People using the große Lüge and Reichstag fires to demonize entire demographics innocent of crimes in order to suspend rights, to exert control.

The Third Reich? The Fourth, I’m afraid.


I’d put off writing this column because I feel so strongly about the subject. If that sounds paradoxical, all me to explain.

I am an impassioned writer. Sometimes, when I feel strongly about something — when I’m angry — that is reflected in my writing to an extent I think is inappropriate for The Zelman Partisans. I try to keep the material with extreme tone and language confined to my personal site.

This time — because I’m angry, and the topic — it is appropriate to TZP.


I generally avoid Twitter and Facebook, for reasons of my own, so I don’t know just when the victim-disarming gun people-controlling fascists of the anti-RKBA movement adopted the hashtag slogan. I noticed it, and expected it to fade away when someone clued in the idiots. Around the time of the Parkland shooting it became impossible to miss. And either no clued them in…

Or it was exactly the message they want.

Scumbags in the major leftist media want you to associate this hashtag slogan with “eliminating school massacres.” Their clueless dupes go along. (I’m looking at you, David and Emma.)

Let me tell you about Never Effing Again, you lying bastards. You “Never Again MSD,” puppets.

Let me tell you about six million men, women, and children deliberately disarmed, herded away to concentration camps, and murdered. Seventeen million total “undesirables.”

It’s called the Shoah. Maybe you’ve heard of it as the Holocaust.

Seventeen million people murdered. All within a few short years. Families broken. Families eliminated completely. Often their very bodies eliminated.

Human beings registered and tagged like cattle, and sent to slaughter houses.

Can you grasp that number? Did “Common Core” math prepare you for death on that scale?


More than all of America’s wartime casualties. Ever. Combined. More than all the civilians lost to what you like to call “gun violence.” In our entire history.


Because they were disarmed by the Nazis.

Right about now, I’m sure the folks doomed to repeat history are smugly proclaiming that to be a right-wing gun-clinger lie, that the Nazis didn’t disarm anyone because the gun control laws were passed by the Weimar Republic. That conveniently ignores the 1938 — Nazi — law that allowed the denial of permits and licenses for Jews and other “undesirables.”

It ignores the 1938 Regulations Against Jews’ Possession of Weapons implemented the day after Kristallnach.

Common Core History skipped Kristallmacht? That was when the socialist Nazi government shuttered Jewish news and information sources, then allowed mass rioting and violence against those undesirable Jews. (Try googling “never again”, then try a search engine without the gun control spin.)

(I see Twitter, Facebook, and the “news” media has the blackout well in hand.)

Perhaps we should look back a few more years. The Reichstag Fire comes to mind: Someone torched the German parliment building; “communists” were blamed, and it was used as an excuse to pass new laws to suspend human/civil rights. Modern day victim-disarming rat bastards see every new high profile shooting — especially the ones the government should have been able to prevent (see Sutherland Springs, Orlando, DC Navy Yards, Charleston, Parkland) — as their own personal Reichstag fire to justify rationalize disarming the millions of people who didn’t do it.

Just like good little Nazis, pointing their fingers at the JewsNRAgun owners. Working to “make people free” of fear of gun violence.

#NEVERAGAIN is not yours to use to distort reality. It certainly isn’t your to use to reaccomplish the Nazis’ evil; disarming the undesirables all over again.

Be honest: The hashtag slogan you really want, that truly represents your goals is


It isn’t going to work this time around, Latter Day National Socialists. Because we do understand “Never Again,” and you aren’t dealing with 6,000,000 disarmed men, women, and disposable children. There are tens of millions of us who have a sneaking suspicion of your intent should you ever manage to render people helpless, and we declined to be… rendered.

“We knew. We told ourselves we didn’t. But we knew.”

So do you. Now, at least. You have no excuse.

Added: No excuse at all.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and bills.



2 thoughts on “#NEVER AGAIN”

  1. Here the difference, when they tell us to report in, we won’t show up because we will be waiting to show up when they come to force us to go.

    Hopefully they the tyrants will find out soon enough (for their own well being) first hand that the cost that they will pay to take our rights away is a lot higher cost than what they can afford.

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