing that a big expropriation is coming, I initially assumed this was the bump-fire stock ban, in which a minimum of hundreds of thousands of people will theoretically lose anywhere from 280,000 to 520,000 pieces of property to corrupt government acts.

But no.

South Africa is just about set to steal land from white farmers because whites are not allowed in SA anymore. (Almost) South Africa white farmers crisis: This IMPORTANT date could change South Africa FOREVER.

The date in question for South Africa is March 31, 2019, which might add to the confusion, since our ban was formally published in the Federal Register on December 26, 2018. 90 days after that (when the ban proper goes into effect) is March 26, 2019.

Pretty close coincidence. And yes, I do equate the South African and American government thefts. Both establish precedents that the government can take whatever it wants, whenever it wants, and doesn’t even have to make a token payment. In South Africa, it’s farms. In America, it’s toys.

For now. It’s a precedent. What might our benevolent government decide we don’t need next? Yes, a semiauto ban could be on the horizon. But why limit the precedent to firearms?

Anyone remember a guy named Gore, who planned to outlaw internal combustion? Take a look at the Green New Deal being pushed by incoming Democrats.

I will admit that the SA and American thefts differ in a key aspect. The South Africans formally (if rather corruptly) amended their constitution to make their theft “legal.”

In America, the ATF simply (and rather corruptly) wrote a new rule. No amendment, legislation, or rational rationale required. Just language games.

How crazy is it that the South Africans stealing land are paying more lip service to law than the United States?

Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Kinda cool.


Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with truck repairs and recurring bills. And the rabbits need feed. Truck insurance, lest I be forced to sell it. Click here to donate via PayPal.
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Move Along, Nothing To See Here, Nope, No Genocide Whatsoever


Let’s have a little look at history, shall we? First up Zimbabwe. At one time known as the Jewel of Africa for it’s prosperity. It is now known as yet another country that depends on aide to survive. When the country declared independence from Britain in 1965 the country changed from Southern Rhodesia to Rhodesia. Mugabe became Prime Minister in February of 1980, and opposition erupted.

A) The Fifth Brigade, a North Korean-trained elite unit that reported directly to the Zimbabwean Prime Minister,entered Matabeleland and massacred thousands of civilians accused of supporting “dissidents”.

Estimates for the number of deaths during the five-year Gukurahundi campaign ranged from 3,750 to 80,000. Thousands of others were tortured in military internment camps. The campaign officially ended in 1987 after Nkomo and Mugabe reached a unity agreement that merged their respective parties, creating the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU–PF).


Well, off to quite a start for a new “democratic” government with a policy of enfranchisement. So they doubled down.

Land redistribution re-emerged as the main issue for the ZANU-PF government around 1997. Despite the existence of a “willing-buyer-willing-seller” land reform programme since the 1980s, the minority white Zimbabwean population of around 0.6% continued to hold 70% of the country’s most fertile agricultural land.

B) In 2000, the government pressed ahead with its Fast Track Land Reform programme, a policy involving compulsory land acquisition aimed at redistributing land from the minority white population to the majority black population. Confiscations of white farmland, continuous droughts, and a serious drop in external finance and other supports led to a sharp decline in agricultural exports, which were traditionally the country’s leading export-producing sector. Some 58,000 independent black farmers have since experienced limited success in reviving the gutted cash crop sectors through efforts on a smaller scale.

President Mugabe and the ZANU-PF party leadership found themselves beset by a wide range of international sanctions.In 2002, the nation was suspended from the Commonwealth of Nations due to the reckless farm seizures and blatant election tampering.The following year, Zimbabwean officials voluntarily terminated its Commonwealth membership.

And how did that turn out? Did it bring prosperity and peace to the country at long last? Um, not so much.

In a 2016 column Robin Mitchinson gives quite a different story. Let’s start with A)

Not that Mugabe will shed tears for Matabeleland any more than he did in the 1980s when he unleashed the notorious 5th Brigade in a genocidal campaign against them. It is thought that these North Korean-trained butchers murdered at least 20,000 Matabele in their so-called ‘gukurahundi’ (the rain that washes away the chaff).

These were not the so-called ‘dissidents’ opposing Mugabe’s one-party monstrosity. They were for the most part ordinary villagers scratching a living in the bundu.

The 5th Brigade gained an horrific reputation for committing atrocities — slashing open the wombs of young pregnant girls, forcing villagers to dig their own graves and then shooting them in them; a mother was forced to eat her own child.

A favourite torment especially for village headmen was to wrap them in plastic bags and set fire to them. I met one such who had survived; he was horribly disfigured with the black pigment burned away from his skin.

Moving on to B)

This time it’s Zimbabwe, so before reaching for the cheque-book, it is wise to reflect on why these people are starving. Mugabe says it is because of drought.

It is not. It is entirely self-inflicted. Zimbabwe has had famine conditions in 2001 (the year farm seizures began), 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008. 2014, 2015 and now! Some drought!

Prior to the seizure of white-owned farms from 2001, Zimbabwe produced 3 million tons of maize (at least those farmers did), almost exactly twice its own needs. This year it is expected to be 600,000 tons, only a third of the quantity needed to feed itself. Zimbabwe has gone from being the breadbasket of Southern Africa to its basket case. Only about 100 white farmers remain from the original 5,000.

And it is not as if the seized land is being farmed. The stated intention was to redistribute the land to former terrorists. Instead, much of it was allocated to Mugabe’s cronies and has lain fallow ever since.

As well as maize, these farmers produced beef of the highest quality, especially from pedigree Herefords. Now it is all gone. The breeding animals have all been slaughtered for nyama (meat) despite their otherwise high value as pedigree breeding stock.

The entire livestock industry has been vandalised. The population of Matabeleland has fallen drastically through malnutrition, Aids, and emigration.

The title of the article? Zimbabwe’s socialist famine. And yet, the ignorant keep reaching for socialism.

How has it affected the lives of those who should have benefited from these socialist policies? ‘Zimbabwe never had food shortages before. Mugabe has caused this famine’ The whole article has a lot more detail on how their lives are going.

When Mafu arrived in Makokoba, Bulawayo was still a prosperous city dominated by the white-owned businesses and farms that made Zimbabwe one of Africa’s richest regions. Two years ago, as President Mugabe’s land grab destroyed the economy, Mafu lost his job as a cleaner.

“When the Europeans were here, we could cope,” he said. “I had money to buy food and a clinic handed out free drugs. Now we have no jobs, no income, inflation is 1,000 per cent and when we go to hospital they ask us for money. If we have none, we are turned away.”

So what made this so much easier to accomplish? Zimbabwe — Gun Facts, Figures and the Law

So it’s not like this has never happened, and did anything much happen? Nope, just aide money. Did the UN send peacekeepers? Monitors? Anything?

South Africa

So, the current situation in South Africa. Boer is the Dutch and Afrikaans noun for “farmer”. And being a Boer, farmer is South Africa is now the most dangerous profession in the world. Yes, move over Deadliest Catch.

There have been dozens of recorded farm murders so far in 2017, an average of one farm attack per day, according to South African media reports.

White South African farmers are between two and three times more likely to be murdered than even South African police officers.

They are also more likely to be killed than U.S. troops serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.


The international average murder rate is 7 per 100,000, he noted. “In the case of mainly white farmers in South Africa, the figure is a staggering 133 per 100,000,”


The brutality of these attacks is truly horrifying. People are beaten to death, tortured with blow torches, electric drills, dragged behind vehicles, stabbed, raped and the list goes on. But it doesn’t stop with people, from Twitter.

In Magaliesberg, #SouthAfrica, these so called people killed a farmer’s stock yesterday by cutting pieces of flesh from the cattle while they are alive. I get that it is OK to hurt white farmers, but are liberals OK with the animal abuse too, just because the owner is white???

I wish I hadn’t clicked on “more”. It was a picture. I really wish I hadn’t. That of course, is far from the only incident. Torturing and killing animals and the farm families is seen as a way to “nudge” them off the land.

And why would people think they can get away with such heinous crimes? Well, how about because their government is calling for them. From a 2017 article:

“Bury them alive.” ~~Minister of Higher Education Mduduzi Manana

“Shoot the Farmer, Kill the Boer” is a song, sung by both Julius Malema, then President of the African National Congress Youth League and then South African President, Jacob Zuma.

“People of South Africa, where you see a beautiful land, take it, it belongs to you,”~~ Julius Malema

“We are not calling for the slaughter of white people‚ at least for now,”~~ Julius Malema

The goal is to drive the farmers off the land, and give it to those the African National Congress decides they want to have it. This is very much communism, and they make no bones about it. The result is you have horrific murders taking place probably daily but the South African Police stopped releasing data on the race of the crime victims in 2007. They also quit caring about the murdered farmers. Showing up at a murder scene was five police cars who thought the farmer had shot intruders. When they found out the intruders had murdered the white farmer, they turned around and left. In fact crimes against the farmers including the murders of the farmers are rarely solved.

In 2014 AfriForum released a report on Farm Tortures in South Africa. It has done nothing but get worse.

But with all the misplaced confidence of a communist, Jacob Zuma blathered

Speaking in Parliament in early March, Zuma called for “black parties” to unite to change the Constitution so that white-owned farms could be taken without compensation to be redistributed.

“We need to take bold steps that will transform our economy, including land ownership, very fast,” Zuma said.

“We are busy amending [laws] to enable faster land reform, including land expropriation without compensation as provided for in the constitution,” he added.

He has all the smarts of a community organizer. Yeah, they’re going to fundamentally transform South Africa. And since the communists in charge have no knowledge of farming they don’t know that you don’t just kill people off, shove them off or steal their land and replace them with people that know nothing about farming and still get food. According to Ilanna Mercer 70% of the land seized by the African National Congress is lying fallow. She also has an excellent column on the tactics being used by state sponsored killers.

Why do I say state sponsored? Because

New evidence that has emerged this year also suggests state sponsorship of the attacks, according to South African security sources.

In a series of security camera images captured by farmers in farm attacks and seen by WND, a group of black attackers carry advanced technological equipment such as cell-phone signal jammers, presumably to ensure that the farmers cannot call for help.

Because common criminals and burglars rarely have the means or the knowledge to purchase or operate such systems, some analysts speculated that rogue members of the South African military may have provided them.

Maybe the farmers should form groups for like mutual defense? Yeah,,,,,they did that.

Authorities also deliberately dismantled the “commando” self-defense units that once effectively provided security for rural areas.

Officials have also made it increasingly difficult for citizens to be armed for self-defense.

This year from a 7th June article

On June 7th the Constitutional Court in South Africa, overruled a lower court’s decision that parts of South Africa’s gun laws were unconstitutional. The ruling will force hundreds of thousands of gun owners who didn’t renew their permits to turn in their firearms. There’s no provision for appeal or legitimate reasons for delay, such as hospitalization or death.

Compensation is $37 for a pistol, $75 for a rifle, maximum.

Here is an interview with John Welch, President of South African Gun Owners Association.

Registration, confiscation, communist/socialist government leads to a really bad outcome for some segment of the population. A very old and seen too often story. Genocide Watch currently has the situation in South Africa at 6 out of a scale of 10. Genocide Watch.

Many of those in the corrupt government claim it’s a response to the land being “stolen” from the original inhabitants. Which is pretty much baloney. In the article on the Boers the history states Dutch immigrants first arrived to the practically uninhabited Western Cape of South Africa in 1652. But that’s how communism works, some work hard to build up the land, a business, their families and then someone who knows nothing, and has done nothing is allowed to take it. And in South Africa? It’s done with extreme brutality. Do they think companies are going to be willing to invest money in South Africa knowing that their assets could be seized at anytime by the equality minded communists? They are indeed on the same path as Zimbabwe and Venezuela. I for one, do not want to see American tax dollars going to bail them out. This is what they chose.

When America was accepting all the “refugees” from countries that could give us no information on who was coming in, we never looked at importing the hardworking Boers?







I don’t really watch TV stations like cnn or msnbc #FakeNews, I have a limit as to how much I will knowingly allow people to lie to me. Thirty seconds on either station goes over the mark. But in the effort to be pretty sure I did a quick search on their websites. The search terms are in the address bars. These atrocities are not being covered at the #MSM #FakeNews stations. Nor should they count on much help from the UN. The UN is very busy with what it considers real human rights problems. This has been going on, and yet, List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. Well, that certainly puts things in perspective doesn’t it?

cnn #FakeNews coverage







msnbc #FakeNews coverage? Nope.






Tucker Carlson of Fox News is covering it now.

And about the land seizures

And if nothing else will make the “woke” millennial understand the devastating effect of communism/socialism this frightening article from Babylon Bee undoubtedly will. Millennial Drops Support For Socialism After Learning How Hard It Is To Get Avocado Toast In Venezuela

Yes, it’s the Babylon Bee, yes, it’s parody. Except in South Africa, it won’t be.
